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  • The Official Chatroom!

    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "Vacuus" said:
    I've been having some troubles with this, actually.

    Connects fine, I registered my nick [again] and can join channels and so forth. However it will drop connection every couple of minutes without fail - I doubt it's the client, Opera hasn't had any trouble with the other of couple of networks I'm on. Will try another tomorrow but otherwise I'm stuck., abjects etc all do it and it doesn't seem to matter if I'm actively typing or not.

    If that doesn't work I guess I'm restricted to web clients, if at all.

    Anyone have any ideas?
    Methinks it's the same problem I have when I use IRC at "work": You're connecting from a computer located in an intranet, or otherwise behind a router, and the router blocks the thing used to maintain client/server connection (the "ping-pong" messages one might see in the server tab).

    The way I've dealt with it is to make Hambot execute a command that makes it send me a private message, and schedule this command to happen every two minutes or so. This neatly keeps the connection stable as long as Hambot doesn't crash or something.

    Unless of course by "actively typing" you mean "sending a message within five minutes of the last message sent/recieved", in which case I've little to no clue what it could be. You could always try another IRC client to see if it really is the client's fault.
    Vacuus 15 years ago
    Odd how much a format can do.

    Had no luck with another client, but was having other issues anyway. One fresh install of Arch later and everything *seems* fine. Note I'm not using Opera though, QT3 apps are currently crashing X for some oddball reason.

    Atleast it works now, even if abjects is painfully slow to connect to
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    Them chatrooms have been de-reg'd. AGAIN.

    Seriously, founders, appoint co-founders who are actually there for more than once per three months.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Ugh... Sorry. :s I take responsibility for it as I have known for a week that I was reaching a month of absense, but delaying the actual showing my face again to the extreme. (Beyond, it seems now)

    I'll go and set it up again, if someone hasn't done so by now.

    EDIT: Can't do this without being the op, which means that everyone has to bail from the chatroom... How did you fix this last time MageKing?
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    EDIT: Can't do this without being the op, which means that everyone has to bail from the chatroom... How did you fix this last time MageKing?
    Fairly certain he got on when everyone was away, or he got those who were there to leave for a duration.
    ville 15 years ago
    I've been thinking that I could host a chat server on, maybe making it easier for new people to join the chat. I'd obviously want to have a web-based solution. Any thoughts on that?
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I've been thinking that I could host a chat server on, maybe making it easier for new people to join the chat. I'd obviously want to have a web-based solution. Any thoughts on that?
    Maybe host a Mibbit client that points to the correct server/channel?
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Well, it's not that I'm against the idea, but I really like the possibilities we have now on IRC. It's easy (Once you've registered the channel) to make a list of users who have special access to the chatroom (Like the moderators and operators). However, if a different web-based client proves to have these functions as well, I am not all against the idea.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Channel reacquired.

    And a Mibbit client sounds just fine, see <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Point it to and channel #monkkonenchat.
    ville 15 years ago
    I'll try to keep this in mind. I'm probably not going to do anything about it for another half a year, but we'll have to see...
    Crazy 15 years ago
    Idiota, i don't think Ville meant an entirely new system that is not IRC, rather that he would a) have an option for people to connect from the site via a browser-based client or b) host the channel on

    Actually, i don't think he meant "b)", either, now that i think about it.

    Alternatively, Ville might not be entirely familiar with the inner workings of Internet IRC-relay chat and doesn't exactly know what he said, either.

    Also, Ville - mibbit is rather easy to use, though the free widget version has ads. This little bit here will create a mibbit window which uses a paper skin (somewhat similar to the page) and connects directly to the #monkkonenchat channel.

    <iframe width="400" height="200" src=""></iframe>
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Actually, I find no way to interpret his idea as mentioned in a) or b), so I just stated that I was quite content with the possibilities we have with IRC on the Abjects network, just to be safe. Mibbit is only one of the solutions that allows us to keep the current chatroom while being able to host it on <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. However, the advertisements could be trouble. Is it annoying "in-your-face" advertisement, or more like google ads?
    Crazy 15 years ago
    The ads should be a little banner on the top of the page. However,

    <Worgle> <- Grim testing the Mibbit widget thingy
    * Worgle lahkus (Client exited)
    <Grim_Reaper> Hmm. Didn't see any ads.
    <Grim_Reaper> Crazy: Where in this widget are there ads?
    <Crazy> You used the one i pasted?
    <Grim_Reaper> Yesh
    <Grim_Reaper> Copy-pasted URL
    <Grim_Reaper> Well, there WAS a white box in the top-left-ish
    <Crazy> I dunno, the mibbit site said there would be ads.
    <Crazy> Perhaps noone's purchasing ad space ATM.
    You can check for yourself, this is the URL from the /code earlier.
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    Methinks the reason I didn't see any was because I have script- and ad-blocking addons enabled on mah browser.

    Also, the client you can try at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> has stuff like automatic identification with Nickserv and such, if you're into that.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Well, I can tell from personal experience that the advertisement fits in the 'google-ish' category.
    Crazy 15 years ago
    Okay, removed the texured backgorunds which didn't tile, removed smilies, created a "Monk" nick template and added a password prompt for nickserv authentication BECAUSE I'M AWESOME.

    Of course, the nickserv promt simply displays "password" and i don't think i can change that, but it would be nice if that weren't there if this were in the main page, methinks. But I actually use this practically from time to time and Grim really wanted there to be an authentication prompt, so this is nice for us.

    And yes, it needs a new URL for everything to work properly.

