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  • Ideas for future Notrium versions

    Protoplasm 17 years ago
    Sorry if this already has been posted-but how about instead of having a map that's exactly the same-You have a map that's always diffrent, I mean come on! All those acres of land... Filled with dead ships randomly generated at diffrent places. How bout' the borders be nothing more then parts since it'll lag if there aren't any?
    The quality of equpment. from 1 to three. higher qality means in can function better, takes less time to make, less weight, higher ROF
    Oh, and the ability to gain skills would be nice. You have your classic green EXP bar. Then there are subskills such as
    hunting(how well you do against non-setinent creatures),
    inventing(How you can mix items),
    melee attk(How well you can attk with melee weapons),
    Melee defense(how much damage you take when you are being attked while holding a melee weapom),
    Ranged attk&defense,
    endurence(How much HP), and your heat/cold tolerence lvs
    Psy((only appliable to psi creatures)How much Psy energy you have)
    Special abilitys:
    Start fire without battery
    Regenerate 3% every second, more as the skill goes up,
    Stealth: Unoticable unless x pixels away from enemy
    Sabotage(Comes at stealth lv 3): Each hit deducts more the JUST hp(lower fire rate temporary, lower firepower temporary, etc)
    BTW, has anyone posted stuff like this yet?
    EDIT:VOLTAGE! Whenever you have a power supply when you combine that with something, you get to set a voltage. How high your inventing skill is means the accuracy of the voltage. If you have the highest inventing skill possible, you have the most accurate voltage setting possible.BTW:This is gonna require a LOT more battery points. Of course, this could also be effected by the quality of equipment.

    Laser pistol with lv 1 equipment: .1 volts(1 battery) to 5 volts(50 battery)(you type in number, above is the voltages you think would work with your current inventing skills) .1 volt:doesn't shoot. 5 volts:Explodes in your hand after draining 50 battery. 1.7 volts optimal. For inventing skill at lv 1, stats are 1.0 volts to 3.0 volts.

    Laser pistol with LV 3 equipment: Optimal setting, 6.6 volts.(Must have highest inventing skill to overclock voltage from normal specs.)
    Narvius 17 years ago
    I would recommend making Notrium 2 way more basic, with a powerful scripting language.
    Then stuff like the Experience and Skillgaining could be made by independent modders and wouldn't be a fixed part of the game (the less limitations, the better modding experience ).
    Protoplasm 17 years ago
    How bout a compromise? That stuff is included with the original mod, but doesn't have to be there?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    1. Still moddable
    2. 26,000 more effect and condition numbers
    Protoplasm 17 years ago
    Here's a must: The game uses midi files as music. I know you all think MIDI is sucky, but a ___30 second;80 bit;mono;MP3 is 300 kb___ while a 2 minute midi is 89 kb, and it sounds way better. Of course, if you have a Hi-def soundcard with a Hi-def midi synthsizer, and those midis sound like 300 MB files.
    harwe 17 years ago
    i think mp3 are easier because you dont want to convert all your songs from mp3 to midi files, eww converting....
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I thing Notrium 2 would be pretty awesome as an ASCII game!
    Protoplasm 17 years ago
    You can't turn MP3s into MIDIs. Here's the way it works: Imagine you're recording from an electronic keyboard. You hit the C key. In the midi file, it writes something like
    Insturment channel 01, Insturment #1, Hit key #3, 49 velocity, etc.
    When you play it on your computer, the MIDI goes through a Synthsizer. Got that? The synthsizer goes

    Insturment channel 1,#1, call up sound file for piano.
    key #3. Adjust pitch to -50.
    49 velocity. Play sound at 49 volume points.

    Finish product. Play to speakers.(Something like that anyways)

    How a MP3 works: One big hunk of sound onto a file.
    Alternative:MP3s, MIDIs, WAV, WMA, etc, all usable for sound. BTW, I hate MP3 and Non-lossless WMA. As good as it sounds on your Ipod, once you hear a 192 Khz 5.1 channel 24 bit WAV, your gonna throw that Ipod away and lug around a computer.

