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RM (guest) 11 years ago
Been playing the Driftmoon demo for the past two hours (approx!) and I'm already hugely engrossed! Love the art style, dialog, item variety, level of detail and just the overall flow of the game so far. Hoping to make a purchase as soon as funds allow! Haven't even started playing with the modding tools yet (which have been generously included in the demo!) but I just wanted to say how impressive Driftmoon is, especially for a 2 person development team. Keep up the awesome work, and I hope your excellent efforts on Driftmoon and rewarded! I have yet to see a Driftmoon review online which wasn't glowing.

Thanks for a great game, can't wait to explore further!
Anne 11 years ago
Thanks RM, awesome to hear that you've been enjoying our little game so much, and so nice of you to want to share it with us! Your lovely words have just given Ville and I such a great start to the Year 2014, thanks again!

Ps. While our dev team is just the two of us, all the music in Driftmoon is by Gareth Meek, and most of the character portraits (the dialogue pictures) are by Johanna Sundström, so we have them to thank for those! And obviously our beta testers have done a wonderful job in helping us polish the game, they've been very important in the process as well.

Pps. To be fair to you (and especially to your funds, lol), I have to mention that there's a very special Groupees bundle up at the moment - the first one that Driftmoon is taking part in (there are no plans for other bundles any time soon). Just google it, and you'll see what I mean.

Edited 11 years ago
Bugbeard 11 years ago
Hey, I just wanted to add my compliments to this thread! Driftmoon is one of my favourite games of 2013, which was another incredible year for video games! (Such that I can annoy the even the most patient of souls with my enthustiatic blathering)

It is such a genuine delight (it makes my heart ache thinking about it)! It has the feel of a forgotten, millennial cult classic RPG.
A light-hearted tone and good-spirited air of goofiness permeates the whole experience; a legit sense of joie de vivre. Great characters and dialogue that is often very funny. And it's successfully serious when it wants to. I love the physical interaction with objects, it is weighty and grounded and makes puzzles fun!

I am 136% on board and super-hyped for whatever you guys decide to do next!

Edited 11 years ago
Anne 11 years ago
Thanks for your lovely feedback Bugbeard! Great to hear that you've enjoyed playing Driftmoon so much!
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