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Forum » A proposal! (Operation Teamwork!)

A proposal! (Operation Teamwork!)

Inane 19 years ago
So, being that having multiple scripters working on a single mod is impractical, why don't we have a mod which is just a bunch'a smaller mods?
Like, you boot up the mod and there's a central mod hub where the player gets to choose a mod to play.I couldn't remember how to add the bullets or whatever to the list
There would have to be a central person to implement everything new.
To ease implementation, before being implemented all of the identifiers should be like 101, 102 (rather than 1 or 2) and so on.
A (loose) maximum for features in mods, say 5 maps and terrain types, and 10 or 15 of everything else.[/list:u]
No guarantees on this actually even starting.
Feedback? And would you be interested in being a part of this?

List of Modders:
Solus Lupus 19 years ago
Love to help PM me on what you want me to do I may do a "mini mod" for it and help with others grapics. New modder but I think I can mod well enough.
Inane 19 years ago
Well, all you would need to do is make a small mod, with whatever you want.

But we need more people first, make sure there's a foundation, y'know?
A mod with small missions (or whatever you would like to call them) is almost pointless if it's only got 2 .
Sherimital 19 years ago
Hmmm... If you want, I could make a little mod for this. It could be a demo for my larger mod, perhaps.

My only concern would be identifier-overlap...
Inane 19 years ago
101, 102 (rather than 1 or 2) and so on.
is the anti-overlapping system... The implementer searches for whatever numbers are standard and puts them in the correct order.
101 was the example because it's higher than the conditions/effects go and it's not likely to be used as parameters.
Sherimital 19 years ago
Am I allowed to have an item id be something like 5920? If so, then it'll be fine.

(I have a good many items, sorted in a way that I might have an item 920 before too long, even if not /really/ 920 items. Hmm... My mod wouldn't be crashing because I skip numbers, would it?? 0_0)
Inane 19 years ago
I 'unno, obscure numbers would be hard to keep track of...
And as for your mod crashing, the only way high identifiers could cause it to crash just because they're high numbers is if you had more than 100 bars.
MageKing17 19 years ago
1) I don't see a point for this mod, since it would basically just be a new way of selecting mods, which is entirely pointless since there is a menu option for this.

2) Most games have limits of 255, 32767, or 65535. Which one it is will need be tested, although I think it's not 255. If it is, we'll have to kill Ville.

3) If the need for this mod can be adequitely explained, I suppose I could make a little something not-very-complicated for it when I find and finish my data files for Wazzal II.
Nerd 19 years ago
You toke the words right out of my mouth, Mageking. (For once we agree on something)
Solus Lupus 19 years ago
Well being new ill do it when the word is a go and we know HOW it will be done, just to get in the code deeper than ankel deep.
Inane 19 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
1) I don't see a point for this mod, since it would basically just be a new way of selecting mods, which is entirely pointless since there is a menu option for this.
Normal total conversions are always large and ambitious, and some people (Myself counted) are scared away from conversions because of the dedication required. And nobody would make a mod designed to have everything compacted within 1-4 areas without a little nudge in that direction.
There's also the accessibility of a mod pack, since it would only have full mods (I tried to think of what to come after that last part, but it was too hard to convery my thoughts into the post).

Also, it could be theme based and be held like every three months, for example:
This contests theme is Aliens on a Spacestation!
2) Most games have limits of 255, 32767, or 65535. Which one it is will need be tested, although I think it's not 255. If it is, we'll have to kill Ville.
I'm a little confused here as to how that is relevant. I think we had a misunderstanding.
Sherimital 19 years ago
2) Most games have limits of 255, 32767, or 65535. Which one it is will need be tested, although I think it's not 255. If it is, we'll have to kill Ville.
I'm a little confused here as to how that is relevant. I think we had a misunderstanding.

He's refering to my wondering if Notrium won't like me having an item identified as 9850 or something.
BTW, Notrium doesn't seem to mind having an ID up to 201 (havn't gone higher yet), or with skipping numbers between IDs.
Solus Lupus 19 years ago
Are you reffering to object ammounts, so ID can not go higher. Example Total Annioltion has a max of 255 (i think) weapon slots if you make more of label one like it is more, say 423 even if you have less than 255 it crashes. Is this what you are reffering to with Notrumn objects?
MageKing17 19 years ago
Yes. As I said, most games have 255, 32767, or 65535 as limits. It purely depends on how the game handles them. I know Total Annihilation, as you said, only accepts weapons up to 255. Escape Velocity: Nova, I know, doesn't like certain ID values for ships and other things (I'm still confused by them, however, since they have a built-in ship (escape pod) with an id of 800 something, yet if I try 500 or so the game doesn't like it). It varies from game to game. Someone try an object ID of 40000, or 80000. See if it works.
Anonymous1157 19 years ago
2) Most games have limits of 255, 32767, or 65535. Which one it is will need be tested, although I think it's not 255. If it is, we'll have to kill Ville.
I absolutely MUST say this...

bastard. Why kill him when we can roast him, if need be?

