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  • Notrium 3D

    Solus Lupus 17 years ago
    Post please You NEED to. It is hard to help if no one communicates.
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Look what you've done!
    You should be ashamed of yourself.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Look what you've done!
    You should be ashamed of yourself.
    ... And you should go to Hell for a week.

    Anarion 17 years ago

    Just a quick plea. I've made a post about this on Olog-hai, but since I have not got a response I'll post here too. Is anyone good at 2d art? I need someone to do textures for some of the models I've made for N3D. I lack the skill.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    OF COURSE you never got a response. Nobody goes there except us no matter how many times I bump the thread.

    Honestly, I wish people would go give us some ideas via Olog-hai or something. Anything to show that a 3D Notrium actually matters to people, whether or not Ville beats us to it.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Nah, we don't lack ideas. We lack coding time. Though support is always fine.

    Might get some coding done in the next few weeks. Anarion uploaded some models (good job there), so I'll start experimenting with them. Add in some scripting and our current demo might be changing quite a bit... At least, I hope it does.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    ... And I remembered to save! The computer unit is almost done for the third time!
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    OF COURSE you never got a response. Nobody goes there except us no matter how many times I bump the thread.
    Well I didn't get a response here either, so I really don't know what I'm going to do.
    Barebones 17 years ago
    Sorry, I have school assignments to do (yes I know I was also slacking off with StarCraft), so I have to manage my time. Hopefully when school starts I won't be hammered with work and I will have it done (hopefully) by the middle of September. Yes thats a long time, but most of that time is filled with sleep and work.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    I could do something.

    I refuse any duties, though, i've got shitloads to do anyway. But when i get bored or something then i could maybe make a model or texture or something.

    Course, i don't have my software installed ATM.
    themados 16 years ago
    I joined the multi player website and i don't really get what it is about
    What is it about?
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "themados" said:
    I joined the multi player website and i don't really get what it is about
    What is it about?
    Does this question really belong in the Notrium 3D thread?

    To answer you, assuming you're referring to the Multiplayer Centre, it was created solely so some of us who sometimes like to play online with each other could see what games people had installed and how willing they were to play them. I know I haven't been keeping up with it, though, so others probably haven't either.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "themados" said:
    I joined the multi player website and i don't really get what it is about
    What is it about?
    Does this question really belong in the Notrium 3D thread?

    To answer you, assuming you're referring to the Multiplayer Centre, it was created solely so some of us who sometimes like to play online with each other could see what games people had installed and how willing they were to play them. I know I haven't been keeping up with it, though, so others probably haven't either.
    That's true. The system was left to death.
    themados 16 years ago
    oh thanks i thought it belonged in here because it was a link off of the one in this thread and most of you guys are on it
    Joozey 16 years ago
    I'm trying to figure out the code, but there are some things that I can't get my head around. Are there still people around that know what the sourcecode does?
    I think this thing needs a little cleanup, a slightly different concept and it could be a fun project again.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    I know most of the code, yes. For extensive discussions, you're best off on the forums though.
    Hicks 15 years ago
    I'd love to help, but is this fan made game still under development? The last post at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> was in 2007. If help is still needed, I'm new to the whole programming scene, but I'm eager to learn. In a couple of months I'll probably have a digital art pad if artwork is still needed (and if the project isn't dead).

    I'm not really sure what is being planned, but blender\crystalspace might be a good way to go for the engine. Blender has decent physics.
    Plus, I'm trying to learn how to use blender, so I may even be able to help with that.
    Edit: Nevermind, I didn't notice I was only viewing the graphics section. There are somewhat recent posts, but it sounds like the project is fairly dead. :S I'll see if I can assist on the threads there.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    I'd say the project is in stasis, if not dead. It's good to have someone interested in helping us, but that is up to Amarth.

    Also, I have become more capable of programming in Java, so I might actually help Amarth with the coding.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Mmm. I think N3D is a good idea, and I believe many others think the same. It just needs a few motivated people to get it together. It's just that I already ran into a wall trying to do it, and it doesn't seem likely that anyone else will just start coding this thing.

    I would highly encourage anyone to just start messing around with engines and see how far you get. HL2 mod, Blender game engine, Crystalspace, it doesn't really matter. I'm personally thinking I should take a look at Unity one of these days. Once someone has a decent start, it can't be hard to get other people to help in the effort.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    Well I have the Source SDK. I'll tinker with it after my exams.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    The biggest difference between the beginning of this little project of ours and now is that I actually own The Orange Box. Now that basically every person involved has one game engine in common, it should be possible to do this in Source.

    Hicks, if you could learn a little Java, you might consider helping code our game engine. IIRC, it's based on JMonkey. However, if you have HL2 or some other game running the Source engine, do tell us. One of the first things we all seemed to agree on was that if enough of our developers had HL2, we might as well just mod that, no matter how many of our ideas that might handicap. I had sparked the project, and back then, it didn't look like I would ever legally have HL2, so it didn't happen. Things have definitely changed, however, and here we are now, faced with the choice of starting over with half of the work done for us (Rather, for our one programmer), or continuing with what we have so far, which looks just like the first tech demo to Doom, if ya think about it.

