Well, the game's not moving at any kind of pace right now, due to a freaking long period of inactivity. Besides, not like there's happened enough stuff yet to make it move. We only just found MK. 
About the DM thing, it's a problem. I, myself, am not good at anything like that, besides, I have never, EVER played a D&D-game for longer than a couple sessions, so I'm thinking maybe at least one game as a player before DMing would be nice. Nobody here wants to be a DM, and not many have the required skills either. So it kind of falls as a responsibility to someone. I'm thinking, what about we don't start a full campaign, but more like shorter scenarios to get everyone used to the system and to get it moving fast? Kind of like the hobgoblin infiltration, that was the only D&D-game I've seen proceed quite smoothly.
About Cejer's busyness, that's sad to hear, hope the pressure lessens soon.