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Forum » Weapons and stuff. What you like and don't like. (NEW MOD!)
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  • Weapons and stuff. What you like and don't like. (NEW MOD!)

    FREAK 18 years ago
    I got a tight schedule too.
    I got school and work in the way.
    And a bunch of friends who randomly come over.
    And I got a gf but I can't complain about that.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    For your story, it should kind of be like A Blurred Line (where there are many plot twists) or The Way (really in-depth. They even discuss it at the forums.).

    If you want some kind of story to help then I'll give it to you by PMing so I won't ruin any surprises for *cough* any people *cough* out there. Obviously I won't give out the whole thing, only an idea that I think would be great for a mod like Notrium.

    There's encampments and bases around the world (if you're going to make it huge) that you could stay in. Some places require you to pay money to get inside the base. Some of them won't grant you access. Others will simply invite you in. Also you can be in one faction or another. Let's say theres 3 factions and you join the first one. The second faction will be completely hostile to you and fire at will while the 3rd faction may not like you but let you in their base if you pay the toll. Also in each factions you can do missions and errands and such. You can choose not to be in a faction at all.

    As soon as you join a faction your loyalty bar (or whatever you want to call it) will start out as 0. If it's at 0 then the other faction will not know much about your and be kept at a low profile. If you do something helpful for your own faction, you could get anywhere between +1 to +3 loyalty. Max amount is 100. If you dishonor your faction you will lose loyalty. If your loyalty becomes -25 or lower, the faction will kick you out but the other factions will be more keen to let you in. If you can code this kind of stuff, you're god >.>
    FREAK 18 years ago
    I got what ya mean.
    So the outcome of the game will be decided on who you kill.
    That would be awesome!
    Your destiny will now be dependent on your freewill!
    Its like star-crossed blue alien killers!
    FREAK 18 years ago
    O things are going pretty good so far.

    Stuff I got done so far...

    -A bit of the start area.
    -A bunch of dialogs.
    -Journal entries that are worth reading.
    -Several new weapons.
    -A couple of graphics.
    -A few items.
    -A definite storyline.
    -New sfx.
    -A bunch of other things that aren't exciting.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    So... how far are you guys at right now?

    And here's a tip: if you program for too long of a time and we don't get to download it, then you might have bugs that'd be fatal late on and it'll keep us nervous and trigger-happy. Mostly the latter tho'.
    Admiral 18 years ago
    Also if something does go wrong, (heaven's forbid) then one of us will have a working version and can then help you de-bug it easier
    (O)ndatra 18 years ago
    "FREAK" said:
    Ok me and wolfbreed are gonna try and make a mod.
    What we need is opinions on the current weapons and other things (enemies, items, areas, etc) from the current mods.
    You can tell us some original ideas too.
    We want to make a mod that has everything that the players want.
    If you want to help then your more then welcome to.
    Ipropose, to take some things from other mods:
    Opposing Force: Airstrike, fusion beam, alternate fire and, maybe control soldiers.
    Wazzal II: Jetpack
    Nameless: Ability to change energy sourse from energy ammo to your battery, shaking hands.
    Werivar: Evasion
    Also would be good to add slo-mo, two parameters (rage and stamina). Weapons: Darkhole generator, phazer, Nuke rifle, Shrinker, MiniRocket mashinegun, Nitrogun, Radiodestroyer (Transfer all explosion power to one dot by radiowaves), Tesla rifle, Anti-Materia Alien Blaster, Micro-wave emitter, gauss rifle.
    Also would be good to see element of invention. In base, if it will be, would stand scientist. You give him corpses, weapons and other alien stuff, and after some time he give info about it. For example, you bring to him corpses, and when he inform you about reserch results, you'll will do bonus damage to that creature. Would be good to give ability to use psionics.At beginning you could give ability to generate characteristics. For example, you give player ability for begining to increase intellect (psipower and energy), agility(speed, evasion, stamina) and streenght(health, lowers shaking hands, more damage in hand to hand). Controlled territory counter. Add three charackters:Usual human, robot(not android) and mutant. About enemies, you could use both hi-techs aliens and killing machines, because last can be their pets (like we have dogs).
    Story can looked like this: "At the end of 21st sentury on earth fallen big meteorite. Scientists, whichwere sent there find unknown mineral. The goverment of (place here name of country) quickly secreted it from other world. Researchers of meteorite mineral find, when it melted with steel and titan, placed in carbon nanotubes and electrized, it creates strange hole. Placed there pen dissapear, but after some time it appear in master engeener desk. It was named chronohole. When this were finded, goverment forced scientists to create Chronoportal to change history. But when it was built, appears, that it was enormous power source. Scientists tried to use this power, but powersplash was lockated by aliens race (name of the race). They came to Earth and contact goverment. They want chronholes tech and offered in exchange 1 tonn of iron (in their home world it was luxury). Goverment doesn't agree with it. So aliens took force dessicion. Because aliens dont know what is countries, they start revenge to all humans. On all planet was stricked by biological weapons, which cause mutations. Those who survived were forced to fight with alien inviders. And very little find military bunkers, hind, and start waiting". This story could explain ressurection and dinosaur enemies.
    Endings could be:
    1)Domination- your fraction controlls 75% of territory during 5 days
    2)Destruction- you killed all aliens
    3)Science- when all possible reserches complited, you could create another portal and stop this scientists
    4)Elimination- you get to first Chronoportal, but now it could work only as teleport. You teleport to Alien world and destroy their boss.
    harwe 18 years ago
    "(O)ndatra" said:

    Ipropose, to take some things from other mods:
    Opposing Force: Airstrike, fusion beam, alternate fire and, maybe control soldiers.
    Wazzal II: Jetpack
    Nameless: Ability to change energy sourse from energy ammo to your battery, shaking hands.
    Werivar: Evasion

    get permission first, if their makes are still here
    (O)ndatra 18 years ago
    It was adressed to me or developers?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "(O)ndatra" said:
    It was adressed to me or developers?
    To whoever wants to use it/them, of course.

