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Forum » Yeah, mak a new wazzal. i just finished the

Yeah, mak a new wazzal. i just finished the

Click 21 years ago
Yeah, mak a new wazzal. i just finished the game and i want to see what happened when u went 2 the alien world

P.S. dont tell me its going to be connected to Notrium
ZeXLR8er 21 years ago
what's wrong with being connected to notrium?
i recon all the games a person makes should be connected somehow.
ZeXLR8er 21 years ago
Actually, thinking about it, there would be no way to have a new version of Wazzal thats totally unconnected to Notrium because no matter what you say won't change the fact that the Wolf VI was blown up at Notrium.
ZeXLR8er 21 years ago
At least I think that was the Wolf I saw in the intro.
ville 21 years ago
Maybe, maybe not. I do think the human in Notrium is the player from Wazzal.
LunaticNeko 20 years ago
It can be a different guy. Anyway, Wazzal starts like that surviving the supernova, and Notrium begins like you've escaped the supernova. So it can be connected.
superknijn 20 years ago
yeah, and the alien was rebbbbeling versus the other aliens!
Electrobomb 20 years ago
they are connected but i could only find one way how --- in the ship graveyard on notrium the ships you see are the slow space station ships and the one ship that doesn't have the laser but looks the same. but thats all i found
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Well, the main connection I could see is that the ship in the intro of Notrium looks identical to the Wolf IV.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Oops, I didn't realise this was the topic I mentioned that before. ops:
Electrobomb 20 years ago
it didnt look a thing like it it looked like maybe the wolf with a laser on it but that wasnt ther i dont see how it looked like that
ville 20 years ago
It was the same model though.
feru33 20 years ago
damn ok, well i understand, how much do u think ur gonna price the game at if u were gonnna make it. I know itsa waaay to soon to talk aobut tat but about how much? I am also curious to your ideas about the sequel to wazzal.
ville 20 years ago
Shareware costs around 20 USD these days.

I have no valid ideas for a new Wazzal, and that's why I'm probably not going to make one soon. If you have any such ideas that are very new and fresh, please share.
Forum » Yeah, mak a new wazzal. i just finished the

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