No, they're just sour cantankerous bastards that probably have relation to Ebenezer Scrooge. 
But seriously... The meaning behind Christmas? Wow. I can't believe that some of you are saying "Oh, it only has religious value. I hate it, and it inhales profusely (i.e. sucks)."
Christmas is a religious holiday, yes. But more so than that it's come to embody a whole lot've amazing values. Such as being un-selfish, caring for other people, giving gifts freely to other people, spreading holiday cheer, having a good times, and a plethora of other things. Honestly, Crazy... If you hate having people around so much don 't blame it on Christmas, just realise that you're either asocial irl, or simply don't like those people. If those people are family friends or something - speak to your parents about it. If they're family, well... shut up and take it like a man. You don't get a new family. Family's something that you're born with and if you don't place it very highly on your list of priorities/values, well I'd honestly think that's a bit screwed up. Blood's thicker'n water and all that.
Has Christmas became commercialized? That question answers itself by existing. Having established that: So. What?
Who cares if something's became commercialized? Is it Something Awesome's fault if stupid people and/or stupidity start trying to corrupt it? Of course not. Can we still recognize it's value and admit the fact that that corruption does not in fact diminish it's inherent value unless we individually choose to let that get in the way of it? Who loses if you let that happen? Only you - and the people who are special to you and in turn who you are special to, when you let that ruin a wonderful holiday. Who wins? The people who try'n commercialize things like Christmas.
Equally so: Happy Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and any number of other holidays I might not be aware of/forgotten about.
Wrapping things up, I'll return to my initial rant:
No, they're just sour cantankerous bastards that probably have relation to Ebenezer Scrooge.  In all honesty, that's my gut reaction when I hear negative things about Christmas. I can't fathom why someone would dislike the holiday that's spawned things such as "The Santa Clause," "Miracle on 34th Street," and all those Rudolph movies from when I was a child. Repeating myself (again, I know) as to the values of Christmas, I'm surprised to see that Idiota (especially) doesn't like it. Even saddened, a little. But whatever...
Happy Hanuk-kwan-mas.