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  • Werewolf 3 - Return of the Angel

    MageKing17 18 years ago
    $ perl
    MSDOS.echo("I apologize to you all for the misdirection, but I needed information, and inciting panic is a good way to get information. Vacuus, I want you to know I don't think you are a human. The possibility exists, but there's someone I suspect even more, especially now.");
    MSDOS.changevote( deletion => "Zephyr" );
    Shingo 18 years ago
    Damnit. Damnit. Damnit anyhow. We need to decide as a cohesive group who to lynch. Why? Because, you freaking geniuses, I'm willing to bet that there are at least two humans out there, and they aren't going to waste the opportunity to lynch a user if they see the opportunity. I suggest getting our sorry asses onto IRC and discussing this instead of casting our votes in random directions and "hoping" that we get lucky.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "Dammit, those AIs sure take a long time... Need to look into possible optimizations, because I'd like a responsive OS... Anyway. The result seems ready. Let us see."
    Estimation dumps: 
    _Abstain: 2 - Nodes: Fnukk, Zephyr
    Fnukk: 2 - Nodes: Grim, Vacuus
    MageKing: 1 - Nodes: Nuk
    Vacuus: 4 - Nodes: E_net4, Murska, Pete, !Shingo
    Zephyr: 1 - Nodes: MageKing

    Vacuus selected, executing...

    $ rm Vacuus

    Removing [AI] node.
    Checking prerequisites...OK
    Checking privileges [MAJORITY]...OK
    Vacuus deleted.
    "As you see, the AIs also self-regulate. Sometimes, if they note another AI to be acting suspicious, they'll just remove him. In fact, this is all done by the same heuristic algorithm, so the biggest threat to the system is always removed first. This might seem counter-intuitive, but it really works."

    Heh. Felt like an evil bastard here to close the day at this time, even without all the votes, but those are the rules. Without rules, the game cannot be played.
    Once again, I'd like to have NO discussions, NO explanations and NO asking of questions. Not here, not by PM, not in IRC. This is part of the roleplaying, you could be dead tomorrow and you might have released information you couldn't have given normally. So, this might be hard, but puh-lease.

    Night falls. I'm awaiting the Human(s), once again. I already know about the other special roles . Be seeing you on Monday.

    [EDIT]Feckin' hurry, will ya? There is some responsibility involved in playing this game. It's now 13h43 GMT, that means about 10 hours left. I'm closing down the night at 23h59, no discussion. The AIs had the same thing going.
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    Sorry to break your iron fisted rulz, lulz, but what was Vacuusrotflols' role? Lolcakes.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Zephyr" said:
    Sorry to break your iron fisted rulz, lulz, but what was Vacuusrotflols' role? Lolcakes.
    Did you not read the code part where the removing happened? He's a bloody AI (aka villager).
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Zephyr" said:
    Sorry to break your iron fisted rulz, lulz, but what was Vacuusrotflols' role? Lolcakes.
    Did you not read the code part where the removing happened? He's a bloody AI (aka villager).
    Chill out. I just noticed. I can't delete that, though. :\
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Phase 3

    "Here. I will just remove another node, to push them a bit..."
    $ rm ***

    rm FAILED.
    System not altered.

    Okay, day again. Night planned for Saturday evening.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    $ perl
    MSDOS.echo("Aha! It seems the firewall is starting to predict the humans' movements. I wonder who they targetted. Nevertheless, my opinion still stands."); deletion => "Zephyr" );
    Pete 18 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    $ perl
    MSDOS.echo("Aha! It seems the firewall is starting to predict the humans' movements. I wonder who they targetted. Nevertheless, my opinion still stands."); deletion => "Zephyr" );

    input gathered
    not enough data
    $say(by.Pete; "Can I ask why do you think that again? Last time I just trusted you, we deleted a fellow AI... Id like to know some more facts this time."

    Can I ask why do you think that again? Last time I just trusted you, we deleted a fellow AI... Id like to know some more facts this time.
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    $ perl
    MSDOS.echo("Aha! It seems the firewall is starting to predict the humans' movements. I wonder who they targetted. Nevertheless, my opinion still stands."); deletion => "Zephyr" );
    Um, MageKing, could we have a reason as to why you're voting for me? And you can't possibly say that my comment about "teh secks" is grounds for executing me.

    In voting for me without presenting any proof, you're just casting suspicion on yourself. In short, you're retarded. Kthx.

