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Forum » Virus mod- v0.09a Lite version now available!
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  • Virus mod- v0.09a Lite version now available!

    Aegis 17 years ago

    Click here for the full v0.09a

    Lite Version
    Click here for v0.09a without music

    Patches to change from the Lite to Full version may be coming soon depending on the reception from the community...

    All downloads are from Rapidshare! If you have an account on some other site just tell me and I will upload it there, as long as I don't need to pay.

    -Weapon customisation!
    -The first completely particle based explosions!
    -Fully destructible mission 1!
    -Controllable squads!
    -A special suit, not unlike the one seen in Crysis.
    -Tonnes of explosions
    -A pretty big arsenal of weapons (more to come)
    -204 scripts and counting!
    -A reload system with automatic reloading!
    -Enemies throw grenades!

    Crazy promises:
    -50+ weapons
    -Multi-branching story
    -More squad dependence
    -Will have an awesome story
    -Lots of variety
    -Incredible AI
    -Whatever you want

    Move: WASD
    Reload: R
    Change Fire Mode: Q
    Order troops to attack: 1
    Order to follow: 2
    Order to guard: 3
    Order to flee: 4
    Order medic: 5
    Night Vision: G
    To throw a grenade hold down the right mouse button, then left click.

    Here be old versions (and dragons):
    The older versions aren't required to use the newer versions. The older versions are simply there for nostalgia's sake.

    v0.08 (not recommended, as it is the current version but waaaay shorter.)

    Really old

    If you want an even older version just PM me. I won't mind.
    The versions I have go down to v0.04.

    Legal stuff I should mention:
    Most of the music is from the fantastic game Crysis. This game is really, really, really good and I recommend that you buy it because it is so good.
    I'm also using 1 track from the almost-but-not-quite-as-fantastic game Iji. It's free, so I recommend that you download it.

    Any bugs, complaints, queries, comments or contributions?
    Redemption 17 years ago
    This is pretty good, continue with it.

    "Aegis" said:
    Bugs / things which need to be fixed

    "The grenade is thrown too far."
    It looks like you copied the grenade from Aleryon Betrayal, so I know the answer. The maximum of the creatures health bar controls when it should stop. You changed the starting maximum of the health bar to 110, switch it to 105 to restore the default stopping distance (Or any value inbetween).

    The grenade and explosives make all things bleed (even walls).
    The slow down effect of the frag grenade fragmentation takes it's visual effect from the assault rifle (It's identifier is equal to my non effect weapon), which has the blood particle as it's hit visual effect particle. Just change the second parameter of effect 1 in the frag grenade hit effect to '-1'.

    You should put a '0' in all the "1;//hide when behind walls" lines in creatures.dat so enemies are always visible.
    The gore creates too much particles, slowing the game down.

    You could make this multi-modural (bad pun on 'multi-cultural') mod work, keep going.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:

    "Aegis" said:
    Bugs / things which need to be fixed

    "The grenade is thrown too far."
    It looks like you copied the grenade from Aleryon Betrayal, so I know the answer.
    BORROWED. I BORROWED it from Aleryon Betrayal. (thanks for the solution)
    "Redemption" said:

    You should put a '0' in all the "1;//hide when behind walls" lines in creatures.dat so enemies are always visible.
    The gore creates too much particles, slowing the game down.

    But I want ambushes... Wouldn't changing the gore particle to un-rotate-able speed things up a bit?
    Redemption 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    But I want ambushes... Wouldn't changing the gore particle to un-rotate-able speed things up a bit?
    The block vision thing doesn't work all that well, but you could go another way if you really wanted it. You could have terrains with an effect of giving or removing an item that is used by a plot_object that drops the enemies. With this you could have enemies dropped as you enter a room.
    The gore would probably work without rotation, but I assume you made this as or just after you posted.

    2. Dual-wielding anything with anything.
    I didn't think it possible before, but now that I've thought about it, it doesn't seem like such a 'Crazy promise' after all. The problem (With my idea of having it work, at least) is that it might be a little slow to choose the second gun ingame. If it works though, it will be worth the effort.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I'll think of something with the dual-wielding confusion. It'll probably involve multiple inventories. The hardest part about dual-wielding is the tiny 100 bar limit
    I need to have counter-items and slowly rising bars everywhere! Although your terrain idea is very good, I don't like the idea of all of the variables going on at once. I'm going to try to make this mod as non-linear as possible in it's later stages. Eg. Why go through a door when you can blow you way around it?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Also, a point which has become PAINFULLY obvious in speedrunning Notrium.

