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Forum » Notrium Translations/Localizations

Notrium Translations/Localizations

Quanrian 18 years ago
I'm making this thread in the mild hope that any further work done on localizing the game is all kept in one thread. So if you're working on a translation, or have a link to one in progress or better yet finished, for this game, than feel free to put a link in 'this' thread and not another. You can also post any links for programs you used to translate so others might go the same route and maybe save some time. We wholly support localizations, and 'will' host and credit the creators so that more people can enjoy Notrium in their native language.
Narvius 18 years ago
I *could* try to translate it into polish (only if the font have the polish letters: ą ę ć ś ż ź ó ł (i'm sure there are more, but this are all i remember atm))

*Mógłbym* spróbować przetłumaczyć grę na polski

Ich *könnte* versuchen das Spiel auf Polnisch zu übersetzten.

I can speak German and Polish good enough too speak in school in this language and i think my english's good enough to make a try
GameFreak 17 years ago
I think i could translate Notrium into swedish if i got shown how
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
The effort to translate Notrium died down when people lost interest, partially because of Cormoon and partially because so many n00bs kept posting half-arse incomplete mods that they said they planned on finishing but never did. You're welcome to try if you can guarantee it'll be done in the first place. I don't mean deadlines or anything of the sort, but if you plan on abruptly ceasing to exist before releasing anything significant, like everyone else did, don't bother.
tucalipe 17 years ago
I can try to translate to Portuguese, if needed, however it will take some time 'cause I started working on my mod again... (After that NFV incident... )
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
"I" said:
The effort to translate Notrium died down when people lost interest, partially because of Cormoon and partially because so many n00bs kept posting half-arse incomplete mods that they said they planned on finishing but never did. You're welcome to try if you can guarantee it'll be done in the first place. I don't mean deadlines or anything of the sort, but if you plan on abruptly ceasing to exist before releasing anything significant, like everyone else did, don't bother.
tucalipe 17 years ago
Right.... Anyway.... I'll translate it to Portuguese. Should I start now? Too late. Aready started

BTW, should I create a MOD folder for the translation?
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
"tucalipe" said:
Right.... Anyway.... I'll translate it to Portuguese. Should I start now? Too late. Aready started

BTW, should I create a MOD folder for the translation?
Yes. Yes, you should.
tucalipe 17 years ago
What is the criteria for the journal's entries? Each 3 blank lines means a new entry to the journal?

Also, portuguese uses accented letters... Is there a way to use them in-game?
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
"tucalipe" said:
What is the criteria for the journal's entries? Each 3 blank lines means a new entry to the journal?

Also, portuguese uses accented letters... Is there a way to use them in-game?
The only letters and symbols you can use are included in the font file in the GFX folder.
tucalipe 17 years ago
Are these the In-Game fonts, used in dialogs and inveroty?
Also, how do I edit the Main Menu options?
ville 17 years ago
"tucalipe" said:
Are these the In-Game fonts, used in dialogs and inveroty?
Also, how do I edit the Main Menu options?

I think the main menu options are hard coded.

As for special font characters, you could theoretically replace some of the existing characters with them. Say you wanted to use é, you could replace the = sign with é, and whenever you wanted to use it you would have to put in the = sign. Yes, I know it's a bit difficult.
harwe 17 years ago
makes sense cuz you cant mod them in the first place
else people could try to make a multiplayer mod which has to edit the menu to do stuff like that
tucalipe 17 years ago
Just a bump to tell that I'm still translating to PT-BR (withouth accented characters) (ya know... there are a LOT of items...)
E_net4 17 years ago
Well, if Notrium wasn't so dead, I would have made a portuguese translation too. But, of course, I have other usual things in mind.
Keep working on it. I don't think you'll need my help.
Teshin 16 years ago
I could make a finnish translation to Notrium.

