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  • Notrium Mod Viewer

    Gawmonster 14 years ago
    That would rock, thanks
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    Here you go.
    Thereaper 13 years ago
    Thanks MageKing17, it works!
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    It occurs to me that the new forum ate attached files, and people might actually still want Notrium Mod Viewer, so here's NMV 0.83c hosted on my personal webspace. Harwe, you might want to add this to your collection, too (and if you're interested in archiving, I have versions going back to 0.68b).
    YinYin Falcon 12 years ago
    thank you i was about to ask someone
    Amarth 12 years ago
    Anyone still have the source? Or is the latest version pretty much great as is?
    TNN17 12 years ago
    The latest version is pretty awesome, especially compared to text editting, but has a few bugs, lacks copy/paste functionality, and could frankly do with an ability to change the order of existing code since Notrium handles everything in the order it shows up in the file.

    I've never come across any source code though.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    I remember Dorten did provide Source downloads, but I don't recall ever saving them. If I had some major free time on my hands, I could try writing my own editor in Python, but that's not likely to be any time soon.
    Notrium user (guest) 12 years ago
    How do I use the Notrium menu soundtrack ? Please someone answer me.
    Notrium user (guest) 12 years ago
    Sorry about a mistake in my last Comment.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    Are you trying to ask where the music file actually is? It's in the game's folder in Program Files. It shouldn't be too hard to find once you're there.

    (Oh, by the way, any other forum would have given you a hard time for explicitly asking for an answer. You're posting on a public forum. Replies are implicit.)
    EnigmaniteZ 11 years ago
    I found this site, looked at the .83c version, and am not happeh. plotobject placement type doesnt support -1, which i've seen used commonly as "no placement type", basically saying you put it in manually with the lolwat :S wat do?
    Brahma3 (guest) 11 years ago
    Ok so where is the download link for this???
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    All of the download links have mysteriously vanished.

    Just find a text editor online and use that to mod Notrium. Notepad++ is often considered the best. If you're masochistic enough, you can write syntax highlighting rules for the Notrium scripts, and it will probably do you as much good as NMV would have.
    Endymion 11 years ago
    I have it here it seems.
    It didn't need anything besides the exe right?
    Narvius 11 years ago
    .NET runtime, I believe.
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    I seem to still have a valid download link here:
    alexeypaa 10 years ago
    Where I can download Notrium Mod Viewer? I'm newfag
    alexeypaa 10 years ago
    Thanks. I understood
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