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    Crazy 18 years ago
    ...and satanism once again killed the topic. Finally, something i know to talk about and the topic dies. -.-

    And Nu Metal isn't commercial. It's just a fusion of two of the most popular musical genres ('cept for the millions of genres of dance music.), and fusion has always been a force in music, and it's the main thing that keeps metal alive to this day ("You know, i really like Slayer. But i also really like Iron Maiden and Rob Zombie. It would be really cool if someone made a band that uses parts of all those bands.......... *lightbubulb*")
    varsi 18 years ago
    You're talking about TNBM as satanism..
    *THOONK* Wrong answer, you fail.
    Most of "TNBM-bands" are stupid posers, making the whole thingy because of money. It ruins the BM-scene, if they are even counted in real BM-scene. This doesn't interest anyone but just so you know. Always people are refering BM to satanism, understand it more as religious than satanistic.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    That's the thing about NORWEGIAN Black Metal.

    Black Metal isn't talked about much. For those not use to it, the whole subject is a tabu, something vile and horrible, even though everybody knows it's not real. Venom doesen't actually consist of satanists, it's just that badassery has been a big part of metal straight from the roots, and the bigger badass you wanna be, the badassier subject you take.

    But in Norway... There are just a few bands that REALLY ARE satanistic. They're few and hidden between the posers, but Gaahl is a satanist. Mind you, not a devil worshipper, there's a difference. But Gorgoroth and a few other bands in Norway (and Italy, as i hear) are actual satanists. (Gaahl being the vocalist for Gorgoroth)
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    Extremist eh?

    I'd rather go for the 'all around-balanced' style even though I tip a bit at the other edge

    Speaking of music, I really don't like songs with lyrics on them, mainly because human voice is the most imperfect instrument of them all. Every one of the voice is different and none is perfect.

    Worst types of music methinks are rap. Almost all the time (99%) the rappers just idolizes themselves thinking that they're better than anyone else. Bitches. I'd rather want to have a crack at one another and see if they're better than me. Rappers themselves symbolizes that they're all talk and no walk. Purty simple, really.

    I happen to love computer game music stuff and OverClocked Remix has'em. My personal favorite remixers are goat and blind. Also, unlike the rappers, they idolize the games, not themselves. That's what I just have to love about'em.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    An instrument doesen't need to be perfect to sound good.
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    But it sounds a LOT better >.>
    Crazy 17 years ago

    Oh, c'mon, listen to...



    ...yeah, i can't really name any virtuoso vocalists.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    The voice can bring many emotions - the same singer can use a raw, dark voice, or a cheerful voice, or playful, or neutral, or longing, or ... This is harder to do with other instruments. Another thing, singing is about the most basic and most social way to make music. It has a psychologic advantage most other instruments don't have. Also, you cannot have lyrics without voices. Since most music seems like a duality between lyrics and instrumentals, I'd say that leaving out voice means leaving out half of the potential.

    Of course, all music has its place, and I'm glad there is variety. I'm glad there's Nightwish, Tiƫsto, U2, Kraftwerk, Loituma, The Black Eyed Peas, Pendulum and everything in between. I'm also glad there's Paris Hilton and Usher to make fun of and to remind us how stupid people can be. If others want to enjoy it, I'm glad they can so that I can make fun of them, too.

    So, there's no need to have lyrics in a song to be able to enjoy it... Nor is there a need to have guitars, or any sense of rhythm. But (personally) I'd never state that to enjoy a song, it can't have lyrics (or needs X and Y). I really cannot pinpoint any set of characteristics as being "this makes music good/bad to me".
    varsi 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    That's the thing about NORWEGIAN Black Metal.

    Yeap, I was talking about "True" Norwegian Black Metal, and I won't start talking about Black Metal itself. This isn't just right place for it. >_>
    Bien45 17 years ago
    MCR Rocks!
    Zombie 17 years ago
    Ahem. Satanism, by the way, has little to actually do with the devil or evil. It's more of a "you should have fun with your life" type of thing.

    Don't bother arguing about this, either. It's true. Unless you are a satanist, a nonreligious person who researches this stuff in her spare time because she's bored, or pretty much have a few satanist friends, you know almost nothing about the topic. Same with things like Wicca or Paganism.