    The "hide behind walls" thing? It sucks. The sole reason it sucks is that it's slow. The creatures don't appear instantly, they take some time. And instead of being an occasional nuisance you have to deal with every five runs or something, this is a constant factor coming to effect every single time it operates. I only speedran with the Alien for the queen ending and in the hive, it basically became a situation of guessing where the hell the enemies are.

    I, personally, would never use it in a mod. But you're you, not me.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Fine! The people have spoken! I won't use hide behind walls anymore! But that removes the point in me creating a nice window....Oh well. You can "imagine" that they're hidden until they show up. In other news: *yawn* I really can't be bothered doing stuff to my mod until at least 1 person downloads v0.05.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    I didn't notice the new version was available *Plays*.

    The gore still slows the game down. You might want to use "1;//gets smaller by time" or lower the amount enemies produce.

    I'll think of something with the dual-wielding confusion. It'll probably involve multiple inventories. The hardest part about dual-wielding is the tiny 100 bar limit
    I don't see why you'd need heaps of bars for this, just the one for the fire rate. You're idea of how to get the multi dual wielding is probably different from mine.
    My idea is to have items for the guns in your right hand that have a condition that you are wielding a gun with the dual wielding graphic. These items will have a wield script that fires the weapon when the right click is down (They don't have any effect beyond this). The problem with my idea though, is the time it takes to select the gun (You have to use the inventory as the item can't be activated using the scroll wheel).
    Aegis 17 years ago
    No, I was talking about how the game decides that you should have the dual-wielded weapons. Currently, for the handgun, I'm doing the following. You right click on a plot_object which gives you the handgun AND uses effect number 23 to slowly raise a bar. Once the bar is at five it stops. I forgot the rest but it involves the following: once the bar is at six you gain the dual-wielded version. The problem with this is that for many weapons you will need many bars, so I'm going to use effect number 4 to jolt the bar around a lot and use exact numbers and counter-items everywhere.
    "Redemption" said:
    The problem with my idea though, is the time it takes to select the gun (You have to use the inventory as the item can't be activated using the scroll wheel).
    I don't remember experiencing that problem...
    Redemption 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    No, I was talking about how the game decides that you should have the dual-wielded weapons. Currently, for the handgun, I'm doing the following. You right click on a plot_object which gives you the handgun AND uses effect number 23 to slowly raise a bar. Once the bar is at five it stops. I forgot the rest but it involves the following: once the bar is at six you gain the dual-wielded version. The problem with this is that for many weapons you will need many bars, so I'm going to use effect number 4 to jolt the bar around a lot and use exact numbers and counter-items everywhere.
    My system simply has a script that gives you the second pistol item when you have two pistols (It's script 52 if you want to see it). I don't see why you'd need bars for this.
    "Aegis" said:
    I don't remember experiencing that problem...
    You'd only get that problem if you used my idea. I'm gonna go test out that idea right now, just to see if it works.

    [Edit] I succesfully created an item that fires the shotgun when the player right clicks. It works with all other guns, so it could work with some tweaks. It has a few problems though, mainly reloading and the lack of the player holding a second weapon (graphicwise).
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:

    My system simply has a script that gives you the second pistol item when you have two pistols (It's script 52 if you want to see it). I don't see why you'd need bars for this.
    Ahh yes...The script delay...I was using effect number 23 as a delay...D'oh!

    "Redemption" said:

    You'd only get that problem if you used my idea.
    I was talking about your idea. *plays Aleryon Betrayal* Are you sure there's a problem with weapon selection?

    Oh yeah, and I'm adding another dual-wield weapon combination for v0.06, so I'll let everybody say what they want. (No alternate fire modes for the dual-wielding, I'm sticking to the simple stuff)
    Redemption 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    I was talking about your idea. *plays Aleryon Betrayal* Are you sure there's a problem with weapon selection?
    There would only be a problem if you used my theoretical idea (the one I explained earlier), not the one I used in Aleryon Betrayal.

    "Aegis" said:
    Oh yeah, and I'm adding another dual-wield weapon combination for v0.06, so I'll let everybody say what they want. (No alternate fire modes for the dual-wielding, I'm sticking to the simple stuff)
    Does this mean that you are making each weapon combination seperately?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    Does this mean that you are making each weapon combination seperately?
    Yes. But I'll probably make multiple weapons per version.
    In other news: I'm making a new troop order which orders orders them to attack all the walls around them. The problem is that the AI has gone crazy and the troops are trying around the wall, and attack it at the same time!! Have you got a miracle solution?
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Making each combination seperately seems very time consuming, and there is a chance you'll miss some combinations.
    I have an idea for a dynamic system, it should have everything work for everything:
    Every gun has two items: one for equipping the gun, and another item for the dual wieldation. The dual wieldation items have no effect (or effect 0), they only have a wield slot and a wield script. The wield script is a simple right click to shoot function. If the wield slot is the head slot or something, then the item can be wielded with any weapon.
    The problem is the time it takes to select the second gun (you have to go through the inventory) and reloading.