    Vote: MageKing17
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Echo("MageKing HAS his reasons to vote on you, you cannot just say he's a retard." + chr(10) + "Anyway, I have no idea... Fnukk doesn't seem to be online... And... dunno.")
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Echo("MageKing HAS his reasons to vote on you, you cannot just say he's a retard." + chr(10) + "Anyway, I have no idea... Fnukk doesn't seem to be online... And... dunno.")
    $ echo("Actually, he CAN. Freedom of speech, ya know. :P");
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Echo("MageKing HAS his reasons to vote on you, you cannot just say he's a retard." + chr(10) + "Anyway, I have no idea... Fnukk doesn't seem to be online... And... dunno.")
    $ echo("Actually, he CAN. Freedom of speech, ya know. :P");
    Echo("That's unusual in real life.")
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Echo("MageKing HAS his reasons to vote on you, you cannot just say he's a retard." + chr(10) + "Anyway, I have no idea... Fnukk doesn't seem to be online... And... dunno.")
    $ echo("Actually, he CAN. Freedom of speech, ya know. :P");
    Echo("That's unusual in real life.")
    $ echo("What, freedom of speech? No, that's always present, even though people don't call each other 'tards for no reason.");
    Murska 18 years ago
    And even if there wouldn't legally be a freedom of speech, you still COULD do it. It'd just be illegal. Actually, there's not so many things which you simply CANNOT do.
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    E_net4, Grim is destined to always disagree with you for God knows what reason, get over it... Or maybe everything you say is shit. Either way, that's not my point.

    My point is that this is why PM voting sucks, because MageKing17 doesn't actually have to give proof as to why he's voting me, he can just have a whole bunch of blind idiots following him via PM voting.

    "Pete" said:
    Last time I just trusted you, we deleted a fellow AI...
    Exactly. In saying you suspect me, but giving no evidence to your claim, you're just making yourself more suspicious, on top of already getting everyone to execute Vacuus.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "Zephyr" said:
    My point is that this is why PM voting sucks, because MageKing17 doesn't actually have to give proof as to why he's voting me, he can just have a whole bunch of blind idiots following him via PM voting.
    And what, exactly, would be the difference with public voting? I cannot think of any scenario where it would make any difference.
    Shingo 18 years ago
    "Zephyr" said:
    Sorry to break your iron fisted rulz, lulz, but what was Vacuusrotflols' role? Lolcakes.

    You seem to find a lot of humor in the fact that Vacuus was lynched, seeing as you claim to be a user.

    Secondly, the fact that we erroneously lynched a user proves nothing. Are we omnipotent that we can somehow "know" exactly who is what role? No. But we can form suspicisions based on evidence. He was obviously suspicious, but we obviously made a mistake. In fact, by the time I finished talking to Vacuus on IRC and was about to rescing my vote for him and attempt to get others to do so as well, Amarth had posted the results of the vote. If you don't believe me when I say this, I think that Idiota/Amarth remember rather vividly how absolutely pissed I was when I didn't have time to change my vote, since the results had been posted.

    So why did I end up voting for a user, and convince others to do so? Poor communication. Suspicions were relayed to me that added upon my own suspicions, and by the time I sorted it through, as I said, time had ran out.

    Thirdly, I've narrowed down who I think the humans are to 3 possible suspects and you happen to be #1 on that list.

    Vote_Del: target(Zephyr);

    Edit: Screener has contacted me. Once Zephyr is deleted the other two possible candidates will be screened. All in all, I think I can safely conclude that the users will win this time around.
    Pete 18 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    "Zephyr" said:
    My point is that this is why PM voting sucks, because MageKing17 doesn't actually have to give proof as to why he's voting me, he can just have a whole bunch of blind idiots following him via PM voting.
    And what, exactly, would be the difference with public voting? I cannot think of any scenario where it would make any difference.

    Actually, with public voting, you know youre getting smashed and can try to defend yourself.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    Actually, with public voting, you know youre getting smashed and can try to defend yourself.
    And that would change what, exactly? No one listens to you anyway if they vote you out.
    Besides, I like the lets-kill-him-behind-his-back way a bit more.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Zephyr" said:
    E_net4, Grim is destined to always disagree with you for God knows what reason, get over it... Or maybe everything you say is [censored].
    By no nice reason at all, you're also applied to Grim's opinions [/OT]
    Echo("Still no idea for removing. Pherhaps we should make a brainstorm.")
    Shingo 18 years ago
    I say put these kind of issues to vote, before starting next game, since it's only fair that the majority of people participating should have a voice on these things.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    "Pete" said:
    Actually, with public voting, you know youre getting smashed and can try to defend yourself.
    And that would change what, exactly? No one listens to you anyway if they vote you out.
    Besides, I like the lets-kill-him-behind-his-back way a bit more.
    Well if you're planning on killing someone you don't usually go up to him and tell him about it do ya?
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "Amarth" said:
    "Pete" said:
    Actually, with public voting, you know youre getting smashed and can try to defend yourself.
    And that would change what, exactly? No one listens to you anyway if they vote you out.
    Besides, I like the lets-kill-him-behind-his-back way a bit more.
    Well if you're planning on killing someone you don't usually go up to him and tell him about it do ya?
    $ perl
    MSDOS.echo("Exactly. When I made the post against Vacuus, I only partially suspected him of being human. I was more interested in stirring up reactions. As soon as I got enough responses, I tried to halt the attack on Vacuus... but, as typical when you rile up a mob, I had too little time to stop it from happening. When I wanted to take out Gemini, I didn't publicly call for a rally against him... I quietly PMed my vote to Amarth, trusting the few public votes I'd seen against him to work to my advantage. It certainly worked.

