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  • Dwarves and their Ancestors

    Idiota 16 years ago
    Slowly The spirit of Inod Datan Ïngis Olundolush of Tuleb-Astebdomas ascends from the pits, Going through layer after layer of rock upon finally reaching his destination: The statue of the ancestors. It is there that he lies in wait for a host to come walking through the door...

    1st Hematite, 204.

    At last, my namesake came to the statue as I commanded him to. His body is in good shape, but I shall temper it into something far greater, so I can properly anchor my spirit to him. For now, I will merely enthrall him, so I can use him as an extension of my spirit. This statue is made of expensie material, as I can feel the nobility of the metal inside my spirit, but it lacks refinement. I shall have to improve it's quality to relay more of my powers into this world.

    2nd Hematite, 204

    I sent my thrall the survey the situation of the fortress. My predecessors have left it a total mess, it seems lacking in almost every aspect. Luckily someone had the sense to properly set up some traps near the front door, so we're not completely doomed in case of a siege. But the rest... Our military is weak, We do not have a proper Fortress Guard, we don't even have a single dwarf dedicated to keeping order in the fortress. And yet there are so many jobless dwarves... Did no one have the sense to draft some of the poor jobless dwarves into the military? I will do so when I get the chance... Yes, it does indeed seem that I have quite a task on my hands...

    5th Hematite, 204

    Look at the condition of these rooms! How can anyone with even the faintest hint of blue blood live in these conditions! I shall work hard to improve the quality of these rooms. I also took care of the vacancies in the Fortress Guard: We now have enough guards to keep order. There were far too many engravers and masons anyway: Why have 8 fucktards who fucking crap better furniture from their MOUTH when you can have one expert crafsdwarf making the same amount in higher quality? You tell me... The Captain of the Guard immediately issued beatings to several criminals right after I appointed him, sadly. While I do have a sense of justice, I feel that injuring the citizens will solve nothing. I shall proceed to make a proper prison soon.

    9th Hematite, 204

    Really, the military was in worse shape than I thought. How can any fucking dwarf expect to kill goblins with an axe when he barely has the physique to lift his own fucking arse off his bed in the morning? I'll have to put every melee fighter through some serious physical training before letting them wield weapons again. Time to get these bloody maggots into shape! I also drafted an extra squad of dwarves from the abundant haulers and fishery workers we had, shoudn't destabilize the economy too much, and we need the manpower.

    11th Hematite, 204

    Again I am amazed by the sheer stupidity of these dwarves. We're having FOUR hunters going outdoors to gather food! I mean, the silliness of the thing! We have THREE fucking farm plots, which can produce enough food for well over 200 dwarves if properly planted! Why do we have so many hunters risking their lives to gather food we don't even fucking need!? Same goes for the fishers, it's just too damn dangerous! Maybe I'll draft the hunters into the marksdwarf squad... They seem to know how to handle a bow...

    14th Hematite, 204

    I reassigned a lot of tasks. The fortress should run far more efficient now. I am also continuing the construction of some sort of wall around a floored area that has somehow been left awfully unfinished. I think that the whole thing looks like a dwarf when viewed from above... I also order the miners to dig a proper archery range. Somehow I am starting to realize where all the injured dwarves are coming from... Not smart to build an archery range in a main HALLWAY, where dwarves often tend to WALK. Also, who had the brilliant idea of making the range so fucking long? No way the dwarves will hit anything at that range, I will reduce the length of the archery range. Easier targets allow noobie marksdwarves to advance in ranks faster.

    22nd Hematite, 204

    The human traders came, but they got scared off by a goblin ambush. Also, it appears that the traps are working, which is good. These goblins just popped up out of nowhere, ran into my traps, and died. I'm feeling much safer knowing that we have such advanced defense systems. Also, I am glad that I decided not to have hunters. One of them could have run into them instead of the traders, and he would have been killed. we can do without the human goods anyway, we need steel tools of war, not the large iron crap the humans bring. How can anyone even wear that armor anyway? Looks to me as if even the fattest of humans would still have plenty of space to stab a sword in.

    27th Hematite, 204

    Lost a marksdwarf to an ambush today. I really don't understand how any decent civilization can function without a proper army. I feel as if this army should've been made years ago, so we would have nothing to fear from goblins. In my times, when legendary heroes who could withstand entire squads on their own, wielding amazing artifacts of awesome power.... Those were the days...

    vroegâh was alles betâh... (That's Dutch slang, don't even try to understand it)

    5th Malachite, 204

    My administrator informed me that our fortress' reputation has scared off the migrants. fuck this shit, am I to fall just because my predecessors failed? No, I will not give in! I'm going to make a fucking military so tough and so terrifying, the fucking goblins will start turning back from the mere glimpse of us! WE WILL PREVAIL! STRIKE THE EARTH!