    "Aegis" said:
    I'm making a new troop order which orders orders them to attack all the walls around them. The problem is that the AI has gone crazy and the troops are trying around the wall, and attack it at the same time!! Have you got a miracle solution?
    What exactly is happening?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    That's a great idea, but the problem is that I want reloading. My current system will just be a process of cutting and pasting when I want to make new weapons.
    "Redemption" said:
    What exactly is happening?
    The AI is trying to run around the destructible wall to attack it. The AI sees the destructible wall as a creature AND an obstacle. So the AI is trying to attack the destructible wall, whilst trying to escape / make their way around it!
    Redemption 17 years ago
    You could probably figure out a way to set up reloading with dual weapons, maybe a bar just for secondary weapons (this would mean that you could auto reload by switching weapons though, you might not want that)?.

    "Aegis" said:
    The AI is trying to run around the destructible wall to attack it. The AI sees the destructible wall as a creature AND an obstacle. So the AI is trying to attack the destructible wall, whilst trying to escape / make their way around it!

    Create a timed_block for those creatures (the troops) that checks if they are in wall destruction mode and if they are close to the destructable walls, with effect 1 to slow them down to 0.00001 speed. This will make them stand back when they shoot the walls.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I already have the code to dual-wielding weapons. Check out scripts 40 and 41, and then reload in-game.

    "Redemption" said:
    Create a timed_block for those creatures (the troops) that checks if they are in wall destruction mode and if they are close to the destructable walls, with effect 1 to slow them down to 0.00001 speed. This will make them stand back when they shoot the walls.

    It's a good idea, in theory, but it just doesn't work. The AI constantly tries to position itself against normal enemies, by moving away from polygons (sometimes ) and in this case the AI is probably confused that the creature is right on top of a polygon. I'm going to try something pretty complicated which involves the polygon only activating when a creature is standing next to the wall, later on. Possibly v0.07.

    EDIT: Uh! What was I thinking! I'll make a simple invisible laser aimer for the creature instead!
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    You could probably figure out a way to set up reloading with dual weapons, maybe a bar just for secondary weapons (this would mean that you could auto reload by switching weapons though, you might not want that)?.
    Use invisible (or visible, even) items. Remember, items can be just as useful as bars, for certain things.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Redemption" said:
    You could probably figure out a way to set up reloading with dual weapons, maybe a bar just for secondary weapons (this would mean that you could auto reload by switching weapons though, you might not want that)?.
    Use invisible (or visible, even) items. Remember, items can be just as useful as bars, for certain things.

    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Redemption" said:
    You could probably figure out a way to set up reloading with dual weapons, maybe a bar just for secondary weapons (this would mean that you could auto reload by switching weapons though, you might not want that)?.
    Use invisible (or visible, even) items. Remember, items can be just as useful as bars, for certain things.
    Calm down and read what I actually said. The key part would be this:
    (this would mean that you could auto reload by switching weapons though, you might not want that)
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I don't want to auto reload by switching weapons.

    "MageKing17" said:
    Use invisible (or visible, even) items. Remember, items can be just as useful as bars, for certain things.

    That's what I am doing. I have a reload item which activates scripts which reload the guns. The game decides which guns to reload by detecting which weapon you are holding by using bars. For v0.06 I'm going to change all the missions, the ones in v0.04 and v0.05 were just to test out some stuff.

    Mission 1 is like v0.05's mission 1, but there are gun enemies instead. Mission 2 involves an office building, a lot of glass, evil civilians and blowing it all up right at the end. I might also add a gun, later on, which can fire 10 000 rounds a minute (that's 166.66 rounds a second) but it will be horribly inaccurate, ammo chewing, uses energy, loud, etc.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    I'd want a gun that fires 666 RPM.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Burn the witch! It's destroying our crops!

    NEW: I might add that gun, if you're actually serious. But it will also take 6.66 health away each shot. 'cause I'm mean.

    NEW 2: I'm also adding suit modes. So far I have speed and armour. But I will add strength and stealth (plus more). Free cookie to anyone who guesses where I got this idea from!
    I was also scrolling through what people want for Notrium 2 and I saw an idea for a portal gun. Which I will try to replicate in later versions.
    I bet that you is very excite! Engrish intended

    NEW 3: Stealth mode made, it's overkill.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    I just noticed that you can throw grenades through destructable walls. You should make the wall's plot_object block bullets to stop this.

