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    sharx1 18 years ago
    hmm amarth you ever read a book called a breif history of time?

    alien bomb (aliens appear on your side when it explodes)
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    Just so you know, they DID found quite a few black holes.
    Just so you know, no. They're observed the same way one observes elementary particles, indirectly. You see the results, so you postulate that something is there. You look for a simple and unifying theory. Black holes are an elegant construction, and may very well be true. But as far as I know, no one ever got up to a black hole, knocked on it and said 'yes, it's real'. A black hole is a theory, and yes, alternative theories exist.

    "sharx1" said:
    hmm amarth you ever read a book called a breif history of time?
    Don't think so... That's the Hawking book right? Then I didn't read it, though I might, if I ever encounter it. But I read a couple of other books, I did some of the maths, and I'm surrounded with physics students, so I just need to ask.

    [EDIT] flame wars, dinosaurs, chess, the void, tsunami, gratuitous violence, parody, matches
    michael15286 16 years ago
    A huge conspiracy theory, which explains the reason why you were sent to Notrium and how Ville was actually your father.
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