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  • DOOM Mod / Aleryon Betrayal

    Arcane 18 years ago
    I was just referencing that I made the original Notrium Doom.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    Notrium 'should' run just fine on a laptop, unless it's a real piece of garbage. I don't think you could buy anything now a days that wont run it ok without getting the laptop used. It's good to hear you're not giving up the mod. Just keep the activity going on the mod, and you'll keep your sticky. So far you've earned the right to keep it, but it's something I'm obviously going to make sure you maintain.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    The progress really depends on how good that laptop is, I'll put in as much work as I can before we get rid of this computer. The problem right now is that I can't edit graphics or anything because most programs don't work after system recovery. I think I killed the virus though.

    I've added a killcount and right now I'm deciding on whether or not to have it visible or to use it to decide on plot stuff and the likes.

    Now for some player input, how much solo levels would you want before I add my mutant scientisties? I'd add a poll but I don't think I can remove the last one.


    [Edit]HA-HA! Success! Photoshop CS! Mutated Scientisties are now makeable!

    [Edit] Made.
    I've made a map that doesn't require you to kill all the scientists, but you get access to a re-munitions depot if you do. This might become a common thing, with you possibly getting weapons early if you do so.
    I've also done general graphics editing, getting rid of the remaining DOOM stuff.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    I haven't posted in here a while mainly because I'm *cough* busy.

    For the solo levels, make around 4-6 before you meet a part (I don't really care about this. Part or all of you're team.) of you're team somewhere.

    Only one weapon suggestion this time

    Swirl Shockwave
    Damage: Low (same damage as one pistol shot)
    Bullets: 50 (pistol)
    Note: When you're just completely surrounded, you can use this to shoot 50 random bullets around in circles. Awesome for that enmasse amount of scientists. Takes a very long time before you can use it again.

    Chainsaw should be ran on fuel. However this weapon should not eat the ammo like crazy, only 1 fuel waste per 5 seconds.

    Come on people, support this mod, I'm seeing less posts on this every day.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    I'm not sure yet if you are going to meet up with the squad, or if they live only in dialogues.dat. If you do meet up with your squad *sentence stopped due to possible storyline hints*

    Chainsaw would make sense if it ran on fuel, but thats only if I make it available in the game.

    Assault rifle added...

    I've gone over 100 lines of dialog.
    I've reached 100 plot_objects.

    Easy mode now has +10 health.
    Weapon shaking script has been changed to be made on percentages, so I might be able to make you be able to upgrade your ability to aim straight by increasing the amount of time it takes to lose mouse control. I also got rid of the messages telling you how much aiming loss you have because they were getting annoying.

    After today I'll be at my Dad's, so no progress for the next week.

    [Edit] LP SMG made...

    [Edit] After a some intense thinking, I've made something I've been wanting to do for a while. Enemies now have a small random increase to their health. This should make them a little bit more individual.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Finally some access to the internet!

    I have been busy but haven't been able to post stuff for a while.
    Here is the stuff that comes to my memory right away:
    A lot less DOOM graphics,
    Thermal Goggles (With a heat particle effect),
    Loss of blood no longer has massive aiming loss (Changed due to inability to activate things),
    AI has been severely changed (Still needs work),

    Because of a graphical glitch that made the black terrain outside my maps become metal terrains(I think it was the engine) I'm thinking about replacing the black with the normal floor you walk on. I'll try and put a map like this in the next beta.

    The next beta will include a small explanation on the Aleryons and some backstory. I intend to end it at a key point in the storyline to leave you wanting more.

    The beta will be given after next week as soon as I get internet access then.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    I might not get internet access for a while so I'll post what I'm planning to implement:
    A lot more random things (enemy weapons damage, ammo pickups and so on),
    A better HUD,
    A fallback weapon (for when you run out of ammo),
    More differing enemies,
    The first plot twist.

    The next beta will be available one week from now at the minimum, and whenever I next access the internet at the maximum.
    Redemption 18 years ago

    Who would've thunk it?
    That was the cause of the white lines around my graphics.

    That success aside, I've made all but two of my goals. The HUD is proving difficult, I had an idea but it failed so I need to think about how I am going to improve it.

    I still need to make the enemies more different from each other though, I might leave that up to you what I make.

