"Anarion" said:
"Amarth" said:
"Pete" said: Actually, with public voting, you know youre getting smashed and can try to defend yourself. And that would change what, exactly? No one listens to you anyway if they vote you out. Besides, I like the lets-kill-him-behind-his-back way a bit more. Well if you're planning on killing someone you don't usually go up to him and tell him about it do ya?  $ perl MSDOS.echo("Exactly. When I made the post against Vacuus, I only partially suspected him of being human. I was more interested in stirring up reactions. As soon as I got enough responses, I tried to halt the attack on Vacuus... but, as typical when you rile up a mob, I had too little time to stop it from happening. When I wanted to take out Gemini, I didn't publicly call for a rally against him... I quietly PMed my vote to Amarth, trusting the few public votes I'd seen against him to work to my advantage. It certainly worked.
Zephyr, it's not the "teh sehks" comment itself that cemented my suspicions... it's that that's all you posted in response to an accusation that you were human. Instead of being indignant, like someone falsely accused, you instead attempted to defuse the situation with a not-terribly-funny joke. Far more suspicious than Vacuus' shocked denial.");