I'll start right away.
Idiota 16 years ago
Best of luck. Notrium in Finnish is, sadly, not a product that interests me, being Dutch and all.
slepoy 15 years ago
I localised Crimsobland to Russian, that couldn't do anybody for 5 years... i't have a minimum of text, but game's resourses are locked, so it wasn't easy to unpaq, redraw graphick & paq it back correctly...
But I can say for sure, that the main problem in Notrium is:
1. font.png because in russian alphabet there are 33 characters... so it possible to redraw, but rather difficult
2. a lot of text. so people need have a good skill in translation
3. text in graphic (menu items)

I posted some topics about games at my forums and was kinda suprised how Notrium is popular in Russia and Ukraine, but it's a pity that they'll newer see russian versian...

Thanks for the Great game!
sorry for my english.
Venom31 15 years ago
"slepoy" said:

But I can say for sure, that the main problem in Notrium is:
1. font.png because in russian alphabet there are 33 characters... so it possible to redraw, but rather difficult
2. a lot of text. so people need have a good skill in translation
3. text in graphic (menu items)
I'd suppose:
1) How does the game treat characters from number 0x51 (6th row, 2nd column in font.png) and further on? For example, if it takes the character's code from Win-coded .txt file (well, .dat file with text, awright?) and recodes the digits 0..9 and letters into:
space - 0x00,
caps-letters - 0x01..0x1D (with 3 German there or what),
lower-case - 0x1E..0x3A (again 3 letters more),
digits - 0x3B..0x44,
then - the specials up to 0x50
and since 0x51 - empty space. The remaining 47 symbol-places are perhaps not enough for whole other-language alphabet, but if using some of those latin letters as looking the same, it perfeclty fits to translate to Russian. This will require simply changing the corresponding codes with a simple tool. So the main question is: if I add drawn letters of some other alphabet to font.png, will the game adress them correspondingly (given their codes in now not-so-humanly-readable items.dat, animation.dat, ...dat)?
2) Yeah, that's far more than Crimsonland, you know
3) I'd suggest - leave it as it is. Less worry - less sorrow. One CAN get through a simple English menu, if wanna play
SmokNiszczyciel 15 years ago
Im polish, i can translate it at polish
Venom31 15 years ago
Yeah, and I'm Ukrainian, so I can translate it to either Ukrainian or Russian.
But to do that, we still need some tech info first. So, what about that question of mine?
To ask it more clearly, what is the mechanism of transform from ASCII (KOI, ..., whatever text coding is used in .dat files) to in-game text string? It badly goes down to code, but we're not hackers or smth to either try to decompile Notrium to know that or going to mess with it. We just need an idea what (exactly) characters are to be typed in Notrium's files (if it's possible, no code cross-overs and so on).
ville 15 years ago
Honestly, I have no idea how you would go about using anything other than the default character set. Notrium is very fixed to it's fonts, it doesn't want to change them easily.
So thanks for the offer fellas, I'll try to learn something from this and make Driftmoon easier to translate.
Venom31 15 years ago
How many Notrium versions are there except English? (The reason for this question - what are those 3 additional letters with dots and all above them? What language were they designed for?)
I believe that if Driftmoon uses some standard codes for character set, it will be alright We'll just get & set fonts, translate text, save it as used encoding, et voila!
ville 15 years ago
Ah, those would be the native letters of my own language Finnish. I did obviously want the game to support my own name.
SmokNiszczyciel 15 years ago
U can download any language u want and add it to game, every1 who download it will have this language [only on Nutrium],
Human - człowiek
Android - android
Alien - obcy
Psionic - Psionik
Ancient ruins - starożytne ruiny! [btw u dont have to use polish letters, many polish game doesnt use it and we usually dont use them{on computer ofc:O}]
Venom31 15 years ago
Great . I even forgot Polish letters don't need cyrillics so much. Well then, go ahead!

To Ville. So, I suppose, a Finnish version exists, does it?
ville 15 years ago
Nah, most of the Finnish know the English language so well that they'd much rather play the original, not the translated version.
Armogohma 15 years ago
I could do a Dutch translation, but I don't know anything about modding Notrium or whatsoever.

Also, this is my first post on the whole forum, and since I only play Notrium, I'd have to say that this forum's pretty dead.