    I'm aiming to give the next beta in two days, that should give me time to do some finishing touches and kill a game crashing glitch.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Redemption" said:

    Who would've thunk it?
    That was the cause of the white lines around my graphics.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    It's seems so long before I even touched this sticky...

    What about enemy/enemies that are invincible so you'll have to run around and around avoiding it at all costs. Sometimes you can kill it only if you complete a puzzle for it.

    Later in the game, after you get your profession preferably, you can go into 'berserk mode' simply by killing enough enemies within the time limit before the gauge is depleted. When you reach the max amount, the bar will drain 1.5X faster then before and killing enemies will only give you 0.5X the amount than before. However you'll be able to do more damage, have higher rate of fire, increase in speed, and all sorts of stuff.

    If your PDA is advanced enough, you can hack computers for files and other important stuffs. Depending on your hacking level (I have no idea how this is going to be implemented sadly, use your imagination for this one. Or don't put one at all if that's what you want) you can store personal files and messages from the people that used to be over there. Sometimes you can even view the files in a 'video' mode. The player is not there but you can see whats going on.

    What about spray cans that you can shoot on the floor just for fun? A bit useless but then, what the hell.

    A railgun might replace the sniper rifle in late game, although it uses fuel (duh) AND sniper bullets. Extremely powerful weapon able to penetrate a long line of the insane army.

    Forgot one part, you can go 'inside' your PDA, do whatever you want with it just like a normal PDA (little games to kill your time, calendar, changing backgrounds...). If you're in a wireless connection area you can use your PDA to contact with your lost members. However those members also has to be in a working wireless connection area also. Or you can scrap that idea, just realised you have walky-talkies for that >.>

    Being able to interact with almost everything in your environment. Such as breaking vending machines, setting chairs on fire, knocking down trash cans... Whatever. However I think that the Notrium engine was not made to do those kind of things, so unless your extremely skilled (which you already are), don't tackle this into yet until after you finish the game. This has no real purpose into the game whatsoever.

    That 'oughta do it. I'm not going to touch this for a long time again so don't expect stuff from me everytime.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    I'm aiming to give the next beta in two days, that should give me time to do some finishing touches and kill a game crashing glitch.

    It's been about a week now

    Anyways, hows the mod going? Pretty good, just the usual, or downright frustrated about it?

    If its the latter, I'll *ahem* excuse meself to another room.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    The beta was zipped five days ago, but I'm yet to upload it. (I'd upload it now but this internet connection has a limit to downloads (and uploads) in MB before it costs extra)
    I'll try and get it done as soon as I can.

    I think the glitch is dead, and my original HUD idea that failed just needed a change in how it worked.
    J.C 18 years ago
    Your mod is going to inspire me to download notruim again!!!

    and the topic said DOOM, doom like the movie???
    hehe that movie freaked me out the first time i watched it, i wonder what efect this mod will give
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    Doom like the movie, Doom like the game

    I do believe he said he's not basing it on Doom anymore, though...
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "notruim_fanboy" said:
    doom like the movie???
    We are living in sad times.
    J.C 18 years ago
    hehehe cant wait for the mod!!!!!! (head explodes)
    Anarion 18 years ago
    "notruim_fanboy" said:
    Your mod is going to inspire me to download notruim again!!!
    You call yourself notrium_fanboy and you don't even have Notrium on your computer?

    "Amarth" said:
    "notruim_fanboy" said:
    doom like the movie???
    We are living in sad times.
    That we are.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    You call yourself notrium_fanboy and you don't even have Notrium on your computer?
    Correction: notruim_fanboy.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Anarion" said:
    You call yourself notrium_fanboy and you don't even have Notrium on your computer?
    Correction: notruim_fanboy.
    Hey you're right, I never noticed that!
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Anarion" said:
    You call yourself notrium_fanboy and you don't even have Notrium on your computer?
    Correction: notruim_fanboy.
    Hey you're right, I never noticed that!
    Me neither.
    A typo wich is not a typo...
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Beta 8

    After this one, the next beta will probably be a while in coming.

