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  • The Official Chatroom!

    varsi 18 years ago
    Eyh, what was the address of the new network? Can't remember.
    And some mod should change it to the first post of this thread.

    Edit: Oh sorry, my mistake, didn't notice the new thread >.<
    But the address should be changed anyways.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "varsi" said:
    Eyh, what was the address of the new network? Can't remember.
    And some mod should change it to the first post of this thread.

    Edit: Oh sorry, my mistake, didn't notice the new thread >.<
    But the address should be changed anyways.
    Done and done (mods aren't the only people capable of editing posts, ya know ).
    varsi 18 years ago
    Hehe, well of course the writer of the post can edit his own.
    Binky 18 years ago
    I just tried the chatroom... And it didn't work. There were no people, no topic, or anything.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    If ya didn't notice, we have a new chatroom.

    Go ahead there and celebrate for the new roomsie.

    Too bad all the people there are drunk with AFK or hooked on games >.>
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Yay, we have stickyness!
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    Idiota, did you sticky this, too?
    Idiota 18 years ago
    As this is the official chatroom, I kind of figured it would need a sticky.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    So this got stickied now? I wonder what else is new.


    OMFG! Someone cleaned this subforum!
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    OMFG! Someone cleaned this subforum!
    ...and yet our post counts don't appear to have decreased.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    OMFG! Someone cleaned this subforum!
    ...and yet our post counts don't appear to have decreased.
    They HAVE. For example, Ville used to have more than 3000, and now he's a bit under.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    OMFG! Someone cleaned this subforum!
    ...and yet our post counts don't appear to have decreased.
    I joined a few years after this forum started, so I didn't have any posts at all that far back. Ville problably dropped to tenth place in the post count, though. XD

    But enough about that. We have a topic.
    Murska 17 years ago
    NOO. Memberlist has been also cleaned, I'm not the only active member(after Ville) on the first page of the memberlist anymore!
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Not really. First of all, there are at least four people that are regularly active. You are regularly NOT active. Secondly, he didn't clear anything because the last time he did, we had about 600 members left.


    Murska 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Not really. First of all, there are at least four people that are regularly active. You are regularly NOT active. Secondly, he didn't clear anything because the last time he did, we had about 600 members left.



    Huh? In the first page of the memberlist, there used to be only me and Ville with any amount of posts. I mean, over 100 or something. Now Quanrian is there, although he wasn't there before. Also, there are no 0-post members there anymore, although there were.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Not really. First of all, there are at least four people that are regularly active. You are regularly NOT active. Secondly, he didn't clear anything because the last time he did, we had about 600 members left.



    Huh? In the first page of the memberlist, there used to be only me and Ville with any amount of posts. I mean, over 100 or something. Now Quanrian is there, although he wasn't there before. Also, there are no 0-post members there anymore, although there were.
    ... What?

    How did you sort your memberlist to achieve these results?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "Murska" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Not really. First of all, there are at least four people that are regularly active. You are regularly NOT active. Secondly, he didn't clear anything because the last time he did, we had about 600 members left.



    Huh? In the first page of the memberlist, there used to be only me and Ville with any amount of posts. I mean, over 100 or something. Now Quanrian is there, although he wasn't there before. Also, there are no 0-post members there anymore, although there were.
    ... What?

    How did you sort your memberlist to achieve these results?
    By join date, of course.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    You know, the default setting. Christ, Anon, think for once.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Unban me, please.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Unban me, please.
    You aren't banned. If you do get banned, try again in 10-30 minutes, we don't leave them for long.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Unban me, please.
    You aren't banned. If you do get banned, try again in 10-30 minutes, we don't leave them for long.

    I'd like it if you don't ban people at all, MageKing. We're all part of the same community, and if someone needs moderation, just kick him. if he auto-rejoins, kickban him, and immediatly unban after.
    Zombie 17 years ago
    I would tend to agree. I would like it if a five to ten minute ban would only occur in conditions where it is absolutely necessary. Like if someone continues to come back and cause trouble, a five to ten minute ban should cool them off. Longer bans than that should only be warranted when shorter "time out" bans have been proven ineffective.

    Consider getting a ban timing script so you can just set a five minute one on major troublemakers who just enjoy pushing the rules to see how much they can get away with.