Amarth 15 years ago
Yay, Dutch. Holland, Belgium, ...?

The forum isn't really dead, just.. slumbering. It's been a while since Ville has done anything significant to create a new influx of members (the Driftmoon beta was a start though), and there's mainly the older members left. And we don't talk a lot on the forums (most of the stuff has already been said anyway), we mostly hang out on IRC. And then, yeah, the Notrium section is quite silent, after all the game is more than 5 years old.

So I assure you there's a load of regular members still keeping watch over the forum, never sleeping, ever vigilant...
Venom31 15 years ago
That hit the spot!

To Armogohma. Well, just to get you started. Open your Notrium\textures folder and look for a file named font.png. Open it with some image viewer. See these letters and digits. Digits are ok, I presume, so look at the letters, big and small. Are they enough for a Dutch translation? If so, you could start translating right away (see details below). Otherwise, you should think it over. If given alphabet is not suitable for Dutch (or whatever language one is translating to), it is, in fact, impossible to do it in a proper way (without transliteration and all that pervert stuff ).

Now, if the alphabet suits you at the minimum at least, let's look what to do.

AFAIK, all texts in Notrium are located in the data\ folder, each data file belongs to some mod. Since you want to translate Notrium itself, you'd go to the Default\ folder there.
Generally, I'd suppose now that you read modding FAQ, because the contents of each .dat file are pretty intuitive (open them with any text editor).

If not, I'll give you some quick hints. To make a partial translation (the main menu can't be translated, we'll have to go with that) you'll need to modify only these several files:
- animation.dat - the text on those comics-style screens for intro and outro
- dialogs.dat - there aren't so many dialogs in Notrium... whatever
- items.dat - the most vast piece of work goes to items' description
- journals (journal_alien.dat, journal_android.dat, journal_human.dat, journal_psionic.dat, never mind about the journal_empty.dat, don't change it) - those annoying messages you get over time
- player_races.dat - player races comments, the ones you see when you choose your race

I hope I didn't miss anything. Good luck in any case.
P.S. If something got screwed because of some changes and you don't know what's going wrong and don't want to redo much work, use some text file comparison utility like WinDiff to see what is different from original Default mod (yeah, back it up, will'ya?)
Redemption 15 years ago
"Venom31" said:
the main menu can't be translated, we'll have to go with that

You can't change the actual text, but a translation could be made by editing the menu background picture (textures\menu.jpg) and adding translations to the side of each option.
Armogohma 15 years ago
Hell, the Dutch language doesn't need such strange letters. It's just like English, except f'er other words and stuff

@ Amarth: Yes, 'Holland'-ish Dutch. Also, there isn't much difference between them, but, yeah. Just a bit like American English and English... eh... English..

Anyways, I'll go try translate those thingies, then see what'll become of it.

Wish me luck (has never done modding before)

EDIT: Should I translate it exact (such as: Stardate - Sterrendata) or should I create some words f'er the game myself?
Venom31 15 years ago
"Redemption" said:
You can't change the actual text, but a translation could be made by editing the menu background picture (textures\menu.jpg) and adding translations to the side of each option.
Yeah, but that will look not so stylish, so to say.
"Armogohma" said:
Should I translate it exact (such as: Stardate - Sterrendata) or should I create some words f'er the game myself?
I'm not sure if I understood you correctly. Are you talking about "entities"? I don't know the correct term for that one so I'll call them that way. So entity is a word that is more of an identifier in the world of the game, it's a separate entity... darn, I come to it again . What I mean is like a name: if game says Nai R' Nuaq' (name of the alien character), you'll probably write it the same; then a Pulse Beacon is an item entity but it's better understood when translated, since "Nai R' Nuaq'" means nothing, and "a Pulse Beacon" is filled with some sense. The matter is that you should think over all these "identifiers" (not the numbers in files, no) and use the table of identifiers each time you encounter this Pulse Beacon or whatever. While all other words and sentences are to be translated absolutely freely (well, with saving their meaning ofc).
Forum » Notrium Translations/Localizations

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