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Forum » Driftmoon translations

Driftmoon translations

Anne 11 years ago
We've received quite a few inquiries about translating Driftmoon the past years, so here's a new topic just about them. Feel free to ask any questions, share your wishes, plans, or what ever's on your mind.

We're planning on hopefully getting the chance to enable some easier tools for translating. Let's hope we get the chance to implement them! (Although in this case, Ville will have to be the one to implement the possibilities, because they'll certainly require some actual coding.)

Edited 11 years ago
Anne 11 years ago
All_Zebest asked us this question in another topic before I opened this new one:
All Zebest said:
I am starting the translation again. Where are the dialogs situated?

Like I said, we're planning on enabling some tools to make it easier to do the translations (and put them in the game), but currently here's how to get all dialogues in a given map pasted on a txt-file:

-Start Driftmoon, choose "Play Driftmoon", then open the editor
-Load the map you're thinking of (might be a good idea to start from the beginning of the adventure, so start with "village")
-From the top of the editor screen, choose "map settings" and click on "Copy all dialogues to clipboard"
-Alt-tab from the game (or close it) and paste the text into a txt file.
-IMPORTANT: Try not to change the formatting in the txt, and leave all the numbers in the beginning of the file as they are. I think that might be easier for you to paste the dialogues back into the game later on, when it becomes possible.
-Save your txt-file (and make sure you name it so, that it'll be easy later on to attach it to the right area in the game)

-And please DO NOT attempt putting the translations back in the game just yet! We'll have to do some coding first to enable the letters that aren't in the English alphabet. And when we do that, we might possibly at the same time also make a tool, that'll make the job easier for you.

Here's the most traditional order (and also the file names) of the different areas in the main adventure:
"village", "village_well", "village2", "village_cave", "tomb", "smithy", "smithy_cellar", "Vault", "Monastery", "monastery_crypt", "Music_cave", "Docks", ""Docks_tunnel", "submarine", "A1", "hermitcave", "bobbyisland", "crossroads", "cube", fortress, fortress2, fortress2_1, fortress2_5, fortress3.)

(Don't forget Bobby's main menu, which start the game. The file for that's called "menu".)

Edited 11 years ago
Satellight (guest) 11 years ago
Just checked this topic, that's wonderful ! I tested translating (in french) the "advice.dat" book, easy job with notepad+, but no chance for the dialogue (and I understand why now ^^). Obviously, I remarked that accented characters simply disappear. I will wait for a more definitive solution, since it's a loooong work to do ! Thank you for the update.
Anne 11 years ago
Satellight (guest) said:
Just checked this topic, that's wonderful ! I tested translating (in french) the "advice.dat" book, easy job with notepad+, but no chance for the dialogue (and I understand why now ^^). Obviously, I remarked that accented characters simply disappear. I will wait for a more definitive solution, since it's a loooong work to do ! Thank you for the update.

Hi Satellight! You know you should definitely contact All_Zebest, he's planning on making a French translation, and I'm sure it might be wise to join forces with him (trust me, there is a lot of text to translate in this game...)! I think you could find him at

OR better yet, if you create a username for our forum you could send him a private message. He should get a notification of it in his email inbox, and that way you could get in touch easily.

Edited 11 years ago
Satellight 11 years ago
Anne said:

Hi Satellight! You know you should definitely contact All_Zebest, he's planning on making a French translation, and I'm sure it might be wise to join forces with him (trust me, there is a lot of text to translate in this game...)! I think you could find him at

OR better yet, if you create a username for our forum you could send him a private message. He should get a notification of it in his email inbox, and that way you could get in touch easily.

Just registered ^^

Without further details, I'm physically injured ATM, and I must stay at home. But generally, I'm somewhat busy with my work, so doing a team work maybe won't fit with my stressful nature In fact, your game (I never heard of it before seeing it on GoG and purchasing it by curiosity) is somewhat a blessed gift to occupy these looooooong wasted hours...

Anyway, I'll try to contact All_Zebest, if he want me to translate some texts in particular.

Thank you for the information !
ville 11 years ago
It's great to see so much enthusiasm for the translation. I'd better do something about that soon, it's actually fairly difficult to enable unicode in the game, but I'm definitely going to see if I can get it done soon.
All Zebest 11 years ago
Thank you for your explanations and to have put us in contact. I am waiting for Satellight's answer, but I think we should wait for the tools you are making for us. As for me, I put the translation in standby.
Edited 11 years ago
Jonathan (guest) 11 years ago
To dig this topic out again: It would definitely be nice to have some tools for translation. Are there still problems when we have special characters? Also, I would prefer if the files were utf-8 encoded. By the way: Fortunately the used fonts are supporting all the required chars for me to translate the texts to German, which I would like to do.
ville 11 years ago
The current version doesn't support UTF-8, but I am working on porting the game to Unity, and this version will include the feature, and should support most languages, except ones with different reading direction. It will still need some extra coding to get actual translation support, so it won't likely happen right away.
banditbandit (guest) 11 years ago
I have played and finished this great game.
Congratulation for have making a so good game, you must be proud.
Now I wait for French translation and I hope you will release soon card and achievement on steam.
I will do it again, I hope! And may be the next time in French.

Just a point, I have tried to make screenshot with F12 (like other games on steam) but this function make save, could you swap this function key with another, so that we can make screenshot as usual?
Targus (guest) 10 years ago
> Satellight, où en es-tu de ta traduction ?
J'ai envie de me faire une traduction personnelle, donc sans les lettres accentuées, afin de pouvoir jouer à Driftmoon sans être constamment en train de traduire les textes.
All_zebest m'a dit que tu étais bien avancée dans tes traductions; j'ai commencé à traduire "", mais si tu as déjà traduit des "maps", peut-être pourrais-tu m'en faire profiter ?
Targus 10 years ago
I would like to translate into french (no accented letters) Driftmoon your game so you can play it with pleasure.
How to translate the names and texts of "random objects" on the maps ? OB2 files?
ville 10 years ago
Hello Targus!

The new version of the game that accepts unicode (accented letters and everything) is still in the works, but if you're eager to get started, feel free to.

You can find the random objects using the editor, just open up a new empty map and press import to find the objects you're looking for. They're under the random folder. Then you can edit an object's name, and finally press the export to save under the same object.
Targus 10 years ago
Thank you.

how to translate objects in red that can attack (archery target, spider web ...) ?
it's in the "change type" in "editor"
.. and the name on the minimaps ?

Edited 10 years ago
ville 10 years ago
The race names of the enemies are usually in the races.ini, you'll want to edit the "visibleName" field for the races so it doesn't mess up the internal naming, only the visual representation. Most unique monsters are named in the editor.
Targus 10 years ago
example, in editor:
Name: "blank"
Change Type: Archery Target

I had not dared to put a text in the "Name"
Now, Name : Cible de Tir à l'Arc
and that's OK !
and for the name of the minimaps ?
ville 10 years ago
Sounds just right! The minimap names are in a file called "mainmap.txt".
Targus 10 years ago
I don't have a file called "mainmap.txt" on my hard drive.
(mainmap.ini = name world map and not "minimaps")

Edited 10 years ago
ville 10 years ago
Sorry, got it wrong, that's indeed the main map.

The minimaps actually come from scripts, there are little objects without graphics scattered around the map, and they will have a script that stores a minimap location along with a name. At this point there's unfortunately nothing you can do but hunt them down in the map editor for each map. At least they are in the locations of the minimap markers in the game.
Targus 10 years ago
Merci !
I found for the name for the minimap location.
Forum » Driftmoon translations

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