It starts here(*). I suppose you can all guess what is going on. Why is ZeX making posts and deleting them? No one knows. He's an evil bastard.
BUT! We have proof this time around. See here. Anarion cleverly made this screenshot after seeing ZeX post.
Sig-sized pic here:
 To spread the revolution, please copy-paste the following code in your signature:
[url=] [img][/img] We found you, ZeX![/url]
EDIT: (*) He already deleted those posts in the first link. Damn. But we have a screenshot of him posting in the first place. Note how suspicious it is that post number 74745 doesn't exist, but later posts DO exist. It's clearly deleted.
EDIT2: He edited this post. Post before here, post after here. He also changed file links to others, I don't have a post of how it was earlier.
EDIT3: more editing. Just see the evidence down below. I am thinking of using weapons of mass spammage. Anyway, more proof isn't needed, I think. We now just need to solve his riddles - seek him. Anyone who is good at that?
All (current) image proof: Original post: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Sig-sized: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ZeX's SPOOFED post: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ZeX's SPOOFED sig: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Post before: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ropfz7.png</a><!-- m --> Post after: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ropyc8.png</a><!-- m --> My post version 3: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... rophc5.png</a><!-- m --> And Zex's rebuttal: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... crorw5.png</a><!-- m -->
Current strangeness to solve:
A chosen mouthpiece?
Beware Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in, Bear't that the opposed may beware of thee. Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice; Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment... A Hamlet quote (Act 1 scene 3). As far as I see it, it's how Zex is behaving here - I can't really see more of a clue in it. But I must! [ZEX PUT THIS IN!]
A-ha! Zex's signature is "You will find if you seek.", and, more importantly, in his profile, his MSN is "Rum with O, A name with tea and two chopped off - a pirate word, easy although not in an ocean." Someone? On IRC, we were thinking the following: 'rum with an o' could be grog. Pirates + not in an ocean could be software pirates, or just a pirates word like 'landlubber'.
Note. He already updated this. It now says 'White-out, starting nigh. The wise would eye tomorrow.' His profile seems to be changing in interesting ways. Also note the location, 'You will seek if you find.' which is an interesting twist on you will find if you seek. 'White-out' might refer to the blanking of the signatures in this thread as some people noted. Any more ideas to the new MSN adress? Well, lets eye tomorrow, Aug 1 2007...
Tomorrow has come. The location now refers to the Wikipedia article on Herring. The most reasonable explanation seems to be that his msn adress is only a red herring and not important. If that is the case, then I don't know where to search, as this seemed the most direct clue of all.
He has changed his MSN adress once more. Next to the Wikipedia article on herring, it says "...but the bard holds the truth...".
This is old news. Anarion, IIRC, had a PM conversation with'em. Yes, he's alive, but he's acting all [ha!] and refuses to openly say "velieris et capto" velieris = hide, fleece, skin capto = to grab, to desire, to seek, to seize Seems like awfully wrong Latin to me. 
From: Grim Reaper To: ZeXLR8er! Posted: Fri 06 Jul 2007 13:52:28 Subject: !!! I CAN SEE YOU!!!
From: ZeXLR8er! To: Grim Reaper Posted: Fri 06 Jul 2007 13:59:21 Subject: Re: !!! Quote message Conceal me what I am, and be my aid For such disguise as haply shall become The form of my intent This was a conversation at the start of July. It seems like Zex is would be trying to stay hidden, and ask Grim to perhaps help him in his games. If his disguise is 'the form of his intent', then I'm not sure we will ever solve this.
From: Grim Reaper To: ZeXLR8er! Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007 14:30:30 Subject: Whatwhatwhat Why do you not embrace the glory of the mass?
From: ZeXLR8er! To: Grim Reaper Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007 14:39:22 Subject: Re: Whatwhatwhat Quote message That once trod the ways of glory, And sounded all the depths and shoals of honor, Found thee a way, out of his wreck, to rise in; A sure and safe one, though thy master missed it... A few days later, Grim spots Zex again. To me, it looks like he just searched Shakespeare texts for the word 'glory'. I can't make much sense of it otherwise. Anonymous says: "The first three lines of the Shakespeare quote might be referring to very active members, and the last one to the absence of Ville most of the time." but to be fair, I don't really see it.
From: Grim Reaper To: ZeXLR8er! Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007 14:50:28 Subject: Re: Whatwhatwhat Could you stop answering me in riddles?
From: ZeXLR8er! To: Grim Reaper Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2007 16:20:30 Subject: Re: Whatwhatwhat Quote message There is scarce truth enough alive to make societies secure; But security enough to make fellowships accurst: Much upon this riddle runs the wisdom of the world... Same here, just a google on 'shakespeare riddle' perhaps? To be fair, I don't expect much in these three quotes as they were made a lot earlier and perhaps he didn't think of making it a game like he does now. Though I might be wrong.
Maybe we just aren't up to the challenge. Maybe. Maybe the challenge is just impossible to solve. Zex, if you keep throwing around red herrings, and don't make ANY further sense, sorry, no. Then no-one is up to the challenge. We're not doing research on the Holy Grail here.
In case you wondered, he actively expects us to play the game. He even changed his sig temporarely (he has deleted it now, it seems) to the spoofed sig pic and a link to this thread. Perhaps this spoof is of importance? Note that he changed that date, too. On a quick Google search, nothing of importance happened that day, except the internet wasn't invented yet. The date might still be important though.
ZeX added that last part. Sheesh, nothing happened that day except for some sport events. Are we to interpret the date otherwise?
The New York Times, April 25, 1901.
MARK TWAIN TO THE CLUB Why He Did Not Attend the Dinner of the Get Together Organization No. 3.
Mark Twain had been asked to preside last night at the dinner of the Get Together Club, No. 3, in Arlington Hall, St. Mark's Place. He sent a letter, in which he said:
"I must not venture it, although my sympathies are naturally with you in the work which you are inaugurating. I have temporarily broken myself down with trying to do too many things, and shall try to save what is left of my by going softly for some months to come and limiting my industries to the several engagements to which I am already pledged. Interesting article found by Thaif. However, if it is the journal of April 25, it relates a tale of April 24. So I'm not sure this fits. Yet the meaning is interesting, it would mean that Zex is just overworked and hasn't been around for that reason. But I don't really see why he's acting this way, then.
Prodigiosus (although what parts?). This was in MK's post, and it seems like Zex's doing. [removed part about biology, I don't know what I was thinking] Prodigious is Latin for marvelous, wonderful, unnatural. So something in that post might be close.
"Anonymous1157" said: Maybe he spent the time torturing babies, and he wants to extend that to us. The mystery is solved.
Guys, when ZeX changes your post, take note of what he does. It might be important. Murska, you seem to be the mouthpiece (your last post was changed, too). Report any strangeness in this thread, and don't go about editing your posts without thinking.
Watch this space for updates.