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  • The Werivar Expansion Mod.

    FREAK 18 years ago
    Is there a way to keep the snipers and battledroids from spawning?
    I looked in the scripts.dat but I didn't see anything.
    Maybe I'm not looking in the right dat file or I'm not looking hard enough.
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    The links isnt working...Meh ill just play the normal Werivar
    harwe 18 years ago
    go here
    harwe 18 years ago
    not double posting, technically, but i found a couple of bugs in this version...
    -I lose the door key to hermit's hut for some weird reason
    -the ice pack doesnt have a fixed graphic
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    not double posting, technically, but i found a couple of bugs in this version...
    -I lose the door key to hermit's hut for some weird reason
    -the ice pack doesnt have a fixed graphic
    - You don't need it anymore after you open the door anyway.
    - Couldn't that be the engine's fault?
    harwe 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    - You don't need it anymore after you open the door anyway.
    ahh but i do, i neeed it for my base & for safety when evolving...

    and for the ice packs, it used to work but now somethings wrong with them
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    As far as I am aware, after using the hermit's key once, the door will open and shut without it forever after.
    *Resumes being on break.*
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Nocture17" said:
    As far as I am aware, after using the hermit's key once, the door will open and shut without it forever after.
    *Resumes being on break.*
    I don't think that's true. I'm pretty sure use of the plot object is dependent on having the key in your inventory.
    bwansy 18 years ago
    Hi, I am new to this forum.
    I've tried this mod, and it's really fantastic. However, I found some bugs.
    1. At some point of evolution, the human started to get a "Special: lower hunger" for every 2 xp points gained. After half an hour he got some 3000 of them.
    2. The nightmare armour of Scavenger's doesn't regernerate health as it claimed.
    3. The metal ore mine actually gives you raw reflective crystals.
    4. The Werivar psi-blast doesn't have the blast effect when hitting an enemy.
    5. The Psionic Mind Blast's blast effect hurts himself.

    As for the spawning problems, I think it's the game engine's problem. According to the script, the number of these in each number is limited to 8, but somehow that was ignored by the game.

    EDIT: I have only tried a little bit of Werivar and Psionic because of the "blast" problems. For the rest of the races, I have already tried them thoroughly.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    The Psionics Blast attack has always injured you if you're standing too close to an enemy IIRC.
    bwansy 18 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    The Psionics Blast attack has always injured you if you're standing too close to an enemy IIRC.
    No, last time I checked, it doesn't. Neither in default or in werivar mod.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    You sure? Cause I could swear I've been injured by it before.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Perhaps it's been implemented in the mod (as in, not made by accident)?
    bwansy 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Perhaps it's been implemented in the mod (as in, not made by accident)?
    Only the author has the answer.

    As for the blast in default and Werivar, maybe it's different in easy mode and medium/hard mode? Cause I could swear I have never been injured by it before.

    By the way, one off-topic thing: how do you people get a small icon that says "mature green alien" or "turret", or so?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "bwansy" said:
    By the way, one off-topic thing: how do you people get a small icon that says "mature green alien" or "turret", or so?
    That is Top Secret information, my friend.

    If you hang out for a while, you might find out...
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "bwansy" said:
    By the way, one off-topic thing: how do you people get a small icon that says "mature green alien" or "turret", or so?
    That is Top Secret information, my friend.

    If you hang out for a while, you might find out...
    That ain't a secret, Grim, we can tell.
    Those icons represent our total posts rank and it keeps changing as you post.[/OT]
    harwe 18 years ago
    damn him for being on a break.. no updates in 2 weeks!! *gasp* omg!! anyway, Nocture has changed soo many things so you shouldnt compare these changes with default or weviar (non ex) because this game requires a different strategy on surviving, ie different combinations for warp gun.
    Arawak 18 years ago
    I absolutly err like the things this mod has changed other than a few.

    I strictly belive that most of the higher up technology should't be used by either stowaway I just belive its unrealistic.

    * Power Prism Crystals can no longer be used directly to power equipment.
    I would like to know about this one im curious about what changed.


    * Batteries, extensions and other technological means of manipulating battery supplies are only available to the Female alien, the human, and the android, the only characters with technological power supplies.

    Im no big fan of the alien infact im a comlete idiot about it but
    "the only characters with technological power supplies."
    seems wrong did you mean werivar human and android?

    Also the throwing spears as reffered earlier are called "Javelins"
    OH and theres somthing that gives em more kick called an alatl.

    Edit:I also wonder why those aliens would shovel for resources it seems to me they would live happily just eating things even if they are intelligent I dont see any kind of education other than instincts.

    Im going to go reread that part about the charater background again.

    Edit2:Here's an atlatl

    Edit3:Ive noticed that in the hive TONS of dire reefers and small blues gather around doing nothing but trying to go there.
    (yes reefers renamed them because I always think that)
    harwe 18 years ago

    anyway, btw, where are you Nocture17
    bwansy 18 years ago
    Still no updates?

    (Sorry, harwe, I'm thread mining again. )
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "bwansy" said:
    (Sorry, harwe, I'm thread mining again. )
    You WOULD be, if there was more than three months of inaction in the thread.
    harwe 18 years ago
    aww so much for this.... one more version for the v1.0
    bwansy 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "bwansy" said:
    (Sorry, harwe, I'm thread mining again. )
    You WOULD be, if there was more than three months of inaction in the thread.
    I was just kidding becasue harwe loves picking on thread miners.
    And three months is the limit? Then I wasn't thread mining when I posted in a thread that was one month old.
    Nocture17 17 years ago
    1: Yeah, that's been a bug since the previous Werivar Mod.
    2: Nightmare Armour doesn't regenerate? Blast.
    3: Ooops. That'll be fixed next update.
    4: Werivar's Psionic blast isn't supposed to have a blast effect, at least until higher levels.
    5: Psionic blast hurts the psionic? Never happened to me. I'll check that.