    I think far more people involved in far more genres of music are satanists, Wiccans, or Pagans than anyone knows about or cares to know about. Just because you know a few who are satanist doesn't make them bad.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    Ahem. Satanism, by the way, has little to actually do with the devil or evil. It's more of a "you should have fun with your life" type of thing.
    Yeah, I heard something like that, can't remember where. Something along these lines:

    "As Christians concentrate on helping others have a good life, Satanists concentrate on helping themselves have a good life."

    Something like that. Also, I do think we should remember that Satan Worshipers are the ones who sacrifice animals and do other such things.

    Or at least that's what I've heard. >.>
    varsi 17 years ago
    Ahem, Zombie, I did NOT talk about satanism, I talked about that genre (black metal).
    And you're telling me that satanism has something to do with Satan. C'mon...
    Zombie 17 years ago
    "varsi" said:
    Ahem, Zombie, I did NOT talk about satanism, I talked about that genre (black metal).
    And you're telling me that satanism has something to do with Satan. C'mon...

    No, I'm not. I'm saying that satanism has little to nothing to do with the devil or evil. Read properly, please.

    Also, I wasn't telling YOU in particular, I was telling everyone talking about this topic. Please realize that there are more people on the internet than just you.
    Murska 17 years ago
    My big sister seems to be(Or want tobe) a Wiccan. Not like I'm too much interested, though.
    Barebones 17 years ago
    Well there's Lavey Satanism, which is like Christianity except it acknowledges the existence of the various key figures in the world of Hell, and how they effect us all, so think of it as the "Guidebook to banishing the denizens of hell". So its less of a religion and more of a scrap pile of christian concepts.

    Satanism is about looking funny during sex because you can, or at least thats the way I see it.

    Whats not a known fact is, who burns faster, a Wiccan or a Jew?

    The biggest question is, however, who will take that joke too seriously, a Jew or a Wiccan?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    As Christianity tries to empower mankind or a community as a whole, satanism concentrates on the individual. According to satanist theory, each person can become the superman. Christians explain this as "increasing the power of oneself by draining others'". Satanism simply uses Satan or Lucifer as a symbol. The act of actually worshiping the devil is, unsurprisingly, called "devil worship".

    "To me, as a satanist missionary, is to take the word "satan" out of the mouth of each man, and let that man become Satan."

    This sentence shows very well how the Satanic Church (yes, there is a Satanic Church) uses Satan as a symbol instead of a deity.
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    Oddly enough, one idiot wrote on somebody else's test in ink and drew some weird symbols he called 'satan' stuff and wrote that I did it. What an idiot. Too bad I only write in the messiest cursive of all

    There's some A-holes out there that think they know what satanism means. But then again, the whole school (98%) is filled with idiots and what-you-just-F'ing-believe-in junkies. I was initially trying to find a website to my club in google and found some guys MySpace with everyone talking like n00b. I was really, really, surprised that people even wrote like that.

    ...I know MySpace sucks so don't go around pelting me.

    And now for teh musics:

    I love the instruments strings and piano/electric piano as long as they're not used for classicals or sounds like one. Other then that, techno, lots and lots of techno.

    Edit: I might be going to far into persons perspectives (Has nothing to do with the cults you guys said) but you can easily tell if that person is plain gay and just a following idiot. (Tested only in SHHS, in other schools at America this is usually the case,... I hope)

    First one person makes up a subject about school (which are usually complaints) such as: I didn't study for my test, didn't do my homework, it's Friday already!? Etc. Then the next person in the conversation will agree with that person and tries to go along with the flow. And then they keep on talking about that subject and complain.

    Then there's another one where people keep on taking advantage of other people such as cutting in lunch lines, 'borrowing' money, and copying homeworks from 'friends'. They're not friends at all, they're just bunch of A-holes making acquaintances.