    Nortrium? ASCII! I'd say Ville would be out of a job!
    Aegis 17 years ago
    How about a text-based adventure?!
    Protoplasm 17 years ago
    Nortrium? ASCII! I'd say Ville would be out of a job!
    ville 17 years ago
    No ascii fellas, it won't sell well enough.

    I'd actually go for tracker music, like Screamtracker or mod format, they sounds good but don't take much space. Too bad I don't know any tracker musicians...
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Protoplasm" said:
    Nortrium? ASCII! I'd say Ville would be out of a job!
    Text Adventure (nowadays known as Interactive Fiction) games and ASCII (or, like some of them are, CP437) games are two different things.

    Also, methinks Notrium could very well work out with ASCII or CP437 based graphics.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I disagree. ASCII games are very awesome, but they need amazing amounts of depth to remain enjoyed. Notrium just won't go well with ASCII. Or Ville could make Notrium 2, replace the graphics with numbers and all that, hoping that no-one will notice.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Why do we need to use ASCII if we have actual graphics!?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Because you can't have an ASCII game if it's not in ASCII?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    My head hurts.
    "E_net4" said:
    Why do we need to use ASCII if we have actual graphics!?
    Because it's old skool.
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    My head hurts.
    "E_net4" said:
    Why do we need to use ASCII if we have actual graphics!?
    Because it's old skool.

    It'd actually be very easy to do Notrium as a text adventure. You'd just have to cover the variables with text. Having no graphics would make things terribly simple. To this day there is a very real ASCII 5<3^3 that does everything from ASCII art to classic adventure games, to modern text adventure games that do things that old adventure games couldn't. I mean the sad thing is about ASCII games is it wasn't something trendy back than, it simply was the accepted medium because graphics cards sucked back than. I've still got some OLD adventure games if you any, let me know and I'll email you 'one', but just one, or you wont appreciate it properly .
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Hey, I still play ZZT and NetHack. ASCII rocks.

    Not for Notrium, though. ASCII Notrium would just be odd.
    Kaizer 17 years ago
    the ability to taming litle animals like sheeps to eat or horses to mount, maybe to give use to "poisonous" food

    Something like attacks by enemy aliens to your base, to give a greater need of defense turrets

    the ability to built androids to help you, like the batlledroids in the werivar mod


    when you "are starving", is just a life decrease, like walk in lava, best can be: "when you are starving you start to walk slow and to shiver"

    more effects to the psionics, like a real field for the force field, a special effects for the summon ally token, etc

    a race like cavemans with simply but powerfulls spears and swords

    alien fruits and farms

    a more complex alien evolution, based not only in what you kill, also in what you eat

    that is all, i hope you like it
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    "Kaizer" said:
    the ability to taming litle animals like sheeps to eat or horses to mount, maybe to give use to "poisonous" food

    Something like attacks by enemy aliens to your base, to give a greater need of defense turrets

    the ability to built androids to help you, like the batlledroids in the werivar mod


    when you "are starving", is just a life decrease, like walk in lava, best can be: "when you are starving you start to walk slow and to shiver"

    more effects to the psionics, like a real field for the force field, a special effects for the summon ally token, etc

    a race like cavemans with simply but powerfulls spears and swords

    alien fruits and farms

    a more complex alien evolution, based not only in what you kill, also in what you eat

    that is all, i hope you like it

    I'm not roasting your ideas, it's just that all of those ideas are possible through modding Notrium. I think what Ville is more or less looking for is things the engine 'could not' do before. So it's not so much content related, because he'll never meet content demands, no game ever does, its about making sure the engine is capable of doing things Notrium's engine could not.
    Drakolord7 17 years ago
    A pport of it on Macs, maybe a race that flys?....
    Aegis 17 years ago
    1. Particle layering
    2. If particles hit a wall they can either go through, disappear, or blend in with the wall.
    3. Lighting creates shadows, etc.
    4. More AI Tactics (flank, diversion, etc.)
    5. Blur effects.
    6. Conditions which can detect if a script is currently running.
    7. Keep all the effects and conditions the same for easy switching from v3.41 to v2.
    8. Physics.
    9. 3D (?)
    10. Edge detecting options for selecting polygons.
    11. Greater polygon support (no going through walls, etc.)
    12. A condition to measure creature speed.
    (EDIT: An effect number which sets cursor location!)
    Eterno 17 years ago
    Here's an idea:

    Changing the movement/fighting system:

    "What the F****? I loved going around in squares and circle strafing is much easier when you used the mouse!", you might say. "And what's the use for mouse in this idea anyway?"

