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  • Werewolf 3 - Return of the Angel

    Amarth 18 years ago
    A man, all alone, typing away at his computer. Or is he alone? The internet is a miraculous thing indeed.

    "Hello, dear colleagues. I see you have found your way to the testing server. I am here to present to you the newest version of MSDOS - Mönkkönen's Secure and Democratic Operating System."

    His brains are working, thoughts are flashing. Years of work have gone into the creation of his masterpiece. An entire new way of running a computer. If it works, if he can show these people how well this runs, he is sure to be world famous.

    "The first thing you'll see is that it's, indeed, based on Unix. As the old adage says: Those who don't know Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly. I did not fall into that trap. The next thing you may have wondered about is this terminal. This is the first sign of the difference of this OS. We all share the same terminal. Well, it's more kind of a chatbox, as you see. However, I can give commands."
    $ users | sort

    "The Guest0? users are those among you who will only observe. There are also some who will tamper a bit with the OS, they will recognize their names. They also have certain privileges. I'll return to that, as well as to the other users, in a minute."

    The man leans backwards in his chair. A smile crosses his face. Then he returns to typing.

    "About the democratic part. All of you, who are non-guest, will be able to launch a proposition of a command to launch. The command is then open for voting.

    Now, with this structure, we can make a very secure operating system. Every user has some privileges the others don't have. Well, yes and no. Some have more privileges, some have different privileges, and there are some with the same privileges, every combination is possible. I shall list the different user types on this system in a moment. Also note that the other users are NOT human beings. Indeed, not. This is of mayor importance to the security of the system. All those users, each with different privileges, are run by different AIs. That way, because of the independence, they will retain the stability of the system, even if one makes a mistake or drops out. This, my colleagues, is the core of MSDOS. Now, before I continue, I'll give you the list of user types."
    $ cat ./usertypes

    Firewall: chmod
    Human: rm
    Linker: ld
    Recycler: unrm
    Screener: file
    User: null
    Virus: rm [restricted]
    "As you can see, the list links usertypes with unrestricted commands. Now, I wish to conduct a test. I have gathered you to show how stable and secure this OS is. I, and the other Human users, will try to destabilize the system. The system, as a collection of AIs, will try to defend itself, as you'll see. Here we go..."

    Okay, what the hell is going on, you're asking? Don't worry. Uber-geekish theme, I warned you. Anyway, a quick comparison:

    Firewall: chmod Angel
    Human: rm Wolf
    Linker: ld Cupid
    Recycler: unrm Aer
    Screener: file Seer
    User: null Villager
    Virus: rm [restricted] Crazy War Veteran

    The 'night' is when the Humans try to unbalance the OS. The 'day' is when the OS reacts. In the story, these are cycles of respectively minutes and microseconds, but that doesn't matter too much. We keep a weekly schedule.

    As usual, I'll now start sending out the roles, with the usual blab about what to do. If anything is unclear (how could it be?), PM me.

    Someone (I think it was Murska) pointed me to a weakness in my system last time. To prevent this, I'm going to replicate the text I'll send to the Users here. I'll let you figure out the weakness yourself.
    Hello, $USERNAME. You're a User. The Humans are trying to wreck your system, and you don't like that. At night, you simply sleep() and don't echo() a word, at day, you can discuss and vote (but, actually, everyone can do that). Good luck.
    Daytime is planned ASAP, when the nighttime jobs are finished. I'll do it this way for our first day, because it's a day with two voting. After that day, things return to normal schedule.

    Another thing. I'll handle the Screener [Seer] BEFORE the Linker [Cupid] the first night. Theoretically, it could make a difference.

    I think that'll be it for now. Have fun.

    [EDIT]All is out. Let me know if there are problems. Don't think I made mistakes, this time.

    I've been thinking, I'm going to handle the night more strictly. It'll go like this from now on:
    Angel, Wolves, Seer, Cupid (first night).
    I think that'll be the best way to prevent any mistakes. Since only the Seer and Cupid require feedback at this moment, it doesn't matter that much, but it's the idea that counts.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Wow, you were right about geeky. You insulted the real Microsoft Disk Operating System. You are now cursed to experiencing what I have as my signature.
    Pete 18 years ago
    I like this computer style. Really much. The night and day descriptions are going to be so interesting to read... I cant wait!
    E_net4 18 years ago
    The system, as a collection of AIs, will try to defend itself, as you'll see. Here we go..."
    What's this?

    It's currently night time, right?

    $ sleep()
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    The system, as a collection of AIs, will try to defend itself, as you'll see. Here we go..."
    What's this?
    Console prompt, awaiting input from the Humans.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    $ sleep()

    The Gemini 18 years ago
    Um, can you explain the new roles again?
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    Um, can you explain the new roles again?
    Angel, Wolf, Cupid, Villager, Seer, Mayor, you already know these.

    Aer: inherits the first special (non-villager) role to be killed.
    Crazy War Veteran: has the ability to kill one player he chooses at the moment he is lynched (not when killed at night). This does not count as a lynch, but as a kill. Thus, if the Veteran picks another Veteran (could happen with the Aer), the second Veteran can not kill.
    Murska 18 years ago
    Wow, really cool this computer style. (Hey cool, I'm a spiderbot!)
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Wow, really cool this computer style. (Hey cool, I'm a spiderbot!)
    gratz. I like it too.
    Executing function: sleep()
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    I really need to check my private messages more often... Cool, nerdy computer stuff. This should be interesting.

