All_Zebest asked us this question in another topic before I opened this new one:
All Zebest said: I am starting the translation again. Where are the dialogs situated? Like I said, we're planning on enabling some tools to make it easier to do the translations (and put them in the game), but currently here's how to get all dialogues in a given map pasted on a txt-file:
-Start Driftmoon, choose "Play Driftmoon", then open the editor -Load the map you're thinking of (might be a good idea to start from the beginning of the adventure, so start with "village") -From the top of the editor screen, choose "map settings" and click on "Copy all dialogues to clipboard" -Alt-tab from the game (or close it) and paste the text into a txt file. -IMPORTANT: Try not to change the formatting in the txt, and leave all the numbers in the beginning of the file as they are. I think that might be easier for you to paste the dialogues back into the game later on, when it becomes possible. -Save your txt-file (and make sure you name it so, that it'll be easy later on to attach it to the right area in the game)
-And please DO NOT attempt putting the translations back in the game just yet! We'll have to do some coding first to enable the letters that aren't in the English alphabet. And when we do that, we might possibly at the same time also make a tool, that'll make the job easier for you. 
Here's the most traditional order (and also the file names) of the different areas in the main adventure: "village", "village_well", "village2", "village_cave", "tomb", "smithy", "smithy_cellar", "Vault", "Monastery", "monastery_crypt", "Music_cave", "Docks", ""Docks_tunnel", "submarine", "A1", "hermitcave", "bobbyisland", "crossroads", "cube", fortress, fortress2, fortress2_1, fortress2_5, fortress3.)
(Don't forget Bobby's main menu, which start the game. The file for that's called "menu".)
Edited 11 years ago