    12th Malachite, 204

    I decided that the dwarves might feel a lot better if they all had their own rooms. Ordered the digging of the rooms near the nobles' quarters. They'll be of the economic type that most people should be able to afford once we have fully established ourselves. The Construction, as I've grown to name the 'artwork' outside, is now almost finished. I wonder why anyone would care about a fucking collection of smooth rocks though...

    23rd Malachite, 204

    Success! Finally, my servants are starting to get into shape. Soon, I will have drilled killing machines that just need their weapon skills honed. I will forge these dwarven sods into heroes of legends whose actions will be heralded for ages to come! Every dwarven civilization will know their names, MY name, and the fortress will rise to success! Huzzah!

    22nd Galena, 204

    Been silent for a full month now, but I must say more and more dwarves are attaining the highest possible levels of physical prowess. Also, The construction of the prison has been completed. No more beatings for petty crimes like not meeting noble mandates! Huzzah!

    1st Limestone, 204

    Autumn has come at last. I am now halfway through my time here, but there is still much to do. I am pleased with the way the fortress has improved. We have less idle workers now, and better security. Also, the monument has been finished! I have a feeling it was finished a while ago, but it took me a while to notice... Curse these dwarves and their non-informing habits!

    12th Limestone, 204

    I had nothing to do today, so I decided to take a look at the stockpile records. Turns out that in the past, a lot of fucking stuff has been wrongfully DUMPED. I mean, who dumps doors? and beds? And clothes? It's so silly. I have removed all the dump tags, so the dwarves should start reclaiming the stuff soon

    20th Limestone, 204

    I... messed up today. I was trying to test the limits of this piece of shit statue, reaching out with my mind, when some idiot dwarf decided then was a good time to enter the statue room. Not smart, I tell you, but the dwarf just ran away to the nearest workshop and started to work on some sort of artifact. I wonder what aspect of my mind he saw to inspire him so... Must be the dreams I have for this fortress.

    The artifact:

    21st Limestone, 204

    Traders! At last I can dump a big portion of the stuff that has been lying around here for AGES. I do hope that my predecessors made a wise trade agreement last year... I don't want the fortress to overflow with cats, for example... I want STEEL TOOLS OF WAR BABY!

    22nd Sandstone, 204

    It has been a bit of a background project the last months, but at last the nobles have had all their requirements met and they can live happily ever after. Now lets hope we don't have to make anything ROYAL anytime soon... Still, I'm happy.

    5th Timber, 204

    After reassigning some couples to other rooms, I have concluded that every single dwarf in the fortress now has his or her own room. I am seriously too good for this world, which is probably why I'm an ancestor...

    6th Timber, 204

    Wel that didn't last long now did it?

    1st Moonstone, 204

    It's... time. My presence here will soon be too weak. I shall possess my Thrall for unill next time I may rule. My reign has been fruitful and necessary, and I do hope my legacy will be continued.


    Well now, that went well.

    Make quarters for the migrants.
    Whenever someone becomes a champion wrestler and isn't a guard, give him a melee weapon.
    Make more weapons and armor (chainmail)
    Have fun!

    Save: Here!
    Murska 16 years ago
    Hm. I sure hope Amarth manages to lose 95% of our dwarf population. I feel I won't have the skills to deal with 'em all.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    I didn't get too many migrants. Guess they're still a bit shy from what's been killing all our dwarves. But I did sell a lot of stuff to the dwarven traders (like quadrupling our exported wealth), so I expect many migrants in spring next year.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    This fortress needs a self-destruct switch. It should both flood and collapse the fortress, while lighting a faire near some booze. That should kill any invaders/allies/kittens. But the dwarf who pulled the switch would be in a saferoom, so you don't lose (instantly).
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Dumdumdum... I suppose I should continue on this... ops:

    So far, not much happened... Gem cutter was taken by a strange mood and created "Combinedcrushes the Snake of Hollows" a claro opal mug of value 96000. The mayor mandated the construction of adamantine items (good luck with that), a few thieves were spotted and chased away. There's also a dwarf that keeps dropping unconscious on his way to a drink, the wuss.

