Zombie said: Wow, though. That's some ridiculous thread necro. Dark Energon — works every time!
Zombie said: Beginnings of stories are a thing of my life, though. I write as a hobby. I'm back in college to finish my degree finally and I'm working full time. I don't know if I will continue this story but... I mean, please don't get your hopes up. I wrote this during a difficult time in my life and I often made characters that reflected bits of who I wish I was. I also haven't really ever finished a story. I have issues finishing things.
Well... Who knows. Maybe I'll catalogue all of this and take a pass through it and see what I can do. No promises though. Ah, that explains the absence; as much as I'd like to see you finish your work, I understand how important college is and wish you the best of luck in finishing your degree. (By the way, what is it? You said that you were interested in doing creative writing as a career the last time you were over in this corner of the web, but, for all I know, that's changed since then. Whatever your degree's in, though, I'm sure that you'll be very happy to get it.)
Zombie said: Oh, also... I'm a "she". Yeah…about that: earlier on in this thread, you said this…:
Zombie said: Hmm? Me? I'm transsexual... Biologically male but, yeah. I hate it. 
Think of it like... Well, think of it like the simplest way you can, really: I'm a girl trapped in a guy's body.
It saves a lot of confusion that way. Feel free to PM me with questions or AIM me or Gmail me or... or... MSN me... …so please excuse me for not knowing how far along you are in this journey of yours (congratulations if you've gotten all the way through, by the way!)
Zombie said: I love that some of you seem to remember me a bit, though. :3 Thanks!
Edited 9 years ago