    The exact changes I've made since last beta I can't remember, but here are some things I can instantly remember:
    Thermal goggles,
    AI changed alot,
    A lot of the DOOM graphics have been replaced,
    Fallback weapon made,
    Bio-explosive pistol upgraded,
    Assault rifle,
    LP SMG,
    A lot more random things,
    Enemies don't all have the same amount of health,
    HUD slightly upgraded.

    There's more, but I can't remember all of it, try map editing some stuff in.
    J.C 18 years ago
    cant wait to play it!
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    Enemies don't all have the same amount of health


    You're the only programmer I know that doesn't use exact HP for enemies

    Might as well as be the first *shrug*

    I'm going to check it out and fill in the bugs and whatchamacallit.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    I must say I'm impressed with the work you've done Redemption. Just a couple of minor things I noticed:

    1) The dialog goes a bit too fast to be able to read it sometimes, and you don't always notice it when you're trying to fight off enemies. which is a problem when the dialog is important to the storyline.

    2) It's kind of annoying being constantly shot by the members of your squad, tho I don't really know if there's anything you can do about that one.

    Other than that tho it's a really great mod. Well done.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    1) The dialog goes a bit too fast to be able to read it sometimes, and you don't always notice it when you're trying to fight off enemies. which is a problem when the dialog is important to the storyline.
    Thats one of the problems that I'll need to figure out...
    "Anarion" said:
    2) It's kind of annoying being constantly shot by the members of your squad, tho I don't really know if there's anything you can do about that one.
    I've already created player resistance to squad weapons, I could just increase that by a lot.

    I just remembered the last minute effect I made before the zipping of the beta. In the sniping grounds (I think I placed an exit in the start map top-right or something, if I didn't it'll be in that row of exits on the left side, or use the map editor) there is an easily made effect that I shoved in as a test. You'll know it when you see it.

    The team A guy has been given a burst fire LP SMG, it's much better than the pistol in the beta. I'm also planning to give him some random dialog during firefights and the such.
    J.C 18 years ago
    what are the quick keys???
    Anarion 18 years ago
    Oh yeah I forgot to mention that, you could also use a txt file that says what all the controls are.
    J.C 18 years ago
    which is where??? cant find it.....

    maby i didnt get it???
    Anarion 18 years ago
    there isn't one, thats what I mean. Redemption needs to make one.
    J.C 18 years ago
    finished the beta!
    its awsome!
    i hope this mod goes all the way!
    great mod, great mod, it has real potentiol.
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Wow, just tried it out. An excellent use of the Notrium engine, very well done. I'll have to replay it, remembering to save this time...
    Penta 18 years ago
    Nice mod. But there wasn't much too kill in the first few levels. There aren't much beings that survive the wave of Marines washing over them.
    But the AI was really bad (or should I say weird), but thats normal using standard AI routines. All the Marines choose the same target, ran at it in line formation, shooting each other in the back. They were charging towards the scientists while saying things like "too much blood" (but they looked all too eager too shed some more). They were running into walls and shooting at it because scientists are doing the same thing on the other side.
    It caused very funny moments. They are propably called elite because they get to charge their enemies wearing indestructable armour and wielding overpowered weapons, not for their expertise or intelligence.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    You might want to put in a background music in the game 'cause it kinda bored me out after a while. You can try out System Shock 2 ones but that would take points of off originality.

    Also putting vehicles on the station can be amusing and handy sometimes. Like lets say golf cart.
    harwe 18 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    Also putting vehicles on the station can be amusing and handy sometimes. Like lets say golf cart.

    gta eh?
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Frag grenades have been added (They suck, need work)

    New weapon system added. Your guns are split into four categories: Light / standard, close quarters, assault and heavy. You access the categories by pressing 1, 2, 3 & 4. I did this because I intend to have a massive arsenal at your disposal, and scrolling through all your guns would take a while.

    Passed the 200 dialog barrier with a massive 61 line dialog.

    It's not much, but I've been on a holiday.

    Things to do:
    Upgrade & downgrade the squad,
    Make dialog for Team A marine getting hit,
    Give Team A marine a name,
    Make an intro to the weapon class system,
    Maybe make dual LP SMG's,
    Make the FFFFer Cannon,
    Make the military cocktail gun,
    Make differing enemies,
    Start laying down hints to what happened
    &Give enemies dialog when hit with the flamethrower.
    Forum » DOOM Mod / Aleryon Betrayal
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