Also, I'm interested in the "Monthly Challenge" idea. I also think that this could be used to organize "Tech Demos". Before anyone tells me they're confused, what I meant is a demo that tries to use the game to the limit. For example, you could have one that tries to get the most fires going on-screen, or the most particles (coughgorecough) on screen, or perhaps simply most realistic. So...

Inane, could you add me to the list of people in the main post? Pleeeease?
Inane 19 years ago
Okay, what do ya'll think of this:

  1: All identifiers for entries are labeled from 101 and up, unless noted otherwise
2: Any entries submitted after deadline will still be assimilated, but not entered for the contest

Entry specific:
Theme: Horde
Rules & Requirements:
1: Victory is time-limit based
2: Atleast 1 non-default creature graphic for enemy
3: 1-3 areas
4: (as the name implies) enemies must be spawning in all areas

No deadline has been put because this is the prototype to see if all creators like the system .
MageKing17 19 years ago
Hmm, change this to:

  1: All entries are to have a unique "ID code" which will be placed before all identifiers
2: Any entries submitted after deadline will still be assimilated, but not entered for the contest
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
Would 1000 identifiers for each ID-requiring file be enough? Then you could just assign the 0 ID for the platform mod and assign the IDs 1, 2, 3, etc. for the mods in the order they're going to be shown in the selection menu.
Inane 19 years ago
So, MK (and Grim), are you gonna join in if we start it say... tommorow or thursday?

"Grim Reaper" said:
Would 1000 identifiers for each ID-requiring file be enough? Then you could just assign the 0 ID for the platform mod and assign the IDs 1, 2, 3, etc. for the mods in the order they're going to be shown in the selection menu.
That reminds me, how will we make a selection menu? Should it just be a room with a bunch of transportation devices?
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
1) I don't think I'm gonna participate. Not with a mod, anyway, since I'm far too lazy to start/continue any mods now... I've got some WIPs, such as ensuring a certain computer is operational. And moving stuff from my old compy, T3H CR4SH4N4T0R, to my newer one. And someday somewhat soon my room (not the physical space, though) will be relocated to another room, which just happens to be bigger. There my two computers shall reside for the rest of eternity...or just for as long as I (or we) decide.

2) The teleporter room sounds rather reasonable... I mean, that's how the tutorial thinger was made.
MageKing17 19 years ago
I have an idea for a proof-of-concept mod for the Tactical Soul System idea I had, but I'm trying to think of a way I can do it without creating new graphics.

If I can figure out a way to do it without creating any new graphics, I'll start working on a proof-of-concept minimod for this thing. I think my ID code will be 42. ;P
Anonymous1157 19 years ago
Tanky! I'm in!

Now... as for how the hub will work... and yes, that word exists... I think we should have one hub for competition months which takes you to sub-hubs that contain entries. Unfortunately, that will require a teleporter guru, because I know very well how hard it is to make a teleporter. It's the main reason my Return to the Ship mod was cancelled (And you have to admit that the idea was great)!
MageKing17 19 years ago
You think making teleporters in Notrium is hard? Imagine all the people that make teleportation amulets in Morrowind that go to every city in the game. Those require 3D coordinates. Just be glad you only have to work with two dimensions.
Sherimital 19 years ago
I'll use 12___ for my stuff, If you'll have me... And if I can fix these nigglesome bugs in time for a release...
Inane 19 years ago
"Sherimital" said:
I'll use 12___ for my stuff, If you'll have me... And if I can fix these nigglesome bugs in time for a release...
You have been added to the list.

For those who somehow didn't see the other thread, the contest has already been started and the deadline is only 13 days away .
Just sayin', as the two people on the list in this thread aren't entered on the other.
MageKing17 19 years ago
Yeah, I haven't been able to get my minimod to work right... heh... I think we'll have to extend the deadline. Possibly. Maybe. It might work out, but it would be cutting it kinda close...
Inane 19 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
Yeah, I haven't been able to get my minimod to work right... heh... I think we'll have to extend the deadline. Possibly. Maybe. It might work out, but it would be cutting it kinda close...

I've only got some graphics and the basic area for my mod, so it would probably be good to extend it.
Also, I don't think I thought the default mod workings over correctly, so that will change next time.

As for the extension: it will be over on the 19th, however, if less than 3 mods are completed by then, it will be extended to the 26th.

Unfortunately, there are currently only 3 mods with a reserved number.
The Gemini 19 years ago
I realy wants to start with modding again, you see, and that's why I want to enter this contest!

My ID number will be 13!

And one more thing, you mean February the 19th?
Inane 19 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
I realy wants to start with modding again, you see, and that's why I want to enter this contest!

My ID number will be 13!

And one more thing, you mean February the 19th?

Thanks for your participation.
And yes, february the 19th.

Actually... It will have to be the 26th, I'll be gone on the 19th, now that I think about it.

One last thing (And I've probably noted this before): While one of the rules is one custom enemy graphics, that just means non-default, so if you are a part of the coalition, borrow away!
The Gemini 19 years ago
I shouldn't give any hints on what my mod is about, but what the heck:

Neo just killed some marines in slo-mo with a m60!
MageKing17 19 years ago

[/intarweb stupidity]
Forum » A proposal! (Operation Teamwork!)

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