    EDIT: Oh, and, of course, for it to appear in a frame:
    <iframe width="400" height="200" src=""></iframe>
    ville 15 years ago
    Mibbit sure seems nice, but I'd like it to somehow integrate more nicely with the site. I was looking at simple shoutbox systems, but they lack all the nice features of irc.
    varsi 14 years ago
    Anyone got problems connecting to network?
    Somehow I can not connect - I've tried, and (port 6667).
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    "varsi" said:
    Anyone got problems connecting to network?
    Somehow I can not connect - I've tried, and (port 6667).
    The * ones don't work anymore, and Abjects has always been a .net address. I suggest you try one of the following: (Europe) (USA) (Asia)
    E_net4 14 years ago
    I've been using with no issues. was redirecting to for quite a long time.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    Criten's address is so much easier to remember and type. I still completely write out the address before realizing that it isn't going to work anymore. Every. Single. Time. *Is mad at self*

    ... And while I'm here, I thought it would be nice to report that irssi is a nice client if you feel like going really minimal.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    I'll consider getting that next time I'm on Ubuntu. As for Windows, IceChat is a must have if you're still on mIRC.
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Criten's address is so much easier to remember and type.
    Why don't you just set your client to automatically connect to the correct network and join the appropriate channel?

    And don't say you can't be arsed to look for a how-to, I already googled an example for you: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... o-identify</a><!-- m -->
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    Edit: There used to be a rant in this post, but then Grim made me so mad that I went and fixed the default nick not being set right. Yay!
    Vacuus 14 years ago
    I dunno how you'd go running your own IRC server, quite a few VPS (if you're on one) providers don't like people running them because they're 'intensive', although for something like monkkonen I doubt they'd mind. Besides, it seems sorta pointless hosting a server for one or two channels...
    No doubt there is a XMPP-based protocol somewhere that'd work just as well.

    I don't mind either way to be honest.
    Anarion 14 years ago
    Might I ask what the current address of the irc channel is? I recently tried to connect only to be told the server I was attempting to connect to was no longer available.
    Amarth 14 years ago, channel #monkkonenchat. First post has all the correct information.

    Well, except for the admins thing perhaps, not sure how that is currently with all the dereg/rereg stuff, but it doesn't really matter, there's not much to do for ops these days.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    "Amarth" said:, channel #monkkonenchat. First post has all the correct information.

    Well, except for the admins thing perhaps, not sure how that is currently with all the dereg/rereg stuff, but it doesn't really matter, there's not much to do for ops these days.
    <+Hambot2> MageKing17: Idiota was last seen in #MonkkonenChat 23 weeks, 1 day, 12 hours, 10 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: * Idiota is back from his holiday
    Other than that, the statement remains accurate, AFAIK.
    Crazy 14 years ago
    Well, cocks. My keyboard is kinda borked, which is why i've not been online for a while and prolly won't be, either. I'll have keyboard access for a few days on the 6th of December again (housesitting), so i guess i'll see ya guys then.

    ...just wanted to let you know i've not disappeared or anything.
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Just as I had exciting news to tell you.

    It involves vodka and.. err.. Maybe I shouldn't be telling this in a public forum.
    Pete 14 years ago
    Hm, interesting technique you have there, however, for the curiosity to be unbearable you have to mention at least one non-generic involved interesting thing.

    That being said, still, TELL USSSSS
    Amarth 14 years ago
    So let me start from the beginning. I found on the internet (I think it was on wikihow or something) a recipe for chocolate vodka. Which is basically "buy vodka, buy Mars, combine". The next logical thing is "hey, this is easy, what else can I put in vodka?" So then we start coming up with all sorts of silly ideas. The point is that we will open our own vodka bar where we will sell these, but right now we're still in the market discovery phase. IE we taste our products and ask other people what they think of the ideas. The asking we did yesterday in a crowded and rather drunken pub.

    Level 0 is plain vodka. Some people like it and don't want it mixed. So if they don't like it, we jump to level 1.

    Level 1 is the fruit vodkas, like kiwi vodka, pineapple vodka, those things. Also the chocolate vodka that started it. Most people are like "hmm, might want to try it, but sounds strange"

    Level 2 involves more wacky ideas. Hamburger vodka. French fries vodka. Sushi vodka. Peanut vodka. We're not yet sure how we'll get the peanuts to dissolve in vodka but once we're there it will be legendary. General reactions ranged from "wtf" to "I'm vegetarian, sorry".

    But then we arrived at our ultimate product, the level 3 vodka. I don't want to post the other ingredient in a public forum here, it is Still Public Endangering Reading Material. But let's say that most people outright say NO to it. Once person said "hmm, highly risqué" and another said "sounds better than hamburger vodka but still, no." So we're now probably going to aim for another market (perhaps midlife crisis females or something), because the student market doesn't seem to want our product. Or we will sell it under a different name.

    <russian accent>You trrry my wodka? Izz verry good! Made specially for you!</accent>
    Crazy 14 years ago
    Semen. The final ingredient is semen, isn't it?

    Also, the forum PM system has not gone anywhere, AFAIK.

    EDIT: Incidentally, i start most of my conversations with "Semen."
    Amarth 14 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Semen. The final ingredient is semen, isn't it?
    Maaaaaaaybe. It's Still Public Endangering Reading Material.

    It sounded like a good idea at the time.

    We even had the option to choose whom you wanted it from. Or mixed!

    We also got the remark that it "might get exponentially harder to create the drink when the evening got later."

    So yeah. Maybe.
    Crazy 14 years ago
    We even had the option to choose whom you wanted it from. Or mixed!
    Why. That may just be one of the creepiest things i've read on THE INTERNET.

    I had the idea of vodka popsicles once, but they'd need to be a mixed drink because vodka doesn't freeze at reasonable temperatures. I even though of a really punny name, but i forget these things.

    Anywho, i'm going go combine some vodka with myself now and then try to get people to put me in their mouth.
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