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  • Succession game

    Amarth 16 years ago
    I recently reread the epic story of Boatmurdered, a succession style game of Dwarf Fortress. This means that one player plays a certain amount of the game, then saves and passes it on to the next player, and so on. For more information, see here.

    Now, that sounds like something I want to try. Who else is willing to play?

    Dwarf Fortress is excellent for this kind of thing, but other games might work too... Civilization (Alpha Centauri would be way cool), Evil Genius, XCOM, perhaps even Nethack (though that would require skilled players). By the way, I'm not sure what makes a good game for succession style playing... Probably something with mostly random elements, where you can jump in in the middle, a game that allows you to influence the game but not entirely fuck it up in a small timescale, and that lasts for considerable time. If someone else can think of games that fit these criteria, bring them along, I'm interested.

    Anyway. Who wants to join and what game shall we play? Anyone perhaps has experience with this?
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Nothing can match the random generic hilarity of DF.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    I say we play Unreal Software's Stranded II. We could start an Endless game on medium or hard. The beginning is a bit tricky, though.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Civilization 4 is great for succession games. The saves are easily transferable and the game is designed with such a play in mind. The amount of time each player plays is easily determined in turns, and the whole 'being the newest leader of the civilization' suits a succession game well.

    Of course, another plus is that I actually have Civ4. I probably have Alpha Centauri somewhere aswell, along with Alien Crossfire, but it isn't installed and I'm a much worse player in those.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Or we could do Space Empires IV, something that runs on lower-end computers.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    You know, I daresay that this is one of the best community-spawned game-related ideas in quite some time. It's brilliant in it's simplicity, and I think civ 4 would lend itself extremely well for this sort of play. I recently started a marathon game myself, disabling all the victory conditions except 'conqueror', which effectively means that I have to annihilate every other civ on the globe. That game has taken 16 hours of my life so far because I just enjoy doing a thorough job, and I'm just over halfway.

    I'd like to suggest that we don't just pick one game that we play at a time, because I have a lot of games that would not instantly appeal to anyone on my mind that I would love to see played in this style. Maybe have like seperate threads where people can post what they've done in their turn of play and maybe some tips, to prevent this thread from clogging.

    Also, in my list (read down), there are RPGs added. They can both work, but still a bit tricky. The downside to FF, and in someway TES too, is that we would have to implement certain limits on how far a person can progress. The downside to TES is that different people have different playstyles, and not everyone would enjoy a mage, warrior or thief character.

    But any turn-based game would do really, and RTS games with longer battles/playtimes too ofcourse and some other games. I'll make a list of games I'd love to try this way, no specific order whatsoever:

    [list]Jagged Alliance 2!!!
    Civilizations 4 (maybe 3)
    Space Empires 4
    Dwarf Fortress
    Final Fantasy (Tactics!)
    Murska 16 years ago
    Okay, which of us have Civilization 4, which expansions do you have and are you willing to participate?
    E_net4 16 years ago
    I don't have Civ4. I can put Dwarf Fortress back on the PC, but I'm quite an amateur at the game, so I'd probably screw up the game for you.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Soooo. We have 3 people with Civ4 thus far? Me, Amarth and Idiota? And at least me and Amarth have Warlords while Amarth doesn't have Beyond the Sword, unlike me.
    Thaif 16 years ago
    I have it. Personally I've played Civ 4 with at least BlueMarble and Revolution mods. BlueMarble is a visual enhancement, but Revolutions add a whole bunch of random hilarity to the game. Additionally I've merged the Revolutions mod with Civ Gold for some added flavor.

    So yeah. I have Civ 4 and I'm willing to participate.
    Crazy 16 years ago

    Crusader Kings seems absolutely and fabulously ideal for this.

    The point of Crusader Kings is that it's a copy of Europa Universalis (which, in turn i similar to Civ) set in the middle ages.

    The difference, however, is that instead of playing a country, you play a feudal dynasty. There are (historically correct) royal families (and lesser nobles) throughout Europe.

    But get this. You play as the king, right? You marry off your daughters and sons, give your sons pieces of land. And once you die, you continue playing as your SON. Which is why this would work so ideally. Like. I start the game as the Swedish king. I have a son, give him land and croak. This son would then be played by someone else. Playing as each successive person is just like starting the game over, except in a different situation. In example, to get more vassals, i might have disbanded hereditary rule and instead set the most powerful vassal as the next king, which might not be my son. So i was concentrating on becoming more powerful, now the next player needs to concentrate on a coup.

    The point being that we would have a much better swap points, rather than just arbitrary saves. I mean. It's almost as if the game was designed specifically for this. It's a relatively small game, give it a whirl, you'll see what i mean.
    Murska 16 years ago
    "Crazy" said:

    Crusader Kings seems absolutely and fabulously ideal for this.

    The point of Crusader Kings is that it's a copy of Europa Universalis (which, in turn i similar to Civ) set in the middle ages.

    The difference, however, is that instead of playing a country, you play a feudal dynasty. There are (historically correct) royal families (and lesser nobles) throughout Europe.

