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  • Like the GTA

    NAGYMESTER 21 years ago
    This game is like the Grand Theft Auto.
    But it would be the best, to make an update in it. It should have more peds on the streets, 'cause it's boring to met the same character all the time.
    ville 21 years ago
    I wish I had time to make more people there, but they're really difficult to make. But I wonder if GTA3 has motorcycles in it?
    Curry 21 years ago
    Oh, remember the tons of suggestions we had on the FW-Sauna's forum ? I guess only a few of them are actually in the game.
    ville 21 years ago
    Yes, I tried to implement everything I thought fit to the game. I should have stored those ideas for a sequel!
    Diablo 21 years ago
    How about trees and parks and shitz and how about improving the building's graphics?? The motorcycle is also to accurate and to fast, it does also turn to fast.. i mean if you want it to be realistic..
    apeisa 21 years ago
    Hehe, nice to see that someone still remember our FW-sauna. I have had some thoughts to put up new gaming site for fw-games (because there isn't any good ones! well, gamehippo could be, but they review all kind of crap). But it seems that my music site (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> takes all the time. And of course military service which starts this summer.
    ville 21 years ago
    Take it easy mr. Peisa, you\'ll strain a muscle if you have too many sites at once. :grins
    apeisa 21 years ago
    Yeah, maybe. But somebody have to save gaming-genre...
    ville 21 years ago
    I've been wondering, it cannot be that difficult to maintain a freeware games site. But it's propably a lot of work to make it any good, since there aren't too many around. I sure hope someone makes a good site soon, since there aren't too many places I can distribute my games to.
    apeisa 21 years ago
    No, it isn't very difficult. But updating the site is most boring part, and that is why most of the sites fall.
    Crry 21 years ago
    The most fun was the forum
    OverTilt 21 years ago
    Personally, I find Gamehippo to be quite peachy. I've found loads of cool games there. Granted, I found loads of crap games as well, but that's not my point.
    ville 21 years ago
    Any other good freeware sites you people know?
    OverTilt 21 years ago
    Not me, no. I try to keep my bookmarks to a minimum...
    Facechild 21 years ago
    heh heh heh... sometimes they yell MANIAC!! just like in gta 2 :> :> :>
    Crazy 21 years ago
    also you should add someone that would suvive the "death wave"(firing rate-10, damage-7or8(the gun can really get on youre nerves sometimes(the ground shakes, if you launch a missle(and it shootsa aLOT of them)))).
    Crazy 21 years ago
    and why don't you ask for someone to help you with the peeps.

    and just for the record: gta 1, gta 2 and gta vice city had bikes, why shoulden't gta 3 have 'em
    kebabi 21 years ago
    and why don't you ask for someone to help you with the peeps.

    and just for the record: gta 1, gta 2 and gta vice city had bikes, why shoulden't gta 3 have 'em
    I remember that there was NOT bikes in GTA2 :O
    kebabi 21 years ago
    And if you want some old good games, the underdogs is a good site ( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> )
    Crazy 21 years ago
    ahem... yea, now i remember that :emb( GTA 2&3 don't have bikes

    and not all those games are old. they have quite many from this year, too.

    ofcourse ville "doesen't approve" of abandonware sites. to avoid abandonware yust type "freeware" in the "search by company"
    ville 21 years ago
    Well I love to play old games (especially adventures), I just try to get them from old games shops or auctions.
    Crazy 21 years ago
    try "apprentice". It's not old, but it's quite good. If you need help, ask me :grins
    kebabi 21 years ago
    Well I love to play old games (especially adventures), I just try to get them from old games shops or auctions.
    I'm a "adventurer" too, Sierra's and LucasArt's adventuregames owns
    Crazy 21 years ago
    im not much of an adventurer, i like fast-paced games a lot *)
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    yeh, the old lucas-arts adventures like MONKEY ISLAND and all... yes these are the TRUE game ancestors and lots of these new-made games should check back, what made the games good in those times... unfortunetly, the MI- series doesnt run on XP... i know this is far outtopic, but does someone of you guys know, how to run them on winXP?
    Eternal 20 years ago
    Ironically enough, i could get u a warez version that would work under XP, im not gonna say where, but it shouldnt be 2 hard 2 find. If your having alot of trouble finding it, pm me & ill see what i can do, but im only gonna if u bought the original, just to make sure villé doesnt boot me off the forums .
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    sure i did... it was a 6 old games pack: Monkey Island1,2,3 and Indiana Jones 1,2,3... the good old adventures (i could send u the scanned package picture)... i finished MI1 and then had a break for a while and then... windows reinstalation came (ME->XP) and now... like WHAT NOW?!? the money put into it... is gone and the worst thing is... that this is MONKEY ISLAND- the absolutely BEST adventure game in PC history and i missed the chance to complete it... how sad is that
    ville 20 years ago
    You can get some older LucasArts games to work with ScummVM.
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    dont know what it is, but ill find out, thnx a lot, ville... yer the best
    Eternal 20 years ago
    Some settings that might help.

    Right Click on Monkey Island.exe (or whatever its named)
    Select Properties>Compatibility Tab
    Try putting those settings to Windows 95 and 256 colors & 640x480.

    Try looking for a crack for the game, <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, might have one. Usually u can find one. If not, try googling it/look for forums, that relate to the issue, they normally can/will find a crack/patch for you.
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    thnx for the advice, ill definetly try to do what i can... it would be a real shame, not to have played these games, when you have the chance to...
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    what about making a classics- remake... it could be fun and add u much of experience in doing games of any genres... it could be called:

    ville 20 years ago
    I'm a big fan of adventure games, but I know it's impossible for me to make one on my own, or even in a small team. I'm not into making remakes, since I believe that independent game makers have a unique opportunity to test new gaming ideas.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    I played MI2 for a while, but I got stuck and stopped playing it.
    clogmonkey 20 years ago
    anyone played mist-1, good game that .
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