    Mouse would be used to point your weapon around while you face a single direction.
    I drew and example for you (it's crappy, but it should be quite clear). The person in these frames is always facing north.

    This kind of weapon handling will give the game a unique feeling of coolness. This system works extremely well for melee weapons also.
    Fist fighting would change into being something more than just pressing the left mouse button and walking towards/circling things. Like in cormoon, you would strike with your right arm when pressing the right mouse button and with your left arm when pressing the left mouse button. If your cursor is pointing behind the character, he will kick. OR you could solely use left mouse for punching and right mouse for kicking.

    Of course, pointing behind you with a shotgun like depicted in the above frames is not a good idea. Humans would suffer in movement and accuracy when doing stuff like this. Androids, being stronger and all, would have less negative effects on accuracy. You should also avoid making possible something like shooting behind you with an über-kick weapon and running forward giving a boost to speed. If anything, shooting behind like that should kick the character a little and make him stop for a split second; enough to make it more useful to just run.

    "What about Psionics and Aliens; races that don't use weapons like humies and andies?" (andies...)

    Psionics are kinda cool already. The new system... oh boy what it'll turn 'em into:
    Psionic Blast would change a little. Instead of click => blast in front of you you'd hold mouse button down, start creating a floating orb charging up, growing in size. You can swing this orb around you with a limited reach while holding the mouse button. You could swing the orb and let go of the mouse button, letting go of the orb, firing it into distance. A drawn example follows:

    About Aliens I haven't thought of much. This new system wouldn't make their lives too different methinks. You could swing the mouse about to claw things and do dashes and grabbing moves with mouseclicks. Grab a humie and toss it about like a psionic tosses his hado... psionic blasts.

    Here are the pros and cons of this idea (at least the ones I can of, feel free to add to the list):

    -Looks very cool
    -Gives a good feeling of control
    -Makes combat more verstile

    -Would require extra work on playable character graphics
    -Veteran Notrium players might find the new system uncomfortable
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I dunno... I won't really like it... I still don't understand why you should add 2 keys to movement which is already possible with the mouse, besides all of that combat stuff, but it called be added in with modding (besides the backwards aiming thingy).
    And I love your Psionic pics.
    "Who's a cute little Psionic? A coochi coochi coo! A coo- No! What's th- AAAARRGGHHHH MY EYES! OH GOD IT HURTS! Help! He-"
    Zeron 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    I dunno... I won't really like it... I still don't understand why you should add 2 keys to movement which is already possible with the mouse, besides all of that combat stuff, but it called be added in with modding (besides the backwards aiming thingy).
    And I love your Psionic pics.
    "Who's a cute little Psionic? A coochi coochi coo! A coo- No! What's th- AAAARRGGHHHH MY EYES! OH GOD IT HURTS! Help! He-"

    I remember that post of mine on the BF forums. Great times.

    I like the idea of shooting angles. The pic of shooting behind you is awesome.
    Just have roofs act like trees in every single way. Just don't make them move in the wind.

    Tents & unpackable/buildable shelters.These would act like mobile trees, but weigh a lot.
    Have chips of walls and rocks fly off when you shoot them.
    Make it so that if you go up higher in elevation ie, a sniper tower, you can see farther.
    CAMOFLAUGE!( such as camoflauge suits and crawling on your stomach.)
    Have where you land on the plantet be reltive to where you land the esacpe pod In-Game.
    Remote cameras and RC Robots. You set up the cameras at your base or by a frequented hunting ground, and can controld turrets and allies from there. RC cars work the same,but are mobile and eventually run out of power. weapons are also mountable.
    Close combat for certain weapons.
    Heres my number one idea:
    Being able to write notes on items or paper, such as: Combine with _____ for _____ or: Emergencies only! and on paper: remember to get the turrets!
    Eterno 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    I dunno... I won't really like it... I still don't understand why you should add 2 keys to movement which is already possible with the mouse, besides all of that combat stuff, but it called be added in with modding (besides the backwards aiming thingy).
    Perhaps I missed the most important part of this change. Namely the one that makes it unable to be done by modding.
    The system I propose is very much like that of Madness Interactive. Here you can swing your weapon around youself by swinging the mouse, making melee weapons (and all other kinds of combat) totally awesome. Even something as simple as waving a club around killing aliens would be great fun. Much more fun than having to click for a strike.

