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  • Savegame editing/modding thread

    Crazy 21 years ago
    ZeXLR8er: Since this is turning out to be quite a popular thread, and Notrium has a modding thread Wazzal might as well have one too, I've promoted this thread to Sticky.

    Is the ANY way to mod wazzal besides the hardcoding :qmark It's the 1 game i want to mod the most, because it hits my subject very well.
    ville 21 years ago
    I don't think Wazzal has much in the way of mod support.
    Crazy 21 years ago
    ohhh :sad
    Crazy 21 years ago
    well is there any "non-friendly" way to mod it. i'd love to try, if it's not too hard.
    ville 21 years ago
    You can try fiddling with the various files you find there, unfortunately I cannot give you instructions.
    ZeXLR8er 21 years ago
    gee, thats a shame.
    Crazy 21 years ago
    I'm messin' with the looks, but what can i open the model files with?
    ville 21 years ago
    Pretty much nothing, it is my own file format.
    Crazy 21 years ago
    too bad. Is there really nothing?

    looking at the line under my name made me really happy

    and ZEXl8er, congrats on making power member!
    ville 21 years ago
    It's one way only, I have a tool to make the 3dw files out of 3DS files, but not vice versa. And now I've lost all the original 3DS files.
    Crazy 21 years ago
    :sad :sad :sad
    Aeon 20 years ago

    This game would be a terrific game to mod if it were modable. If you ever get around to making a remake, large update, or sequal, here might be some things to keep in mind for modability:

    Custom responces when encountering ships.
    Custom missions from planets.
    Custom combat encounters (which can be linked to responces and missions).

    There should also be flags and special encounters on planets. For example, when you visit planet A, you get a custom mission that sets flag A to 1. When you go to planet B, if flag A is 1, planet B will run a special encounter. That way we could create custom plotlines.

    Custom ships, of course, would be really nice, but I suppose that's out of the question. It would have been nice if players could create their own ships which could be randomly encountered like all the others... Still, a little bit more variety would be nice next time. And how about being able to fit your ships with different weapons? I was disappointed that the original didn't have that.

    Of course, when I suggest moding, I usually mean adding on to instead of replacing... Anyone ever played The Sims? Its more fun to download tons of new furniture, clothing, wallpaper, etc... than it is to replace the preexisting stuff.
    ville 20 years ago
    You've got great ideas there, I wish I had thought of them when Wazzal was still in the works.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    You're not the only one to wish that, Ville! *)
    Crazy 20 years ago
    most people do. But the costumization of ships is a must "next time"

    GOD! what has become of my spelling?!
    Electrobomb 20 years ago
    I took one look at wazzal and i knew it couldn't be modded i even searched all over to see if i couldn't find any mods for wazzal. there was nothing at all

    and don't ask why i dont have an icon i just signed up to here
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    If you want an avatar, just go to the 'profile' page, up the top right near the 'FAQ', 'Memberlist' and 'logout' links.
    Electrobomb 20 years ago
    thx for the tip

    and btw where is the general near the begining of the game located? i can't see the red planet name my thing must be messed up
    Crazy 20 years ago
    now, im hacking the savefile, but i just dont get where should i put withc numbers.
    Crazy 20 years ago
    here's a chart of ships i'm working on (for hacking)
    star streeker: 2
    blue tiger: 3
    cargo ship: 5
    space station: 6
    void 20 years ago
    I decided to try using a hex editor with wazzal.exe

    I found some things of interest but I'm not sure how to use the info.

    Here it is.

    Spadefoot...Galadriel...Nerda...Big Tulath..Seth....Powerman....Eric
    the Red....Mom.Jack the Wicked.General Duende..Passerina Amoena....Spoonbill...Tuatara.
    ge....Capped Heron....Halitosis...Gean....Hadada Ibis.Skin
    Baza..Falcon..laser station...cargo vessel....terrible streak.nebula.
    .unidentified flying
    nge keys.Music...Sound...Easy Mode...Game start demo.High poly
    ships.Stars visible...Nebula
    loaded.Game saved......Screenshot saved as ....debug mode:.

    On top of this I've got access to all the game text and I found some actual C/C++ code:


    ville 20 years ago
    You've found some of the preconfigured ship names in there.
    void 20 years ago

    I didn't realise it would go on a single line. Sorry

    EDIT... I fixed it up
    void 20 years ago
    Yeah I was thinking I could change the path for the ship models to make it go to a .3ds file or something? I don't know much about graphics.
    ville 20 years ago
    Notrium uses my own custom format for models, you won't be able to replace them by any means. Even I don't have the specs for the model files anymore.
    void 20 years ago

    So did you lose all of you files and source code at some point? If you hadn't could you have made a mod capability reasonable quickly and with ease?

    What do you still have? Notrium........ .. . . .
    ville 20 years ago
    I managed to save a lot of code, but all of the 3D models disappeared. I've still got the source for Wazzal, but it isn't possible to just make a game moddable afterwards. It needs to be decided before coding the game.
    void 20 years ago
    Well you've already said your not letting out you source which is completely understandable and your choice. But humour me Why don't you want to let other people work on it and use it as a base for a game they might want to make oor a mod for you game?

    Is it that you can't trust them?
    They will steal credit?
    Your code is like you child and you don't want anyone messing with it ?
    Your code if full of anti-american comments and you don't want it out in public ?
    You've done it in the past and it was used to create weapons of mass distruction?
    You don't like me and what me to suffer as much as possible ?
    Someone will turn your work into their own and sell it?

    Am I warm?
    ville 20 years ago
    I've sold licenses to it, I'm not just giving it for free. If you would like to buy a license to use the code, we can discuss terms in private. There's really nothing interesting in the game engine itself, but the 3d engine was quite useful at the time. Sadly I believe there are even much better open source engines now.
    void 20 years ago
    It's strange you dont advertise that on your website anywhere. Sadly I don't have any money and I don't know if I would be capable of using it. I'm still only learning about usibg dirext x with c++.

    Also if you've sold the code to some people do you know if any of them have made a clone of wazzal or added some features?
    ville 20 years ago
    It's OK with me if somebody wants to make a clone of the game, the game itself is not very original. That's the whole point of buying a license to the code - to get to use it in your own products.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    What if we combine Wazzal and Notrium? Notrium has extreme modding capabilities, so if we managed to add say, space combat to notrium it wouldn't be too hard. All we have to do is add the Wazzal engine (or parts of it) to the Notrium engine, and make a second storyline/mod that encorporates this space-combat stuff. It could be like landing on the planet and fighting the inhabitants! Take rescources, build weapons for your guy OR your ships, build ships, and blast to another planet with new stuff! Anyway, just a thought.
    Wicked 20 years ago
    lol, that was covered in a thred posted in the Notrium forum, perhaps you should look at ALL the old posts
    ville 20 years ago
    It isn't that easy to combine them. Both games use different graphics/sound/input engines. I would have to rewrite one of the games to the other's engines. It would almost be simpler to write a new game.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    I'm thinking that I might start a Wazzal mod after LOTR, so you might get what you are asking for. Now that you can control the inertia for creatures, it'd be possible to do a really good Wazzal control system. I'll keep you posted in my thread.
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