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  • Screenshot forging competition

    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Or, if you have an excellent nVidia (I recommend GeForce 5200) you can take screenies of the nVidia Werewolf. Just go to the nVidia website and then click on Cool Stuff > Downloads > nVidia > Wolfman. Then wait for it to download, then run it, and if you listened and have an nVidia, you'll fall out of your chair.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Hmm. Perhaps I want to add a little too much last-minute stuff... I found a reasonable werewolf, but it has a back ground and removing that background is proving to be a real pain in the ass. Also, the red moon is not doing what I want it to. It looks more like a red ball than a moon .
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Hmm. Perhaps I want to add a little too much last-minute stuff... I found a reasonable werewolf, but it has a back ground and removing that background is proving to be a real pain in the ass. Also, the red moon is not doing what I want it to. It looks more like a red ball than a moon .

    Add a bit of shading so it's no longer a full moon. Also an excuse for ditching the werewolf, which seems to be a pain in thine royal arse. Werewolves are highly...what'sthefriggin'word...doesn't really matter.

    Just get it finished by the time I get home (around 2-3pm GMT).
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    the last hours for you guys ;D
    Idiota 18 years ago
    "NeoGangster" said:
    the last hours for you guys ;D

    Indeed. Got the whole noon+afternoon to work on it though . And there are no werewolves without a full moon Grimsy, eveyone knows that!

    Edit: Although the moon was pure evil, I finished it and it looks good. Now on to the last pure evil thing: The werwolf. Adding the Flamethrower won't cause much of a problem. I'm good with flames

    Edit2: Here it is! Behold! Enjoy! I am proud of it! Vote for me, and I'll give you cookies!

    Grim Reaper 18 years ago

    Funny to see the word "pwn" in that, though...

    Ville's response to my question was also nice.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    That was my little add-in, . God am I glad I finally finished it.
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    nice Itioda
    even though I like mine more ^^
    now we just wait for crazy ^^
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Just you wait! We'll see who wins!
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Just you wait! We'll see who wins!

    btw who will judge this competition? Amarth only?
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Perhaps we'd have different awards. Ville and Quanrian could be the judges of the 'close to the real thing' competition, while anyone could be the judge of the quality, idea, etc. competition.
    ville 18 years ago
    I say we do a vote for the best one, since there is no shot that's very close to what the real thing will look like.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago



    I know many more things about the picture that even you problably know:

    1) Thats the nVidia Werewolf!
    2) You used something equivalent to the simplicity and unalmightyness of GIMP
    3) You're a vary good artist... in a sense
    4) You have a relatively large 4:3 monitor which is at least 1024x768
    5) My mod has a bug but has been released as an early alpha anyways. PC Land is going to rock!
    In case you people havent noticed, I started modding again, and I released an early alpha already. Also, I am advertising my mod.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I think I can say that I can use GIMP. I have yet to find out what the hell creating paths are for, other than drawing lines over them though . And Ville, I don't think you can say that just yet, since you don't have too much content anyway (just kidding. I don't have a clue what you guys are scheming right now)
    Crazy 18 years ago
    mmmkay, i spent the entire afternoon playing ET with a couple of friends. Lemme just install Photoshop. I just have to find the CD. It must be laying around here somewhere... (how many people can say they have a photoshop CD lying around here somewhere?!)

    [EDIT] mmmkay... well its not going EXACTLY like i'd like it to, so don't laugh when i release it [/EDIT]

    [EDIT] Bah... i set the resolution too low, id say i need 3 times as many pixels. So that one's screwed. But i have my dimensions set now, next version oughta be a bit quicker. I'll make it tomorrrow. But wait. Your waiting for me to finish? Don't! I missed the deadline! [/EDIT]
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    mmmkay, i spent the entire afternoon playing ET with a couple of friends. Lemme just install Photoshop. I just have to find the CD. It must be laying around here somewhere... (how many people can say they have a photoshop CD lying around here somewhere?!)

    [EDIT] mmmkay... well its not going EXACTLY like i'd like it to, so don't laugh when i release it [/EDIT]

    [EDIT] Bah... i set the resolution too low, id say i need 3 times as many pixels. So that one's screwed. But i have my dimensions set now, next version oughta be a bit quicker. I'll make it tomorrrow. But wait. Your waiting for me to finish? Don't! I missed the deadline! [/EDIT]
    why why why..nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    ok I overeacted.... ^^
    Daz_T 18 years ago
    I wish someone used my Bunnykiller Avatar.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I say we do a vote for the best one, since there is no shot that's very close to what the real thing will look like.

