Oh lord. We have a new playtoy on the channel. My first interaction went like this.
<Amarth> Cakebot? * [cakebot] (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net">~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net</a><!-- e --> : Supybot * [cakebot] #MonkkonenChat * [cakebot] duplex.de.eu.abjects.net :Abjects IRC Server * [cakebot] idle 19:15:44, signon: Wed Jun 15 01:43:12 * [cakebot] End of WHOIS list. <Amarth> @help <cakebot> Amarth: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. <Amarth> @cake <cakebot> Amarth: Error: "cake" is not a valid command. <Amarth> what <Amarth> @alias list <cakebot> Amarth: Error: The "Alias" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "list" in it. Try "list Alias" to see the commands in the "Alias" plugin. <Amarth> @list alias <cakebot> Amarth: add, lock, pie, remove, and unlock <Amarth> @pie <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #0 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #1 added. <Amarth> @alias pie <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #2 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #3 added. <Amarth> oh dear <Amarth> help <Amarth> help <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #4 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #5 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #6 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #7 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #8 added. <Amarth> @help alias <cakebot> Amarth: Error: There is no command "alias". <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #9 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #10 added. <Amarth> @help alias pie <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #11 added. <cakebot> Amarth: (alias pie <an alias, 0 arguments> -- Alias for "echo [scheduler add 5 pie]". <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #12 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #13 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #14 added. * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!) * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net">~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net</a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #15 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #16 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #17 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #18 added. <Amarth> @scheduler remove pie <cakebot> Amarth: Error: Invalid event id. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #19 added. * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!) * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net">~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net</a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #20 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #21 added. <Amarth> @list scheduler <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #22 added. <cakebot> Amarth: add, list, remove, and repeat <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #23 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #24 added. * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!) * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net">~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net</a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #25 added. <Amarth> @scheduler list <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #26 added. <cakebot> Amarth: 25: "pie" and 26: "pie" <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #27 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #28 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #29 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #30 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #31 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #32 added. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #33 added. * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!) * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net">~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net</a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #35 added. <Amarth> @scheduler remove 35 <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #36 added. <Amarth> @scheduler remove 36 <Amarth> @scheduler remove 37 <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #37 added. <cakebot> Amarth: Error: Invalid event id. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #38 added. <Amarth> @scheduler remove 38 <cakebot> Amarth: Error: Invalid event id. <Amarth> @scheduler remove 39 <cakebot> Amarth: The operation succeeded. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #39 added. <Amarth> @scheduler remove 40 <cakebot> Amarth: Error: Invalid event id. <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #40 added. * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!) * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net">~supybot@10eff834.12b24a3f.ovh.net</a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat After which it finally stopped, Cakebot: flooding the channel like a boss. I can't imagine what would happen if I didn't know how Supybot worked.