    Zephyr, it's not the "teh sehks" comment itself that cemented my suspicions... it's that that's all you posted in response to an accusation that you were human. Instead of being indignant, like someone falsely accused, you instead attempted to defuse the situation with a not-terribly-funny joke. Far more suspicious than Vacuus' shocked denial.");
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Zephyr, it's not the "teh sehks" comment itself that cemented my suspicions... it's that that's all you posted in response to an accusation that you were human. Instead of being indignant, like someone falsely accused, you instead attempted to defuse the situation with a not-terribly-funny joke. Far more suspicious than Vacuus' shocked denial.
    I had a giant post in reply to the points Shingo raised written, but I had to go and my Grandmother turned off my computer. I hate her.

    I can't remember what the post said, because I'm too annoyed with accidentally closing a tab in Firefox because how stupidly the X button is placed in relation to the last tab... Urrgh.

    Anyway, my internet connection is too slow to keep up the checking of three forums and three WW games, so I really don't care what happens at this point. -_-

    I hate my Grandmother for getting rid of Broadband. Grrr.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Stop Swearing!

    Echo("You know, Zephyr's reaction to these quotes have put him... sick." + chr(10) + "Let's delete him.")
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    "EDUARDO" said:
    Stop Swearing!

    "E_net4" said:
    You know, Zephyr's reaction to these quotes have put him... sick.
    Put me sick? That makes no sense whatsoever. I was annoyed because I'd written a huge post, and it got deleted before I could post it...

    Anyway, your logic sucks, it's like your just looking for any reason to execute me...
    Shingo 18 years ago
    You're being rude, as well as offensive. Such things aren't going to convince anyone that you're not a human.

    Point in question, you have never yet given us any reason to believe that you are not a human. All you've done thus far is claim that we have no basis for thinking you're a human.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Echo("Shingo's right and I'm also sick of your posts!((I hope you're just roleplaying!!! :evil: ))" + chr(10) + "You shall be a deleted code! A bug to be corrected!")
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Echo("Shingo's right and I'm also sick of your posts!((I hope you're just roleplaying!!! :evil: ))" + chr(10) + "You shall be a deleted code! A bug to be corrected!")
    $ echo("Zephyr WAS right about one thing...\n\nSaying that someone's reaction has \'put him sick\' doesn\'t make sense. :P");
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Echo("What else? He has been totally unpolite!")
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Echo("What else? He has been totally unpolite!")
    $ echo("IMpolite. Besides, saying that something has put someone sick doesn't really make sense, just like I said.");
    Murska 18 years ago
    Yea - You might say, for example, that "This virus has made him sick." but not "put".

    EDIT:Uhh, saturday night already here.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    While the man still stares in disbelief to the non-accepted command, the machines have already reacted... More output becomes visible on the screen.
    Estimation dumps: 
    _Abstain: 2 - Nodes: Fnukk, Nuk
    MageKing: 1 - Nodes: Zephyr
    Zephyr: 6 - Nodes: E_net4, Grim, MageKing, Murska, Pete, Shingo

    Zephyr selected, executing...

    $ rm Zephyr

    Warning: removing [HUMAN] node.
    Checking prerequisites...OK
    Checking privileges [MAJORITY]...OK
    Zephyr deleted.
    The man reads the message. He starts swearing. Then he laughs like mad. He leaves his desk and goes to bed, still chuckling.

    The next day, the whole staff room laughs with him when he tells them how he got banned from his own operating system by his AIs.

    Three days after the humiliation, he returns to his project, wanting to see the logic the AIs used. He is not surprised to see it is still running, but the state it is in is not what he expected it to be. He checks the remotely stored logs...

    Another human dead, but it's not the last one as our dear unnamed man/Zephyr seems to have forgotten .

    So. Humans, Screener, Firewall. Your targets please. Night ends Monday around noon GMT.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    You guys seem to have a major problem when it comes to discipline. Posting anything else than just the statement that you are now asleep is not allowed. Is that so hard of a rule to follow?
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