    Not even your own?
    ville 18 years ago
    Certainly not.

    So, Amarth will arrange the poll?
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Well, sorry Crazy . You had two months, don't complain. (Yeah, I know about the law that says that the amount of work done is inversely proportional to the time until the deadline, but still )

    So, the votes are open. Poll runs for two weeks. I hope I didn't forget someone, otherwise, complain .
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I'm taking the lead! (I voted on myself, of course )
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I took a look at mine again, and I seem to have screwed up really bad. I couldnt vote for Idiota because I think the nVidia Werewolf is kinda, you know, copyrighted, and is missing some crucial features present in Neogangster's pic. However, his pic was sloppy and I found a third with even more details which I voted for: Casanova. Besides, the pic suits my taste.

    I know you're mad, Idiota, but... what are you doing with that tank?
    Oh... That... Who cares, I'll live. I only got shot in the stomach with a supersonic cannonball...
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I care for this competition, yet I don't blame people for not voting on me lol. And I am perfectly aware that that Werewolf isn't mine. I'm not making a profit our of it or publishing it so I guess it's ok. That werewolf would have gotten there anyway, you don't have to look at the werewolf specifically to like the picture. Look at the moon instead, I like how it turned out. It took me long enough as well.

    As a last note, I would like to say that this pictures should not be judgind by the look. Just by copy pasting and combining sprites shouldn't win you the competition. That Werewolf wasn't copy pasting work, it took me at least an our to perfectly remove the background, since I had to do it manually, with an Eraser.

    Edit: I decided it'd be fun to post the raw form of what I was originally planning:

    As you can see, it lacks background and is made with paint. IT's just a scetch of how it looked like in the start
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I didnt look specifically at the werewolf, and besides, I admitted mines was crap. I dont have an early pic of mine as I could do that kind of stuff in minutes, hours maybe if it was detailed.

    I can see how you slowly morphed the space under the cliff into the hole in the ground, the cliff into mountains, the guy casting the spell into the guy casting a different spell, and the guy who turned into the mage with the forcefield... and of course the swordie dude and the werewolf.

    My mod has gone Alpha2!

    I voted on how close the pictures are to what an actual game would have, specifically Ville's other finished games. Sure, it's good, and even though the game will problably never look like that, it will go through the "single info bar AKA health bar" phase like in your pic... but as a beta and not a release.

    In conclusion, I am a technical guy.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Sure, you could say that mine couldn't have been close to the real thing, but it could be. Ville already said nothing here looked like the final product (for now), but what's so wrong about dark flames spewing out of the caster's hand? Or the fact it bounces off the shield? The thing why I didn't bother about the Hud too much is because others had already done that. I focussed on the shot itself, not imitating what was already done.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    When did I become a flame turret?

    Of course spells bounce off forcefields! Of course there's such thing as dark flames, it's an evil/dark spell! And of course the Heads Up Display was important to a degree!
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I'm just giving feedback on the feedback (feedbackbacking?)

    Oh noes! Neogangster is winning his third competition! Quick! Give me h4x!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    *Gives idiota a can of h4x, the newer, better WD-40*

    I'm so glad I voted on realism.
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I'm just giving feedback on the feedback (feedbackbacking?)

    Oh noes! Neogangster is winning his third competition! Quick! Give me h4x!
    there are 2 weeks in which you can get some guys here to vote for you ^^
    I just wait till the end and say stuff like this above
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Ville: Uhh... Quanrian did it! (runs)
    Casanova 18 years ago

    You are WINNER!
    ville 18 years ago
    Well when will the vote end?
    Idiota 18 years ago
    it's kind of.. tied atm lol. *creates another account and votes on himself with it* (joke)
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    it's kind of.. tied atm lol. *creates another account and votes on himself with it* (joke)
    seems like you are taking the lead :/
    but hey it's not that I will die if I lose...*get some friends to the forums to vote for me* a joke from me ^^
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I can't believe someone actually voted on my after I said that. That REALLY makes me look bad lol. Just want you to know that the newest member is still the newest member and it's not me

    Edit: Gah, stupid fate made the newest member join today o.O I still look bad... *sob*
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