I'm trying my hands on a new and more elaborate mod. I'm having some trouble setting up the controls and the point counter (pictures below).
Right now, this is what i have working : - The ball (in pink) "falls" downwards like if influenced by gravity and bounces nicely around the level. - When the ball touches the large black circle below the flippers, it's teleported in the spring launcher. - Using the spring launcher throws the ball inside the pinball as expected. - Kickers will push (explode) the ball away. I had to indent them so that the ball isn't pushed in random directions.
What needs some work : - Flippers are animated with a rotation but the animation doesn't take into account the physics so it has no effect on the ball (like if they don't move), they also animate when used by the player. I don't really know how make it work, maybe by using joints but i'll need some help figuring this out. - The Bumper (right below the ball in the first picture) is supposed to increase the score (money) count by 50 when hit but it doesn't show up in the inventory so i guess i messed up the script. - The white rectangle has a script showing up the score (amount of money) you have but i either mistyped the money variable or it doesn't exist in this fashion. I think I'll create a new one just for this.
What do you think about it ?
I was thinking of making some other minigames like a billiard table or pong.
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Edited 11 years ago