    6: Yeah, sorry. I've been in the States with the in-laws for quite awhile. Back now, so I'll be trying to get back into the swing of things as soon as I've caught up with work and sleep.

    7: The Stowaway cannot use weapons or certain grades of equipment, and more importantly does not benefit from doing so either. However, with the way the game works, anyone can perform a combination, so previously the Alien could MAKE a high-tech gadget, but couldn't actually use it, a much simpler task. 8: Power Prism crystals could previously be combined directly with an array of items. Now there are more things that can be powered by them, but the energy they emit needs to be converted somehow.
    9: The fact that she can use battery power ups is because she uses a human power source. She scavenged it from the Escape Pod. The Werivar does not, like the Psionic, he uses his psionic powers, but he can convert them into electrical energy to operate gadgets.
    10: They are controlled by you, if you are happy to eat things, then so are they, if you decide that by mining out a small fortune, then refining those materials into a selection of defensive force-field barriers, gun turrets, food generators and a series of regenerative stasis fields you might eat things more efficiently, then they will too. You're the player, you can roleplay limitations upon yourself if you want, but I'm not going to force you into behaviours that your character would "want" to engage in. You can try an entirely vegetarian game if you really want.
    11: Yeah.... They do that unfortunately. Don't worry though, as soon as they see you, they'll change behaviour shortly.

    12: I've obviously spoiled the lot of you with my bi-weekly updates that I can't take time off without you panicking. Don't fret. I'm still around, and will even update sooner or later to try and fix all the bugs.
    bwansy 17 years ago
    Glad to see you back!
    Toukoilija 17 years ago
    When last abilities come to Scavenger? I suppose i am not getting anything more to my lvl 59 Scavenger
    Nocture17 17 years ago
    All abilities for the Scavenger should be attainable at around level 16 or so. You'll be able to have more of those abilities active at the same time by about level 20. After that, the only improvements levelling gives you is enough to make a health, strength, and energy upgrade each level. If you consider being able to take a hundred hits from a sniper marine without healing an ability, best keep levelling.
    angus 17 years ago
    "Arawak" said:

    Edit2:Here's an atlatl


    Similar in design to an Australian (which I am) Aboriginal (which I'm not) Woomera (A tool used for giving power to spears).

    Anyway, perhaps one could make a floodlight, which sheds light for the benefit of the user, to be deployed in a certain spot?
    The combination could be a Long Metal Rod (to hold up the light unit) an Energy Unit (to power the light) and an Omni-Directional Light. The floodlight could light up better than a fire, but cannot be used for cooking or other, similar techniques. They are also attacked by aliens.
    DarkSoldierX 17 years ago
    Great mod, or expansion if you prefer. Level 2 scavenger here. Died about 5 times, and I keep forgeting to save. I havn't played notrium in a long time, and again, great mod.
    Barebones 17 years ago
    Hey, could you add an extra claw between levels 4 and 8? I'm stuck using a level 5 scavenger, because I uber-overpowered his claws, and I can't fight anything without suffering the effects of starvation, yet the rest of my abilities aren't high enough to take on better sources of food. Basically, I can't click fast enough to stay ahead of hunger.
    harwe 17 years ago
    I thnk there is.... idn, but stick to the normal claws until u get omega claws else its a waste of food to do hunter/whatever claws that drains stuff
    Rayven 17 years ago
    How much does the mode "weight"?How much MB?
    The sword is a good idea,but i think i should be makeble with a blue(weaker sword) and brown alien(stronger)corpse.You can take the sword effects from Lord of the rings mode.How do you put pictures(ant,alien,turrests...)into your posts?
    harwe 17 years ago
    "Rayven" said:
    How much does the mode "weight"?How much MB?
    The sword is a good idea,but i think i should be makeble with a blue(weaker sword) and brown alien(stronger)corpse.You can take the sword effects from Lord of the rings mode.
    the hell u talkin bout........

    and put some SPACES PLZ its so EASY!!!! press it with your thumb like after some punctuation... geez... u should go back to elementary school and learn bout punctuation spacings man.......less your language is different, but then again, gammer and everything is nice........

    as for the first thing, DOWNLOAD IT FOR YOURSELF its small, 10MB max, i think.
    click the sig
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    the hell u talkin bout........

    and put some SPACES PLZ its so EASY!!!! press it with your thumb like after some punctuation... geez... u should go back to elementary school and learn bout punctuation spacings man.......less your language is different, but then again, gammer and everything is nice........

    as for the first thing, DOWNLOAD IT FOR YOURSELF its small, 10MB max, i think.
    click the sig
    The irony of seeing you berate someone about their grammar is killing me.
    Pete 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "harwe" said:
    the hell u talkin bout........

    and put some SPACES PLZ its so EASY!!!! press it with your thumb like after some punctuation... geez... u should go back to elementary school and learn bout punctuation spacings man.......less your language is different, but then again, gammer and everything is nice........

    as for the first thing, DOWNLOAD IT FOR YOURSELF its small, 10MB max, i think.
    click the sig
    The irony of seeing you berate someone about their grammar is killing me.
    That made me lol and droll.
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