"ville" said: Thanks for the link!
Ever seen any game that has a longsword, and also has any of the actual longsword stances? Usually it works just like chopping wood with an axe.  To be quite honest, i've never seen a longsword proper in a game, but that's just nitpicking. If you're asking that to take a look at how that might work in game, then no, i don't know any games like that. But modern third-person combat often looks quite plausible (Jedi Knight series, Prince of Persia), even if there's only one attack button.
But yeah, a lot of people think of western swordfighting and western swords as just simple chopping and a sharpened stick, respectively, and eastern equivalents as superhumanism, mostly because the eastern traditions have been continued to be passed down to modern ages, while western martial arts sort of died and are being reconstructed from archeological evidence. Also karate movies.
Anyway, i can't think of a really good way to implement stances and standard moves easily into Zex's system. On the other hand, i really like Zex's system. Just putting the different moves with different attack properties doesn't really seem to show the organic movement inherent in such a battle. It would seem those were just put there to show off that the creator knows stuff and wouldn't work well in a game context.
Also, the stances can't really be implement as "select one, receive bonuses & penalties", like the three different stances in, say, Jedi Knight, because they aren't static like that.
I was thinking that the Fool's Guard would perhaps, maybe work as a basic move in the Zex system. It taunts the enemy to attack, then has a chance of parrying the attack and a chance of a riposte, which does more damage / has a higher hit rate than a normal attack. But the other, i dunno. I'm quietly rolling around ideas in my head all day.