I have the whole conversation, plus some amusing stuff.
[00] <+E_net4> Ohai 1157 [00] <+Anonymous1157> Ohai E. [00] <+Anonymous1157> Ohai to everyone, in fact. [00] <+E_net4> It's true there are no active WW players in here. [00] <+Amarth> I am not responsible for what I say. [00] <+Amarth> I have alcohol in my blood. [00] <+E_net4> Again? [00] <+Amarth> BOOBIES! [00] <+Amarth> Wasn't me. [00] <+Anonymous1157> I finished my homework early! On a Monday, even! [00] <+E_net4> Wouldn't that be bipolarity? [00] <+Amarth> Yeah. I have a problem I guess. [00] <+E_net4> Homework? XD [00] <+Anonymous1157> I thought that was called ADHD. Look, a banana. [00] <+Amarth> I didn't drink any alcohol on.. Saturday. I think. [00] <+Amarth> IIRC. [00] <+Amarth> Maybe. [00] <+E_net4> So, util either Zankman, Vacuus or Murska comes, we can speak our mind. The logs won't update so soon, in fact. [00] <+Anonymous1157> I found a perfect way to set a panorama as your background. Chop it up and throw the segments at your automatic background changer! D [00] <+E_net4> Owat [00] <+E_net4> I not uze panorama stuph [00] <+Anonymous1157> Oh. Well, I have a nice butte, but it's really wide. [00] <+Amarth> The logs will update before the day ends though. [00] <+Amarth> So no spoilers. [00] <+Amarth> <Anonymous1157> Oh. Well, I have a nice butt, but it's really wide. [00] <+Amarth> Wat [00] <+E_net4> He said butte. [00] <+E_net4> Not sure what that would mean though.  [00] <+E_net4> Time, Amarth? [00] <+E_net4> Is it really that time again?= [00] <+E_net4> RAM [00] <+Anonymous1157> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butte">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butte</a><!-- m --> [00] <+E_net4> RAM [00] <+E_net4> OIC [00] <+E_net4> OKI [00] <+E_net4> DIZ [00] <+E_net4> ISH [00] <+E_net4> FUN [00] <+Anonymous1157> Whoops, I guess mine's a mesa, then. Still a funny joke I made about the big butte. [00] <+E_net4> TLK [00] <+E_net4> LIK [00] <+E_net4> DIZ [00] <+E_net4> NOW [00] <+Anonymous1157> I LIKE BIG BUTTES AND I CANNOT LIE [00] <+E_net4> LAL [00] <+E_net4> EEZ [00] <+E_net4> GUD [00] <+E_net4> DAY [00] <+Anonymous1157> OMG..? [00] <+Anonymous1157> WII [00] <+Anonymous1157> GOT [00] <+Anonymous1157> SIG [00] <+Anonymous1157> NAL [00] <+Anonymous1157> LOL [00] <+E_net4> AYE [00] <+E_net4> YOU [00] <+E_net4> CAN [00] <+E_net4> DOO [00] <+E_net4> EET [00] <+Anonymous1157> Haw haw. Hee said doo.  [00] <+E_net4> Just came to realize this is totally killing my number of letters per line ratio. [00] <+Anonymous1157> XD [00] <+E_net4> Here's something more interesting, decent and gentlemen-like to counter the previous section of evennts. [00] <+Amarth> ...Which was not interesting AT ALL. [00] <+Amarth> Just longer. [00] <+E_net4> Thus, complete attempts to type longer sentences is not only suggested but strongly advised. [00] <+Anonymous1157> That's the idea, ole chap! Write out your thoughts as they are, and the whole world will understand them better. [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... On second thought, that last statement came out a bit nonsensical, but what the hell, I'll run with it. [00] <+E_net4> I would certainly enjoy spending more of my time to proceed with this ideal, however it came to mind that I must perform every single preparation needed for going to bed, and so sleep. [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... I can't top that. Maybe with a cherry, but not over the Internet.  [00] <+Anonymous1157> ISOBOARD I HAS NOTHING TO SAY OMGWAT [00] <+E_net4> I really hope to see the rest of you here in a more opportune time, so as to resume our convesation regarding panoramic buttes. [00] <+E_net4> Ouch, I have done a typo in "convesation", which should clearly be "conversation". [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... Because, as you all know, I do so thoroughly enjoy the company of women with large posteriors, and that is the truth. [00] <+Anonymous1157> (In case you miss the joke: "I like big butts, and I cannot lie.") [00] <+E_net4> My eyes are very opened in amazement. [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... Said John Freeman at the top of lung. [00] <+E_net4> It is imperative that these precious lines are inserted into the infamous quote thread of the InstangKingdom forums. [00] <+Anonymous1157> Indeed. [00] <+E_net4> And I'm afraid I typoed again in "InstangKingdom", which I reckon to actually be "InstantKingdom". [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... Indeed. [00] <+E_net4> This procedure of typing lengthy sentences is becoming quite exhausting. [00] <+Anonymous1157> Indeed! [00] <+E_net4> Indeed! [00] <+E_net4> C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER [00] <+E_net4> No wait, I combo broke myself. [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... Indeed. [00] <+E_net4> So, time to go. [00] <+Anonymous1157> Indeed.