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  • Screenshot forging competition

    Idiota 18 years ago
    *cough* Black and White 2 is seriously halting progress. I still have a lot of time to finish it though, so watch out... xD It'll rock \M/ (-_-) \M/
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    I just hope so or I will have to kill you with a board with a nail in it
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I don't think killing me with a board with a nail on it would delay progress much further, actually . Tell me, how much did you pay lionhead studios to make the game this addicting for Idiota?
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I don't think killing me with a board with a nail on it would delay progress much further, actually . Tell me, how much did you pay lionhead studios to make the game this addicting for Idiota?
    enough to stop you
    Peter Molyneux doesn't like you so he made the game as good as that's ironic
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Ill just wait till the competition is over and then post my screenie.
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Ill just wait till the competition is over and then post my screenie.
    post it now please
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Its not even ready yet...
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Its not even ready yet...
    ahh lol I misunderstood you ^^'
    Casanova 18 years ago
    I'll assume the submission time is over, so who is the winner?
    ville 18 years ago
    Not ended yet, it's up until 31st.
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    Now that would be stupid if it were over now
    Go Crazy, Go Iditoa I'm counting on you both ;D
    Amarth 18 years ago
    As I wanted to say today, only a week left! Come on guys! Show what you can do!
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Hehe, I like how I am holding all of you up

    Right now, I've worked out a HUD, background, two mage ragdolls, some fire balls, An explosion that doesn't seem to have a use (if you can think of one, please tell me) and some ice effects. All that's left is some cool lighting to make the explosions look cool and a dark aura for an evil battlemage.

    I'm not making you curious, now am I?
    Crazy 18 years ago
    No, actually not. Sounds rather unoriginal, if you ask me...

    I plan to make how i FIRST imagined Cormoon to be. It was shoved off. And now quanarian is complaining about the lack of originality of the ideas. Well, thanks alot!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I missed a lot during the hurricane... So apparently there wont be in-game movie clips/slideshows? Everybody thinks mine is stupid...
    HarmlessHermit 18 years ago
    They say curiosity killed the cat. I say the cat killed Idiota out of sheer curiosity.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "HarmlessHermit" said:
    They say curiosity killed the cat. I say the cat killed Idiota out of sheer curiosity.

    As all the HL2 players know, curiosity wasn't what killed the cat.

    Dr. Kleiner's teleporter prototype did.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Dr. Kleiner's teleporter? Wait... don't say. I think i've seen a movie about that...
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Dr. Kleiner's teleporter? Wait... don't say. I think i've seen a movie about that...

    Someone made a movie about it?!?

    Note that I am referring to Half-Life2, not a movie.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Or something similair
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    cat died? Oo
    damn you spam you are the work of satan
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "NeoGangster" said:
    cat died? Oo
    damn you spam you are the work of satan

    Well, we have to have SOMETHING to occupy us with untill Idiota releases his masterpiece... [/OT]
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I am a genius! Just by delaying the release of the screenshot, I have created more of a fuss then any of your screenshots did! Muahahaha.

    Might I say that I haven't even started yet?*

    *This is, of course, a joke. I might have taken it a bit slow in the first month, but I think I can finish this thing in five minutes if I have to. I am just too busy with schoolprojects, a secret project and playing games...
    Amarth 18 years ago
    You'd better finish it in 5 minutes, then. You have only a couple of days left, and truly, if this is the way you see this competition, then why would we organize any more competitions?
    Crazy 18 years ago

    Im still wondering wether im going to use photoshop or Corel...
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I was just kidding Amarth. It took a lot of effort from my side, because I am not really a genius with GIMP. All the stuff I said was basically big talk . I am now placing finishing that dang thing in the last spot of my to-do list every time. Now I do have time, so now is the time to finish it. I had a pretty good idea last night and I'm going to strip all the ragdolls from the screenshot, reorganize them and add a new one. Then I'm going to add a genius add-on which will win me this competition. It has proven to be hard to make sure it didn't look like I stole ideas from previous submissions, which makes me think wether it would have been better to just spend three afternoons to make it. (not that I'd be able to. I can't focus on the same thing for too long without forcing myself)

    I'll edit this post once it's finished, so BE PATIENT!
    HarmlessHermit 18 years ago
    Laziness is the ultimate sin.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Scratch that, I had to spend the entire evening at my dull aunt. 1 AM now, so time for bed. It'll be the first thing I do in the morning (It's a sunday, we never do anything on a sunday)
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    You're not done? That's explanable. But 1AM!? It's barely 8:00! What time zone are you in?
    Idiota 18 years ago
    GMT +1 hour of course. Western europe, call it what you want. Time is now 2AM , just by checking the forums.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    GMT-5 in Miami, FL here. And I can't wait for your pic! I bet once you figure out I have a mod, you won't be able to wait for the alpha, either! Tee-hee!

    I'm not advertising my PC-land mod. I'm simply... well, advertising.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    OTOH, Idiota, you had one hour on surplus this night . Three cheers for daylight saving times.

    So, come on, we're waiting...

    And, of course, anyone else can send in some things... The more competition, the better.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    one hour? finally, i can start creating tomorrow...
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    one hour? finally, i can start creating tomorrow...
    tomorrow is the last day
    I just hope you get something done
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I had a minor set back. I created a magnificent fireball graphic and saved it properly. Unfortunatly, I decided to wait with the pasting in the screenshot. I used the still open fireball graphic to make a shield next, copied it to the actual screenshot and saved it. It all happened so quickly, I had no idea what happened until I wanted to paste it in. That fireball seriously took me an hour to make (adding colors, different patterns, lighting, shapes, making several sections transparent and finally, smudging it all to make it look neat. It did look neat .

    I'll be going with some sort of Flamethrower type spell now, to ease things up a bit. Progress is looking good, nearly finished (yes, I decided to add a couple of things more, like a werewolve (still to be done) and a mage duel instead of merely having a mage slain by a gladiator). I only have to add a red moon (a huge pain in the *** to make, really. I don't want to just take a red moon from the web, so I decided to edit our real moon and a werewolve (I try am unable to make THAT for myself, as I found out. I will solve the problem by googling a good pic and perhaps editing a bit, I hope you don't mind too much.

    Wish me luck
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