    Although it might be a bit difficult to get the answer from Casanova...
    harwe 18 years ago
    "I" said:

    get permission first
    err i mean give em credit
    Anarion 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "(O)ndatra" said:
    It was adressed to me or developers?
    To whoever wants to use it/them, of course.

    Although it might be a bit difficult to get the answer from Casanova...
    Or UberWaffe
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    The suggestion the other guy posted was a total X-Com ripoff.

    Use it at your own risk :{
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    And the risk would be...?
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    Having the same stuff over and over again. Hell, I'd love something original but just ripping it off from a really good game kinda sics me.
    Go, NOW.
    And I'm still wondering where the hell those two are...

    (O)ndatra 18 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    The suggestion the other guy posted was a total X-Com ripoff.

    Use it at your own risk :{

    Actually, i took from W-com only researshing, and through it will be more intrasting, that just buying or finding waepons, what we do in every game, but if you no like it... It look strange to me, that you all only critic all what I proposed. Nobody told about weapons, story, counter, only about what I write wrong. Yes, knew, that before using other mods features, you must get permission, but that guys wrote to take from other mods, so i wrote what I like. Yes, X-COM is one of my favorite games, so I took element, which looked to me logically. And nobody said, that this was interassting, good or at least normal. And I just wanted to make mod look better and help. But if you all like that, I'm must say goobuye.

    P.S. to criticans: I've just find, that rage already in Illiwinter mod. Actually this feature was tolded to me by friend, but you could critic, that i took it without permission.
    The stranger 18 years ago
    so.... when is the mod expected to be done?

    P.S. rocket luncher, rocket turret, and....... grav gun? lol grav gun.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "The stranger" said:
    rocket luncher
    *stops cutting the rocket with a knife and a fork*

    ...What. [/OT]
    Admiral 18 years ago
    [OT]Yea Grim we were just a 'y' short of a grav'y' gun...
    FREAK 18 years ago
    O hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on forums in a while.
    The mod will have to be held off for a while.
    I'm gonna be going on a huge trip and I won't be back for another well idk 5-7 months...
    I got alot of stuff done already yet not enough to have a demonstration of what its gonna be like.
    I'm wicked sorry guys but know that I AM NOT DROPPING THE MOD!
    Well cya in a few months folks.
    Pete 18 years ago
    "FREAK" said:
    O hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on forums in a while.
    The mod will have to be held off for a while.
    I'm gonna be going on a huge trip and I won't be back for another well idk 5-7 months...
    I got alot of stuff done already yet not enough to have a demonstration of what its gonna be like.
    I'm wicked sorry guys but know that I AM NOT DROPPING THE MOD!
    Well cya in a few months folks.

    What kind of trip is THAT. Seriously. Anyway, dont tell me you wont have acces to computer the whole time... (no one can be that cruel, right? ...right?)
    FREAK 18 years ago
    Hey everyone!
    I'm in China right now.

    I'm gonna take another flight into South Korea very soon.
    Yeah thats right I'm Korean!

    I'm adopted and I'm going back to meet my old parents for the first time since I was 4 months old!
    I'm so excited!
    I'm sure they have a computer.
    I have all of the files at home unfortunately.
    I could have my mom email me the files though!
    Well wish me luck guys.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    You were adopted?!

    ...You know, you should just beat up your parents for leaving you in the dark.

    And now I'm not the only Korean anymore woot!

    Speaking of the mod, you really should hand us what you finished.
    FREAK 18 years ago
    No way dude!
    They saved my life!
    I was wicked sick and they couldn't take care of me.
    The didn't have enough money.
    Well thats besides the point.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    I heard somewhere from the forum that South Korea is the 3rd highest in terms of economy.

    They're just... no...

    And you're going to be away for 5-7 months?! I hope your other partner might make some work outta it.
    FREAK 17 years ago
    Hi all!

    I am Freak's friend.

    He called me last night and told me to say hello to all!

    He says he is having a hell of a good time.

    He wants to let all of you know that he will be back in another month or so.

    He ended up wanting to come back earlier then he thought me would!
    harwe 17 years ago
    hahaha thats soooo random and yet on another random topic as well
    Crazy 17 years ago
    ...who's Freak?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    I suppose he arrived when you were without internet... IIRC, he and some other new guy were creating Yet Another Mod. They seemed pretty good, though, but they've been silent, up until this message.
    harwe 17 years ago
    and no beta
    Valor 17 years ago
    I wish I had modding skills.

    FREAK 17 years ago
    Well the trip was great!

    Time to get back to modding!

    Crazy 17 years ago

    For once someone actually keeps a promise.
    FREAK 17 years ago

    Well it is rare these days...
    Forum » Weapons and stuff. What you like and don't like. (NEW MOD!)
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