"ville" said: Yeah, the old layout was kind of outdated now. It used to be cool in 2003 though.  I haven't had a chance to work on many new pictures lately, so I didn't keep the new art box. I'll probably show off my new artworks on the blog anyway.
Yes, that's my old avatar. I redid the face to look more serious and less surprised. The other one is not Anne's avatar though, it just fit there better than her actual avatar. I feel like an old man now, with many changes to the site. I always thought the woman on the right is Anne. And I'm not really used to this design, too.
Maybe because it's my department is all "WORDPRESS WORDPRESS WORDPRESS! ANDROID ANDROID ANDROID! UBUNTU UBUNTU UBUNTU!" to me, that can be a reason.
@Leego Familiar face! I remember you!
My own question: How much diagram and drawings should there be in my presentation? Here's the intel... - Age range: Secondary & Undergrad - Expected "Opposition": six professors. one conservative and easily-annoyed, one listener, two curious cats, two ministry of science officials that will not ask anything (it could be the director herself with one assistant, or just 2 regular professors. these two guys mark scores) - Other possible audiences: Other students, general visitors to the Annual Conference (which means there can be more businessmen and other institution-based people) - Time: 10-15 minutes, unlimited question-barrage time - Place: Room, many seats - Highest Prize: Free Scholarship and trip to Monkkonen Residence (latter part is a joke ^ ^")