    Also, there has been talk about giving h/ops the ban command. However, if we're taking the "we'd rather not ban" stance on things, then I think voicing, moderation, and kicking is more than enough for longstanding members of the community to help out. We should consider moderating the channel right off the bat, actually, and use the bot to keep newcomers +v-ed until a problem occurs, then simply -v them and keep them from talking. If they need to be banned, chances are an op or admin will have noticed by then.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Yes, Zombie.
    And according to my log, this is no bit of a reason for banning me:
    <Stillborn|RTB> I need a t-shirt that says "Don't fuck with my muffin, yo!"
    <Shingo> Just fyi, I will be coming back onto rtb soon, kk?
    <E_net4|RTB> XD
    <MageKing17|RTB> I need a t-shirt...
    <Stillborn|RTB> xD
    <MageKing17|RTB> ...that has the minesweeper window..
    <MageKing17|RTB> ...and the text...
    <Stillborn|RTB> !
    <Stillborn|RTB> I know!
    <Shingo> Oh, and a friend of mine wishes to play rtb with us.
    <Shingo> Would that be okay?
    <Shingo> He is a canadian named Eric.
    <Stillborn|RTB> A screenshot from "I'm O.K."!
    <Stillborn|RTB> The one with "AND NOW GET READY TO PEE ON THOSE BRAINS!!"
    <Shingo> ...
    <MageKing17|RTB> Shingo: So long as he's not a dickhead, yeah.
    * Shingo gets no reponse... :S
    <Grimsy|RTB> ETA T-3min
    <Stillborn|RTB> Are you rewriting the damn things in binary by manual or something?!
    <Grimsy|RTB> No.
    <Grimsy|RTB> Copying them through the slower-type USB port onto the USB2.0 memory stick. >.>
    <Stillborn|RTB> Wait...
    <MageKing17|RTB> You underestimate the amount of data, SB.
    <Stillborn|RTB> You'r still UPLOADING them to the stick? :S
    <Grimsy|RTB> It's over NINE THOUSAAAAAAAND!
    <Stillborn|RTB> THE BALLS ARE INERT!!
    <E_net4|RTB> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 001uy5.png</a><!-- m -->
    <E_net4|RTB> GO SEE IT!
    <E_net4|RTB> Blockland Retail!
    <Grimsy|RTB> SERIOUS LOL!
    * MageKing17|RTB sets mode: -v E_net4|RTB
    * Pyleic has joined #monkkonenchat
    * MageKing17|RTB sets mode: +b *!*eduardopi@*.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X
    <...10 mins later...>
    -> *MageKing17|RTB* *poke*
    <MageKing17|RTB> No there didn't.
    <Shingo> :O
    <MageKing17|RTB> There never was.
    <Shingo> there is no crazy.
    <Shingo> there was too!
    * MageKing17|RTB sets mode: -b *!*eduardopi@*.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X
    * E_net4|RTB coughs
    * MageKing17|RTB sets mode: +v E_net4|RTB
    <MageKing17|RTB> Never was.
    <Stillborn|Elsewhere> Geez.
    <Shingo> Zombie had it set so the old channel would say that he didn't exist.
    <MageKing17|RTB> Yes, she did.
    <Shingo> Btw, wtf are you doing to e? -.-
    <Stillborn|Elsewhere> Atleast let me have my illusions of grandeur! D:
    <MageKing17|RTB> Nothing.
    <Shingo> Oh?
    <Shingo> 04[12] *** Mode change "-b *!*eduardopi@*.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X" for channel #monkkonenchat by MageKing17|RTB.
    <Shingo> 06[12] * E_net4|RTB coughs
    <Shingo> 04[12] *** Mode change "+v E_net4|RTB" for channel #monkkonenchat by MageKing17|RTB.01
    <Shingo> Nothing, eh?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    So... Did anyone else see the front page news? I just saw it, kinda surprised me. Who can post news on the site? Only Ville & Quan? I didn't see them officially supporting this, yet it's there on the news page .
    Idiota 17 years ago
    I asked ville to place it there, Amarth, and he was nice enough to do it. It did help us get some more people in the chatroom. (Blaah_Blaah for example)
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    For those whom it might concern, I suggestimated the additional "tip" thingamajig.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Hey Grimsy, for some reason that IRC client of yours won't work for me. When I try to use it all I get is -
    [10:27] Connecting... 
    [10:27] Unable to connect : :

    Am I doing something wrong or what?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    It does that at times. Just retry, it'll work eventually.
    varsi 17 years ago
    First statistics are now generated. I'll keep updating them few times in a month.


    Feedback is welcome, you'll find me from #monkkonenchat.
    Murska 17 years ago
    OniKoneko is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 3 times.

    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
    Wow, small sample size.
    Zombie 17 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    OniKoneko is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 3 times.


    Who said that?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
    Wow, small sample size.
    Who the bloody hell said that?
    Vacuus 17 years ago
    I have to agree with it, though - it's the main reason I'm no longer on IRC...

    Sorry Oni, but you just get on my nerves too much I swear, if I'ld gone through just one more argument, I probably would of crashed the IRC server with excessive hate spamming....

    Good luck with it all though {No hard feelings, you hear?}
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Whoah, I'm not alone, then?

    Oh, Vacuus, I'm scared. Please, name some ways in which we are DIFFERENT . Except for living on the other side of the world, I guess.
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