    I've actually gained enough modeling skill working on a project for a competition that my IRL school club will be attending that I can finally completely trust myself doing most of the dirty work for this game/mod/"?". Provided that some of the other graphics authors come back later on and agree with our new ideas, we may have a pool of content to work off of already.

    E, do play around with the idea of creating randomly generated terrains in Hammer. I've seen it done in a tech demo map with a displacement surface (IIRC), so it can't be absolutely impossible, even if it is limited to just making it look slightly different every time one plays.

    If this idea works out, all Amarth might have to code himself is a wrapper so that we don't have to do absolutely everything in C. (Up until now, it's always been a Lua wrapper in Source mods, but I'm sure it doesn't have to be. Many of the forumers know Python or Java, E knows Linoleum, and I... uh... barely know any Basic.)

    I'd hate to sound like an arse by just straight up telling people what to do again like no time has passed, but... yea, I probably sound just like an arse by straight up telling people what to do again like no time has passed.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    E, do play around with the idea of creating randomly generated terrains in Hammer. I've seen it done in a tech demo map with a displacement surface (IIRC), so it can't be absolutely impossible, even if it is limited to just making it look slightly different every time one plays.
    That doesn't seem so obvious to me, but as I said, I'll be studying that. Considering that I've had a Source game since 3 years ago, I should've put my head on that sooner. Oh, the regrets.
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    If this idea works out, all Amarth might have to code himself is a wrapper so that we don't have to do absolutely everything in C. (Up until now, it's always been a Lua wrapper in Source mods, but I'm sure it doesn't have to be. Many of the forumers know Python or Java, E knows Linoleum, and I... uh... barely know any Basic.)
    Mind you, I know more than just Linoleum. I've learnt the syntax of Java recently and I'm also acknowledged in theory of C++, not to mention that Visual Basic was my first programming language.
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    I'd hate to sound like an arse by just straight up telling people what to do again like no time has passed, but... yea, I probably sound just like an arse by straight up telling people what to do again like no time has passed.
    I'm fine with that. After all, it's more of a suggestion of taking action than an order.
    Hicks 15 years ago
    Edit: I wish I had the orange box.
    I'll take the advice on learning C. I already have some limited experience with it (I set up a 'mud server' awhile ago. It never left my PC, though). The codebase was mostly set up for me, so I mostly just scripted\tinkered with stuff.

    I'll also start messing around with various engines. First, though, I should probably take another look at and try to understand what is available at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... c8f690e&#4</a><!-- m -->
    I just wanted to make sure it wasn't dead first.
    Hopefully I'll have something to contribute in a couple weeks or so.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    You don't have the Orange Box!? Damn it! We were so close...

    This project will never be completely dead. In fact, it only went into this permanent standby mode it's in now because we were short on programmers with actual time to spare (Amarth is a wonderful programmer when school isn't overloading him, and this project is just too much right now). Just having someone around to finish programming the basics would be enough to bootstrap the project, at which point any programmer on this forum could easily pitch in.
    Amarth 14 years ago
    We apparently no longer have the code or any of the assets developed.

    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    We apparently no longer have the code or any of the assets developed.

    At least that's what we assumed.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    We apparently no longer have the code or any of the assets developed.

    Wait a minute...

    ... You lost EVERYTHING!?

    Well, I suppose this is a good excuse to start over on Source when the time comes around... or something.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    Not all is lost!

    We still have my sweet crosshair.
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Joozey saved us! He had a copy of the project on disk and uploaded it, I'm going to put the zip online in a minute, check the space below...

    [EDIT]: right here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    It seems I spoke too soon. I have a build of the game right here!

    ... But seriously, what's this about a crosshair? I don't remember anything about a crosshair.

    *Checks the resources folder in the build he had*

    Oh, THAT crosshair! It IS a sweet crosshair. Whoa, holey carp, there's some pretty cool stuff in the models folder! In fact, everyone's better than me!
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Aaaand Niwsters is starting on a new version, using the same technology of Java + jME. jME has evolved quite a bit though. And Java too, maybe, not so sure there.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    Finally, someone restarts it! Hooray!

    ... Although I do find it a bit amusing that the balance has tipped a bit, and (at least at the time of this posting) there are two programmers and one modeler, as opposed to one programmer and five modelers.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    You will either have a group of programmers looking (unsuccessfully) for artists or a group of artists looking (unsuccessfully) for programmers. There seems to be no way of making the two meet up outside of a company. That or any group that meets up like that instantly forms a company.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Finally, someone restarts it! Hooray!

    ... Although I do find it a bit amusing that the balance has tipped a bit, and (at least at the time of this posting) there are two programmers and one modeler, as opposed to one programmer and five modelers.
    Make it 3 programmers, though I'm not sure I'll be doing much.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Make it 3 programmers, though I'm not sure I'll be doing much.
    I KNEW you were one of our programmers now. I actually forgot to count Amarth.

    "MageKing17" said:
    You will either have a group of programmers looking (unsuccessfully) for artists or a group of artists looking (unsuccessfully) for programmers. There seems to be no way of making the two meet up outside of a company. That or any group that meets up like that instantly forms a company.
    Even if we don't form a company making this game (LOL IN-JOKE), any project that involves making software obviously needs a kick-start in the programming department first if it ever plans to get off the ground. We have a set of models right now from before that gives those programmers an idea of what to add support for, so that's even better. (I hope.)
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