    They are only powerful in numbers, nothing if they're alone.... Meh, this sounds too much like my essay which was done in just 1 hour at school. Just implying that its full of useless crap except for grades.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Would anyone wish to bring this thread back on topic by sharing his/her music preferences with us, please?
    Barebones 17 years ago
    Well I believe that the purpose of this thread is not only to show the varied music tastes of the people of these forums, but also bring to light the real definition of said music, in case somebody had a misconception of another member because of their statement about their music preference.
    Zombie 17 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    Edit: I might be going to far into persons perspectives (Has nothing to do with the cults you guys said) but you can easily tell if that person is plain gay and just a following idiot. (Tested only in SHHS, in other schools at America this is usually the case,... I hope)

    What does anything you've said have to do with homosexuality? o.O

    Damn the censor. S-e-x should not be censored. That word should not be censored. Grrr.

    So the above censored word is homo-s-e-x-uality.

    Also: I do not support censor dodging unless the word you're trying to say is clearly not inappropriate in the context you are using it in. Nebulous censors that censor words like that just tend to be aggravating because they limit serious conversation about the topic. I can, however, understand censoring f***, b****, s***, c***, and words of that general vein. That's why I censor them myself.

    Saying this does not validate censor dodging: "Well, b**** is the proper word for female dog so I wasn't being mean, I'm just saying she's a female dog. You know... Fluffy, loves treats, and good to snuggle?"

    Saying this, IMHO, is: "Well, it is the proper term for a group of people, namely those who prefer relationships with those of their own gender."

    I also find it funny how Madgamer was (I think) using the word "gay" as an insult toward people and it was not censored, but when I tried to ask how that was an insult it censored me instead of him. Isn't that kind of contradictory?
    Mika 17 years ago
    The stuff i listen most.

    - Death metal

    - Trash meta

    - Industrial metal

    - Groovy chillin' music

    - Deep house

    - Drum and bass

    - The Jazz oldies

    - Dark tance

    - Dark step

    - Neurofunk

    - Goa trance

    And stuff.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    So you went from death metal to techno? I... i really don't see how that works. I mean, i have a few DM people i now that listen to other kinds of music, too, but i am yet to see one single person that also likes techno. Or DNB, for that matter.

    PS. I've found a new favourite band. Arch Enemy.
    Mika 17 years ago
    I really like all of them tho.

    I know its wierd but thats just me.
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    @ Zombie:

    Meh, I just needed some sort of heat to take out. Couldn't find any valid place to rant except here since my rant was KIND OF related to satanism things you guys were talking 'bout. The use of excessive cuss words would indicate that I needed ranting. If this offended any of you, unlikely but still, '/me apologizes'.

    I really don't know much types of music genres but if you like to screw with thyself, go watch a fat girl singing a off key high note trying break a wine glass.

    And my favorites are still within the bounds of no vocals. Doesn't matter how good the music is, (unless its just teh awesome with less then 10 words) me will count it out.
    The Gemini 17 years ago
    Wolfmother is the best ever.
    Thaif 17 years ago
    Industrial Rock and KMFDM is a good way to start a day

    Just on a side note: The music should not be called "industrial" anymoar, but I still do. The reason? The name came from the producer/publisher called Industrial Records that no longer is here on the soil of Terra.
    Sherimital 17 years ago
    Electronic, especially Trance, Acid, and such things. Goa. A little House, perhaps. A bit of Nu Italo Disco, once in a while.

    Composers: Paniq, Necros, Man With No Name, Aphex Twin, Tresk, Gabry Ponte.
    Zombie 17 years ago

    Xeblit 17 years ago
    I prefer Alternative rock and Techno
    (Favorite bands include Jamiroquai, Coldplay, and Scooter)

    I play Piano, so I suppose Classical isn't too bad either.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Some fun things i've found:

    Unblack Metal (Christian Black Metal (YES! IT'S TRUE!)): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Paul Gilbert: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    The Gemini 17 years ago
    Worst thing ever: Pop Punk.
    Pete 17 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    Worst thing ever: Pop Punk.

    Uh huuuh...

    I guess its a good thing I dont listen to any music but from-game battle and menu music...
    Zombie 17 years ago
    Epic Techno, Epic Electronic, Drum & Bass, Beatcore, Grungecore, etc!

    I like so many genres, it's becoming faster to list what I don't like!
    Crazy 17 years ago
    It's about the same with punk:

    hardcore, emocore, metalcore, crust punk, thrashcore, grindcore...

    But then again, metal seems to have a similar myriad of genres and i somehow manage to keep pace...
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