    You should add 2 keys to movement because something like this would improve the game's feeling a lot.
    ville 17 years ago
    The movement idea does have merit. I'm not sure about how complex it would be to control it though, you'd obviously need more practice to move around.
    Eterno 17 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I'm not sure about how complex it would be to control it though, you'd obviously need more practice to move around.
    Indeed. This could be added to the cons list. Strafing would be very hard. Most movement would shift into GTA style using W to enldlessly run forward (or S to endlessly run backwards) and just using the A and D to turn, with no strafing at all. The thing is, strafing won't be much needed with this system I propose.
    In GTA you actually would've had use for strafing since the aim was fixed but it is extremely hard to do with two extra keys along WASD. In this movement idea, where you can control your aim around your character, you can "circle strafe" enemies by normally running and turning in one direction, keeping your gun aimed at the enemy on your side. Compared to running sideways around enemies with your torso pointing at them, running around them with your gun pointing at your side feels more realistic and it shouldn't be very hard for players.

    The real problem would come up with aliens. A quick melee class, whose current tactic is to "square strafe" around the enemy with awesome speed and keep the left mouse button down. We could fit aliens into this new system by giving the mouse buttons new functions I explained earlier.
    Slashing would be done by swinging mouse around. Aliens would need to have kind of blade like claws to swing about, which could probably grow in size when evolving. Left mouse button's use is dashing. The alien would dash into the pointed direction, whatever the direction was, and wouldn't change its facing. This "dashing" would make the alien that "fast" creature it is known as, since this dashing could be used repeatedly as much as one likes.

    Now, while dashing wouldn't change the alien's facing, clicking right mouse button would execute a grab move. This move will change the alien's facing towards the cursor. A quick click changes the aliens facing and if you're actually trying to grab something, the grab will hold when you hold the mouse button down. Grabbing something for a time would crush the grabbed opponent and a shorter time will have the enemy stunned when you let go and at any time you could throw the grabbed enemy, possibly towards other opponents to slow their progress (you could also hold it in front of you as a meat shield...). If the enemy is much larger than the alien, the grab will hold the enemy in place, but the alien can't move or dash.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "Eterno" said:
    (you could also hold it in front of you as a meat shield...)
    I like the idea of that!

    I like the idea of using the mouse in combat, like in madness, but I totally object to the "q" and "e" thingoes.
    Eterno 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    I like the idea of using the mouse in combat, like in madness, but I totally object to the "q" and "e" thingoes.
    It's cool. As I explained above, Q and E won't be needed for anything.
    Corum 17 years ago
    I am playing Notrium for some time now and I still like it.
    Maybe I can give you some inspiration due to my experiences with Notrium.
    Some of my proposals were a very fundamental change others are just lesser improvements.
    Don't be angry with me, because they are many.

    1.) An 3D environment.
    2.) A more dynamic environment
    3.) Yes, water (with creatures, maybe) and thirst
    4.) More different kinds of creatures which might provide useful ressources, too
    5.) Building (or repairing) structures
    6.) Planting seeds (includes growing plants)
    7.) Some more different sources of food (fruits e.g.)
    8.) Containers to store items
    9.) Manufacturing items
    10.) Nice new weapons
    11.) Better graphics for a few items
    12.) The possibility to communicate with some of the NPCs
    13.) A better artificial intelligence
    14.) A more realistic computation of the items' weight
    15.) A construction menu and (customizable) shortcuts
    16.) Buildings should give shelter against the rain
    17.) A highly customizable degree of difficulty
    18.) A well-designed useful journal
    19.) When achieving a goal there should maybe the possibility to play further (depending on the situation)