    So yeah, good old, good old.
    Murska 15 years ago
    Oh, and I think I'll have to stop playing my turn. I've suddenly gotten really busy and don't really have time to devote to learning enough to actually keep the fortress running.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Dumdumdum... I suppose I should continue on this... ops:

    So far, not much happened... Gem cutter was taken by a strange mood and created "Combinedcrushes the Snake of Hollows" a claro opal mug of value 96000. The mayor mandated the construction of adamantine items (good luck with that), a few thieves were spotted and chased away. There's also a dwarf that keeps dropping unconscious on his way to a drink, the wuss.

    So yeah, good old, good old.

    That's our I-don't-know-how-to-fight-but-these-goblin-baby-snatchers-really-piss-me-off-...-oh-god-not-the-beard-dwarf-with-now-a-punctured-lung. Yep, he really is a wuss.
    ahrenjb 15 years ago
    I've heard alot about this dwarf fortress game, but when I downloaded it and attempted to play.... I found the learning curve to be somewhere on the brink of impossible.

    How can I learn!
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "ahrenjb" said:
    I've heard alot about this dwarf fortress game, but when I downloaded it and attempted to play.... I found the learning curve to be somewhere on the brink of impossible.

    How can I learn!
    Go to the DF wiki, navigate to the page about "My First Fortress" or whatever, and thare you have yer instructions for basic fortress-starting whatsit. From there, what you need to do depends mainly on what you want to do.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    And then when you have your first fortress running, and you grasp the basics: You've reached the foothills of mastery-mountain.
    Dorten 15 years ago
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... art-1-wtf/</a><!-- m -->

    Amarth 15 years ago
    "The game log" said:
    Nilthalal and the surrounding lands have been made a barony.
    The Tax Collector Vabôk Ostukilral has arrived.
    The Hammerer Catten Likottilesh has arrived.
    The Baron Adil Noramshem has arrived.
    Some migrants have arrived.
    Hmm. Oh well, a few more game days and it's Somebody Else's Problem.

    Thar we go. So, next one up might have some more work than me in satisfying the nobles. There's also a dwarf who's been possessed and has taken over a shop next to the farmyards I never even noticed before. Not sure if there's anything else...

    Save file here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Strike the bitch! Err, earth. I meant earth.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Next up is Murska then, in case anyone forgot. (Which you all prbably did, and now you're going to look at the first post just so you can say to me: "No I didn't." Damn you.)
    Murska 15 years ago
    No, I didn't, Idiota.

    But, really, I think I'll have to withdraw. I don't have the motivation to go on with this and besides, the fortress at this point is a bit too complex for me to bother to learn how to play with it.

    Next player, please go ahead.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    E to the net4, E_net4!
    E_net4 15 years ago
    Oh noez, it happened!

    ...I can give it a try, but I'll most probably blow everything up by mistake. Just don't hate me after this game's over, ok?
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Hating someone over losing this game? Please... I mean, I kinda expected this game to fail like a year ago (dwarf time), so even if you do fail now I'd probably just load up the save I left and continue the fortress once I have time to play games again.
    killas900 15 years ago
    I love this game.
    Would love to see this with grafix...

    Also, you may have seen me advertising around the site for Notrium 3D...

    Before you think, "O God NOT AGAIN!!" take a look at this:

    Yes... Isn't it scary what 3 mins of Paint can do?

    E_net4 15 years ago
    I felt terrified for a second...

    And no, I'm not done with the fortress, at least it didn't go boom yet.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    no Catsplosian Apopsiclipse yet?
    E_net4 15 years ago
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    I didn't do much to the fortress. I built another dining room on the upper floor (zinc tables, anyone?) and kept making things look pretty.
    Not anymore, I must say. The fortress is under attack by goblins and a titan. It's up to the next player to clear them out.

    I also placed more coffins, just in case...
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Thaif's up now. Good luck old chap. :p
    Amarth 15 years ago
    So, err... I suggest we skip Thaif. Crazy also hasn't visited in 2 months so let's also just skip him. Dorten!
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Yes. It's been a while since there's been any progress, so it'd take some time to get back into it, but I'm sure you'll be fine!
    Dorten 15 years ago
    I got it!
    Dorten 15 years ago
    Awww... I'm sorry guys, I got too distracted by another side-project of mine...

    Not able to play ops:
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Is there anything on the list of players who's still interested in continuing this game, except for me? o.o
    Dorten 15 years ago
    Change the "Succession" to "Let's play" and continue?
    Idiota 15 years ago
    It is probably what I'll do, indeed. I have grown attached to these dwarves, even though I've abandoned them for half a year. :>
    Thaif 15 years ago

    Missed my glorious turn.

    Hmmm...the next patch ought to liven up the Fort management, I'd recon.

    With more Gnomes of course...
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Well if interest in this game ever sparks up again I guess we could start anew, but for now, I guess it's kind of dead.
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