hurbert (guest) said: Does this include the people that bought the first Greenlight bundle that included Driftmoon? The Driftmoon version in the earlier Groupees bundle was the Indie Spotlight, meaning it was a special extended demo. We didn't et any share of the profits of that bundle. So, as much as we'd love to give everyone a chance to play Driftmoon, we are not able to provide keys for that particular free version. But if you bought the game directly through our site, you will be getting your key as soon as the game is released on Steam! 
Anonemesis (guest) said:
ville said: To prevent confusion and save on explanations we were planning on giving them the day it's released on Steam. 
The official word on Steam achievements/cards is that the current version doesn't yet have them. Are there plans to add them? Yes, I do have plans for adding cards, but I can't say that for 100% certain. But it's likely.