    2.) This is naturally a wide field, because it includes some other points like the structures, plants and animals. But this could also be almost everything, for example something like deformable terrain oder new radioactive areas.
    4.) The only "animals" which deserve this description are just the aliens and these just divide into about five main groups (the queens do not even respawn). I like the design of the aliens, but maybe there are a lot more possibilities.
    5.) Building an own base or camp is rudimentary realized with the barriers and the turrets, I think, but it's a very interesting point which developped further. I also think of Hermit's house which is destroyed at the beginning of the story or some other ruins which could be rebuild and be used. An idea would also be the construction of traps which could trap or kill animals.
    6.) How can I say that? The Fungus as a plant sometimes seems to be too static and doesn't seem to grow naturally but to lie around like a fuel cell or something, very sterile for a plant, and the healing and the electric plants, too.
    8.) It's just a little bit annoying and a waste of space when all the items you collected are lying around. For some purposes, for example to store ammo or food or less needed items I'd wish to have a container for.
    9.) It's a little bit boring that the almost only way to get useful things is to find them on the map. Sometimes it would be nice to manufacture (like the barriers, generated food rations, ice packs) more of them. For example to mine or search for ore to produce some of these nice long metal rods.
    It would be also an idea for a new location: an abandonned factory which can be used to produce fuel cells (which could be rarer items on the map then).
    The Firewood could be collected or manufacturend from certain plants for example, too.
    10.) It's something one can made very much proposals for that: grenades, mines and bombs, hand weapons for close weapon with different properties, electric weapons which might interact with wather ("dynamite fishing") and so on.
    11.) Something I didn't like: the warp gun doesn't have proper graphics and the ammunation for the sniper pistol is just too small to drop them. That's annoying, because the sniper bullets are heavier than the common ones.
    12.) It would just nice to have more of a role-playing aspect in notrium (which rather seems to be a third-person-shooter sometimes).
    13.) Related with the point before, it would be interesting to see the marines for example working together and walk in formation to catch you once they spotted you.
    14.) It was just said before. Usually, any item combined of other items cannot be heavier than it's components (with exceptions, yes).
    15.) There are some objects which you need to build more often (rapid fire pistol, laser turret, force field generator, sniper bullets) and which cannot be created comfortably by the current system. There could be a menu with the discovered combinations where you can instantly build the wanted object and maybe there could be two or three customizable shortcuts you can use for the most needed combinations.
    16.) It's remarkable that Hermit's house doesn't give any shelter from the acid rain, but the trees around the house do.
    17.) Sometimes I was a little bit sad that I cannot customize the degree of difficulty like I'd like to. For example, I'd like to play with the weather effects like rain, but without these immense changes of temperature which make the games so hard.
    18.) The current journal just tells a good story (I like it), but doesn't provide information in a good way. In a better designed journal there could be information about the locations, animals, structures and weapons and maybe even space for own annotations.
    19.) The best negative example I can give for this is when killing the alien queens. You have to take care that you or your minions don't destroy the eggs because this ends the game immediately.
    Corum 17 years ago
    A small annotation for 15.):
    The shortcuts could also be used for other things like generating food or ice packs or to have quick access to the most needed weapons. Sometimes I'm not so happy with the mouse wheel when I need to change a weapon quickly.
    Corum 17 years ago
    Another one:
    20.) A better minimap


    20.) In some cases, especially when using a modded subspace radio, the text for the ammo information or the text for the location information covers the minimap so that you can not see properly what is on it.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    1. A semi-dyanamic editor.
    What I'm trying to say is that the editor acts out some effect numbers and lighting effects whilst still editing. This will be especially useful in mods where you have creatures which project light, and then kill off to make everything go all creepy.

    2. Scripts can effect creatures.
    This can already be done with timed blocks, but timed blocks aren't as flexible as I would have liked.

    3. Cut-scene support.
    Pure. Awesome.

    4. Interactive dialog support.
    Can already be modded in, but it's a bit of a pain.

    5. Absolute plot object placing.
    The best I can do right now is use absolute firing angles from weapons to place plot objects where I want them.

    6. The term "Bergit!" is used 100 times more.
    Corum 17 years ago
    Don't you mean "Burgit!"? XD
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