    EDIT: In other news, I can't even spell definitely. Definitely.
    Pete 18 years ago
    Use this next time. Also I forgot...

    $ sleep()
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    Use this next time.
    Lord have mercy on my soul, I forgot to use italics. What are you, the freakin' italics police, or something? Anyway, I fixed it.
    Pete 18 years ago
    "Zephyr" said:
    "Pete" said:
    Use this next time.
    Lord have mercy on my soul, I forgot to use italics. What are you, the freakin' italics police, or something? Anyway, I fixed it.

    It was just a reminder...
    Murska 18 years ago
    I forgot it too! Gotta go before the dreaded humans catch me!

    $ sleep()
    The Gemini 18 years ago
    $ sleep()
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Man, you guys are unimaginative...

    Angel, I'm awaiting your protection vote for this night. It's pretty important .
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    sleep() subroutine interrupted | entering WhatIsLove() loop

    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    whatislove() loop XD
    Pete 18 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Man, you guys are unimaginative...

    Angel, I'm awaiting your protection vote for this night. It's pretty important .

    How can you be imaginative when youre just saying youre going to sleep in code? The day talk descriptions are going to be a lot more imaginative though(from me at least, and only if I live that long )
    E_net4 18 years ago
    New event: dream(1) subroutine
    Dream type: 1 - Good
    User condition: "oo, nice."
    Current running subroutines:
    - sleep()
    - dream(1)
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    You got it wrong. It'd actually look more like:
    New event: dream() subroutine
    Dream type: 1 //Good
    User response: "oo, nice."
    Current running subroutines:
    - sleep()
    - dream()
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    You got it wrong. It'd actually look more like:
    New event: dream() subroutine
    Dream type: 1 //Good
    User response: "oo, nice."
    Current running subroutines:
    - sleep()
    - dream()
    I modified the OS a lil' bit, so It looks the way I want.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    I modified the OS a lil' bit...

    Sorry, couldn't resist. I'ma stop now.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    $ perl
    my $state = sleep().execute;
    Is that what you meant by creative?
    Amarth 18 years ago

    Sorry. Need - to - stay - in - role...
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    You people are so nerdy. It's scary.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Zephyr" said:
    You people are so nerdy. It's scary.
    New Event User condition: "Nerdy people rule! *kicks Zephyr*" in dream(1) subroutine 
    Current running subroutines:
    - sleep()
    - dream(1)
    Pete 18 years ago
    I sure wish I knew more about programing languages right now. I guess Ill have to stick with gmod lua like, as its the only one I actually ever seen...
    $ run.subroutine(nightmare.type14)
    nightmare.type14 on...

    Console output

    $ delete.routine(Pete)
    .routine(Pete) .statusreport
    Status of routine Pete = !scared
    .delete allobjects.type(nightmare)
    goto sleep()

    Hows that?
    Murska 18 years ago
    Well, I don't know anything about any programming languages, so there.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Well, I don't know anything about any programming languages, so there.
    [i]The real sleep(); makes the program give other things running on its processor a turn. Very useful, although Notrium3D still uses up 50% of my processors for some damn reason.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Phase 1
    "Everyone ready? Watch this!"
    $ rm Idiota

    Warning: removing [RECYCLER] node.
    Checking prerequisites...OK
    Checking privileges [HUMAN]...OK
    Idiota deleted.

    Machines around the man spring into action. Lights are blinking, hard disks rattling, data is sent across the network. Neural nodes are activating, decision trees are walked, minimax procedures are carried out.

    Well, yeah, what can I say? Idiota is dead, Idiota was the recycler/Aer. So, not much unbalancing this game. AIs, it's time to take revenge, or at least, protect the system. Remove the pesky Humans!

    Today, we have votes for both sysop (Mayor) and for deletion (lynching). Remember, the sysop has the decisive vote in case of a tie when voting for lynching. You can only be sysop if you want to be one. So, who's candidate for sysopship?

    If you vote on someone, clearly state with you vote for. Yes, you can vote for yourself for sysop. I suppose you can do that for lynching too, but really...

    The day ends Saturday, 13 January, noon GMT. Yep, that's more than a week. Use it well. Any questions, PM.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    $ halt subroutine.sleep()
    Processing... Halted.
    $ halt loop.WhatIsLove()
    Processing... Halted.
    $ run primary_query()
    Query: "What happen!!"
    E_net4 18 years ago
    $ Stop dream(1)
    Subroutine dream(1) was stopped
    $ Stop sleep()
    Subroutine sleep() was stopped
    $ echo("Idiota was...destroyed! But now we have to do something. Who is smart enough for being the sysop?")
    Idiota was...destroyed! But now we have to do something. Who is smart enough for being the sysop?
    Murska 18 years ago
    So, no Aer this time, it seems. I'd have liked to test it, but... Maybe next game.

    EDIT: With our luck, we prolly choose a human to be the sysop.
    Forum » Werewolf 3 - Return of the Angel
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