    [Edit] I have spawned an idea for the plasma rifle: How about making the sideways zap start at a position defined by the player? You could do this by making the weapon activate a script upon firing that drops a plot_object at the mouse position, and add in the plasma creature's timed block a condition that it is close to that plot_object before it starts the zap.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Good idea!
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    I just noticed that you can throw grenades through destructable walls. You should make the wall's plot_object block bullets to stop this.
    Why not have two kinds of walls, ones that allow you to throw grenades (low, roofless walls), and others that don't (tall, roofed walls)?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I'd like that because it will add a layer of planning, but the problem is that the grenade only goes through walls due to a slight glitch.

    Tank and ship are now glitchier then this, due to stealth stuff:

        FOUR;/Efect num-ber
    take away 5 .000000;/parer1d
    NOTHIN GO-es HEAR,\typo IntenDed
    dat bar, the health one./000000;\/parameter3

    As a result the 'sploding space station is no longer available and modding in the tank might not be a good idea.

    Changed missions.

    BUG FOUND!: Staying in the tank for extended periods of time will starve you to death.

    Coming in a long time: Portal Gun

    v0.06 will be released eventually. Not Duke Nukem Forever eventually!
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Yeah! Double post! Everyone look at me!
    v0.06 is ready, check my first post for a link.
    It is chock full of new stuff. LOTS OF NEW STUFF. HEAPS OF NEW STUFF Like dual-wielding assault rifles! The priority of you downloading this would be 9.25/10

    I just discovered a small error. Which might make people unhappy.

    In creatures.dat look for creature number 21 (outlaw spawner) and change effect number 15 in the timed slot to:
        15;//effect number	

    Which weapons should I make dual-wieldable next? I'll let everyone squabble over it. BUT!
    1. It can only be 2 of the same weapon!
    if I already have both weapons dual-wieldable already. Eg. Handgun and Assault Rifle.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Triple post.... Just a reminder that you:
    press "Z" to enter super fast mode.
    press "X" to enter super armour mode.
    press "C" to enter super stealth mode.
    press "B" to slow down time (once you pick up the item)
    press "Y" to use zoom in and out (once you have the item)
    press "M" to call an airstrike.

    Version changes are:
    Assault Rifles are dual-wieldable
    Plasma Cannon is now timed.
    Lasers no longer duplicate
    Missions 1 + 2 are different, I'm thinking of making the self destruct timer in mission 2 shorter.
    You can no longer see through walls, instead I'm going to be very careful where I place creatures.
    Aliens no longer use psychic.
    Ultra Heavy Explosives continuously explodes and creates screaming scientists (I couldn't resist).
    Due to a script problem with my Mageking's cough, cough shield system you will hurt for seemingly no reason, I have fixed this up...a bit.
    Small tweaks.
    harwe 17 years ago
    Cant you just use the edit button? anywho, i wont upload your mod until like... v.1 just because i dont want to waste too much space in that uploader thingie (
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    Cant you just use the edit button?
    Maybe... Its just that people who have already read the post might not want to read it again.

    "harwe" said:
    anywho, i wont upload your mod until like... v.1 just because i dont want to waste too much space in that uploader thingie (
    That's fine.
    harwe 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:

    Maybe... Its just that people who have already read the post might not want to read it again.
    wrong, most people here prefer you to not double post and use the edit button instead im surprised no one, at all, is flaming about this
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    "harwe" said:
    Cant you just use the edit button?
    Maybe... Its just that people who have already read the post might not want to read it again.
    If you want to edit a post, and still have it show up as new, follow the following procedure.

    1. Edit your post as normal, but don't submit.
    2. Highlight and copy the text of your post.
    3. Delete your post.
    4. Create a new post, pasting in the text of your edited post.
    5. ?
    6. Profit!
    Aegis 17 years ago
    1. Affirmative.
    2. Understood.
    3. Aye, aye captain.
    4. Clear as mud.
    5. "?"?
    6. Of money?
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    "Aegis" said:

    Maybe... Its just that people who have already read the post might not want to read it again.
    wrong, most people here prefer you to not double post and use the edit button instead im surprised no one, at all, is flaming about this

    There is a rule against flaming. It's not your 'job' to police this forum, it's what moderators are here for. If I even think you're trying to encourage flaming or trolling, you will be the first person in a long time to be banned. I do not want to hear flaming or trolling discussed again. This is a rule for posting in these forums, no flaming, no trolling. If you have an issue with someone's posting habits you may message them personally to inform them, or inform us and we will do it for you. I will not tolerate elitism in this forum because I've seen it destroy too many good forums when the veterans got big heads.
    Forum » Virus mod- v0.09a Lite version now available!
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