    But get this. You play as the king, right? You marry off your daughters and sons, give your sons pieces of land. And once you die, you continue playing as your SON. Which is why this would work so ideally. Like. I start the game as the Swedish king. I have a son, give him land and croak. This son would then be played by someone else. Playing as each successive person is just like starting the game over, except in a different situation. In example, to get more vassals, i might have disbanded hereditary rule and instead set the most powerful vassal as the next king, which might not be my son. So i was concentrating on becoming more powerful, now the next player needs to concentrate on a coup.

    The point being that we would have a much better swap points, rather than just arbitrary saves. I mean. It's almost as if the game was designed specifically for this. It's a relatively small game, give it a whirl, you'll see what i mean.

    Problem being that nobody has it. But yeah, a good suggestion. We could do multiple succession games.
    Thaif 16 years ago
    Crusader King is also good. I've played it some and it seemed like a good game. However it reguires some skill to play it effectively, so the learning curve might be steep...but it's a good option.

    P.S: I have Beyond the Sword.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Okay, I... hm... got Crusader Kings but the... package also comes with the Deus Vult expansion.

    Thaif: You got Warlords too? If not, we'll be playing original.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    If anyone's willing to join, I'll be starting up a Dwarf Fortress savegame. Raise hands if you want to join please, then I know if it's worth making a thread or not.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Err. If people are willing to help, I suppose I want to join. Or if you are able to give me a foolproof fortress or something. Let's just say, I started playing the game yesterday (those in IRC at that moment can testify), and I'm pretty sure I will do stuff wrong. I'd be interested to play with a fortress that someone made a good start for though.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Well, I can make sure to be in the chatroom when you want to play at most times, but I don't know when to start the game yet. I am pretty good at getting a fortress started, so that won't be much of a problem either, just need some people to be willing to give it a try.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Well, my first fortress is now going strong for over a year and a half, with about 50 dwarves in it. Can't say it's doing anything else than surviving at the moment, and probably some goblin attack will wipe me out really quick (my defenses consist mostly of a few wardogs), but this game seems easier than I thought until now.
    Murska 16 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    If anyone's willing to join, I'll be starting up a Dwarf Fortress savegame. Raise hands if you want to join please, then I know if it's worth making a thread or not.

    I'm willing to try, but I haven't played DF in a long time and never really learned to play it anyway so I might screw it up.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Like I said, I'll be in the chatroom more often for guidance. I'll start up this baby on saturday, as I'm a bit busy at the moment. I'll be making a thread as well, because DF is a game in which a good transition from player to player will save a lot of trouble. More on this Saturday.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Also, you know. Losing is fun. Don't be too worried about losing the fortress, don't ask for guidance on every move, we can always start over. Or reclaim. And remember, it's better to burn out than to fade away.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Indeed. Remember, it's DWARF fortress, not a bunch of wusses who should run away at the slightest inconvenience. We can always come back, as long as you don't flood the entire fortress or anything. Also, goblins and kobolds aren't really that strong, any dwarf should be able to take out any goblin without serious injury. Enlisting your entire population is always an option.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Huh, I could try it. Never made it past... like... the second wave of immigrants, though.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    Allow me to join the group, then. DF, here we go.
    NeoGangster 16 years ago
    there are some nice video tutorials, which you could look into, if some of you want a little more basic knowledge of the game
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    Murska 16 years ago
    Even though we're playing a DF succession game, we could totally start the civ4 one aswell.
    Thaif 16 years ago
    Yes, let's.

    Though I find the Vanilla version(Civ 4 BtS) boring without Revolution, I can do without.

    Also: If the Civ 4 game picks up I'll be posting a thorough recap of my turn(with pictures!) for the entertainment of all.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    I'll let you know when I'm able to join in, I don't have BtS yet. Feel free to start without me though.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    I have Beyond the Sword now. In fact, I have the Civ IV Complete bundle, because they didn't have anything else and it was only 10 EUR.

    Damn bundles cheaper than the original game... I already have Civ IV, HL2, Q3, Morrowind, UFO: Enemy Unknown and Baldur's Gate twice, and perhaps a few others... Is there something like BookMooch for games? Oh well, suppose I can give them to my nephew or something.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Okay, I propose Amarth starts the thread. Let's decide on how many turns per player, what settings and other such things. Popular vote?
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Is there something like BookMooch for games?
    Oh how I wish.

    The problem is, of course, that game prices fluctuate much more wildly than book prices, so the same system wouldn't work.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Okay, I propose Amarth starts the thread. Let's decide on how many turns per player, what settings and other such things. Popular vote?
    Erm, that means I have to start the game too? Yay. I think.

    First of all, I have Civ IV Complete, meaning BTS is patched to 3.13, I gathered 3.17 is out so I suppose I need to patch? Everyone having 3.17? I've noticed that patching Complete is not a simple process, so I hope I get it right.

    As for settings and stuff, I suggest we all get together on IRC sometime. Who is in? Thaif, Murska, me, any others?
    Murska 16 years ago
    I think I have the latest patch and if not, I'll patch into it anyway. So you should, aswell.
    Anarion 16 years ago
    I have alpha centauri if anyone's interested. I don't have alien crossfire tho, sadly.

    Edit: Should probably be honest here and say that I'm not overly skilled at it.

    Edit 2: I'd be willing to have a shot at it tho.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Well, I'd like an Alpha Centauri game. Not sure why not more people have it, it must be obtainable from *various sources* I suppose? Or doesn't anyone else want to play AC?
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