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Forum » another bit longer story

another bit longer story

sharx1 18 years ago
hmm im getting a bit tired of this, i end up getting a new computer, get bored of all other games i normally play, then remember notrium and start playing it, then think about modding, then hit a problem and, while i wait for an answer (or some help) i end up writing a story. well here it is so far, you can download it in text format from this link
please PM me any suggestions in the plot future
E_net4 18 years ago
"sharx1" said:
hmm im getting a bit tired of this i end up getting a new computer get bored of all other games, then remember notrium and start playing then think about modding then hit a problem and while i wait for an answer (or some help) i end up writing a story well here it is so far you can download it in text format from this link
please PM me any suggestions in the plot future
Could you PLEASE translate that to plain English? I don't get a thing.
sharx1 18 years ago
lol u never understand anything and as for translation... all the words were english but the grammer was appauling but then again im bad at grammer at least open office has a spell cheack and stuff

edit: well for the less understanding ive added a bit more p.u,n,t.u,a.t,i.o,n.
Forum » another bit longer story

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