I'll consider it a problem for the artist(s) for now, because I'm thinking (coding-wise) it is all definitely possible.
"Quanrian" said: <> Bare handed combat, no weapons, only weaponless martial arts Melee combat is obviously possible in Notrium, as we have it in Default. I can even think of some things to spice it up (the left-to-right swing trick used for a sword in some mod or another, for example).
"Quanrian" said: <> Exaggerated impact on blows given to enemies, sending them flying back, making them projectiles that can hurt other enemies. That could be tricky, the projectile bit. It might be easier to have a projectile move behind them than actually turn them into a projectile, because I'm worried about preserving health values, but I'm sure something could be worked out.
"Quanrian" said: <> Breakable walls and objects that can also be shattered by enemies sent flying. Once we have the above figured out, this should be no problem, as we have breakable objects already figured out for us (thank you crates!).
"Quanrian" said: <> Inspired by the over the top fighting in God Hand, and the movie Kungfu Hustle's final scene. Refer to these two things to keep on track. Hmm, never played/seen, so I suppose I'll have to rely on secondhand information. 
"Quanrian" said: <> Survival type gameplay that mimics Crimsonland, but obviously with melee being the focus rather than guns. This is not a definite must, but it would work well within the framework of the concept's design. Don't see why not, once we figure out the tough stuff. Should be easy.
"Quanrian" said: <> Multiple modes of play to keep things from getting stale. This is something that can be considered, to flesh the mod out in a way that'll make it seem like less of a mod and more of a stand-alone. Like above, should be easy once we figure out the tough stuff. We could even have a sort of menu system like in the Tutorial, or use "player races" as our mode selection.
"Quanrian" said: <> Bonuses, Bosses, and an Arcadish type appeal and feel to the gameplay. It should look cool and be fun to play, with enough randomness to give it good replay value. I'll stick this into the same category as the other two - gamey icing that shouldn't be too terribly difficult.
Let's be about it, people.
EDIT: Slight note for clarification: When I said "left-to-right swing trick used for a sword", I didn't mean implementing a sword in this mod. I meant that the trick was used for a sword, but I was imagining more of a palm sweep.