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Forum » Level Editor

Level Editor

LavaBurn 21 years ago
A level editor would be nice what do you think guys,For megabane :thmbup :thmbup :thmbup
ville 21 years ago
Crazy, I disregard your opinion because you cannot play the game. :glad

Actually Magebane has a level editor, the program that I used to make the game. I didn't make the game moddable, so I didn't make the editor very user friendly. That is why there is none.

If I were to redo the game I would choose some 3d-format for the objects that modders could easily edit, and I would make the level editor available. But I'm not planning a sequel to the game at the moment.
Crazy 21 years ago
you did the right choice ignoring me. NOT! :glad

ok, not funny. ofcourse there should be a level editor (by my experience on the length of youre games).
Crazy 21 years ago
ermmm... i agree...

but i haven't played it much. i need a graphics card that would support transparent effects (no, mine doesen't). as a wise old man once said, i have "a really old ATI card".
LavaBurn 21 years ago
:tear please make 1,dont take too much longer
Nerd 19 years ago
I think it's apparent that ville ane't gonna do anymore work on ANY of his old games, boo hoo.
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
Thou shalt set thy mind unto more important matters, such as Wazzal II.
topaatti 19 years ago
i like this game D
Nerd 19 years ago
Try playing Notrium, it is better than magebane 2 becuase it was made after it.
ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
No, that's just your opinion. I think Magebane is just as good as Notrium, in it's own way. They're two completely different game styles. Just like I still think Wazzal is just as good as Notrium.
Nerd 19 years ago
True, still try it if you haven't. You'll like it ethier way.
falco1029 19 years ago
if you made a level editor for it i'd redownlaod it (i deleted it after i beat it) and tel lall my friends about it. heck, i'd even pay 5 bucks fore it.
Forum » Level Editor

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