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  • Poirot Murder Mystery - Game Thread

    Murska 14 years ago
    Night ends now, and day starts. Get to playing, people. Sorry for complete lack of narrations but I lack both time and inspiration for any.
    Idiota 14 years ago
    I'll be searching the count's murder site for hints to a murder weapon.

    Also, on the first day I found the motive to be Greed, and on the second I found a Coat Button. The third I abstained.... :/

    I think that the motive and minor clues at least have not been tampered with.
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Mrmf. Mrrrrrmf. This is hard. The murderer is playing it though by not murdering anyone else, both keeping our list of suspects high and not leaving clues behind.

    Give me minor clues at the count's room, please.
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    I'll be looking for hair strands

    on the third day I found that the weapon seems to be a Gun.

    Well as long as the murderer doesn't kill anyone, we've got the advantage, he's alone and we are 6
    we may not trust anyone but as long as we keep to the facts we can find who's the murderer
    right now we got:

    Medium foot size (found on first day by E-net, confirmed by Mageking)
    a Coat Button (found on first day by me, confirmed by E_net and Idiota)
    Greed ( found on first day by Idiota, confirmed by me)
    Black hair(found on first day by Mageking, not confirmed yet)
    Gun(found by me on third day, needs confimation from Zankman as he's searched first for it)

    we still need info from:
    Zankman about the murder weapon from the first day
    Amarth about the fingerprints from the first day
    Grims info from the first day will surely be Greed I suppose

    all other information would help also
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    Aye, I found the motivation to be Greed as I searched for it on the first day.
    Amarth 14 years ago
    No fingerprints found on the first day, sorry.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    Confirmed, the killer left no fingerprints. Don't forget that the murderer can alter our nighttime information gatherings, as well as the evidence at the scene.

    Although I already have a suspect in mind... but with so much doubt, I lack the confidence to accuse. On the other hand, if we all stand by and do nothing, the killer goes free.

    Well, I suppose I should do it, then. I accuse Grim Reaper/George Edwards of this most heinous crime!
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Well, I suppose I should do it, then. I accuse Grim Reaper/George Edwards of this most heinous crime!
    Seems like I wasn't the only one suspecting him I guess then I'll jump onto the train of accusation and also accuse George Edwards
    E_net4 14 years ago
    He was the one I've been suspecting ever since the beginning of the game. George Edwards, hand yourself in.
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    Well, looks like I'm done for no matter what.
    Zankman 14 years ago
    I will stay undecided. George Edwards did not do anything to shift the blame on him, if my good sense hasn't deceived me.
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Only reason why I didn't do it is because I found red hair in his room tonight, and I found the chances kind of low that he'd be changing it.

    On the other hand, that would explain why no one was killed all the time.

    *shrug* since no-one (except Zankman who might be missing the evidence) seems to be thinking otherwise, let me join in to accuse George Edwards.
    Zankman 14 years ago
    After re-reading (or actually reading what you guys wrote), I've realized what I missed.

    BTW, because of lack of medical training, I didn't find anything on the first day; On the second I also found Greed as the motive.

    Still, I abstain from voting... Doesn't really mater anyways. Even if I voted for someone else Grim is still the "chosen one".
    Idiota 14 years ago
    I don't have any evidence pointing to Grim Reaper in specific, but I also don't have anything on him that absolves him of blame completely. With that in mind I'll join this little bandwagon and Blame George Edwards.
    Narvius 14 years ago
    Wait. I'm not playing, but. Wasn't the mechanics that everyone may accuse one guy, and both loose if he misses, not the werewolf-like lynching?
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    Wait. I'm not playing, but. Wasn't the mechanics that everyone may accuse one guy, and both loose if he misses, not the werewolf-like lynching?
    Yes. We're all risking ourselves, but it's most likely that he's the murderer.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    This is going to be a VERY fun game to watch if he ISN'T the murderer and we get down to three people left.
    Murska 14 years ago
    Well technically if he wasn't the murderer the game would just end. Kinda like it does right now. The ending narration coming up soon.
    Murska 14 years ago
    The days had flown past as the time ticked down until the train's arrival to it's destination. The passengers had barely noticed it, especially after their exhaustive investigation into the Count's tequila supply unveiled a secret compartment with an assortment of the finest kinds of alcohol known to man. You had all known the Count was very careful with what he drank but this went beyond your wildest imagination.

    But now, as the fourth day drew to a close, tragedy struck. Someone, during the night, had smashed every single bottle!

    Angry, the amateur investigators grouped together and started pooling clues. One after another the accusing fingers turned towards the butler. He didn't drink. He had been seen sneaking near the Count's room before the murder. He was British and thus not to be trusted. As the group circled closer to him, he threw his hands up in the air.

    "Fine! I did smash the bottles! That was because everyone was just drinking and not trying to find me!"

    A shocked silence, interrupted soon by his continuing tirade. "All the fake clues I planted! The evidence that pointed to first one and then another of you! Taking the utmost care to not leave anything behind for you to find! And nobody. noticed. ANYTHING!"

    Finally, Patrick Morris stumbled to the scene from his room. "What is going on here? I have a huge headache and if you don't stop all this shouting RIGHT NOW, I'm going to shoot somebody!"

    The accusing fingers of the crowd pointed at George. "Shoot? SHOOT? That's the most uncivilized thing I have ever heard! Only an American would ever even THINK of something like that!"

    The other investigators formed a circle around the two, who gazed at each other, George with steely eyes watching his enemy's movements like a hawk, while Patrick swayed a bit from side to side, his eyes wandering on the faces of the bystanders. An utterly silent moment passed...

    George made the first move. With movements quick as a snake he pulled a piano wire from his pocket and charged Patrick. Patrick blocked his attacks seemingly without noticing, took a sip from a bottle in his own pocket and drunkenly sank into a mock boxing stance.

    George's attacks were of a very rarely seen butlerian kung-fu style, which all butlers of their order had to learn. They were fast, deadly and precise, but still no match to the seemingly unbelievably lucky dodging by the drunken boxing master Patrick Morris. Finally, Patrick had had enough. "I AM PATRICK! I AM NOT /b/!" He pulled his gun, shot around the room causing the onlookers to duck, and the fourteenth shot from the single six-shot revolver impacted the mandatory chandelier.

    "Ha! Like that would actually work on a trained butler." George easily dodged the falling chandelier... when the fifteenth bullet impacted him in the chest. "Wha-" He collapsed.

    Patrick walked up to him. "Why? Why did you do it?"

    "I did it all... for the lulz..."

    "No, not the murder! All the thrice-cursed SHOUTING!"

    But George was already dead.

    Summary: George Edwards(Grim Reaper) learned not to bring a piano wire to a gunfight. He was the Murderer.

    Patrick Morris(Mageking17) wins the Ultimate Victory, while Elisabeth Forsyth(Amarth), Tom Lorraine(E_net4), Jack Snyder(Idiota) and Carrie Jones(NeoGangster) get just a normal Victory.

    James Woodworth (Zankman) gets nothing in particular for not joining the bandwagon but surviving to the end.

    Any comments and questions are welcome.
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Someone should make a movie out of that ending scene.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    What? /b/ in the ages of Agatha Christie's novels?

    I correct Amarth's statement: Someone should make a Garry's mod machinima out of that ending scene!

    And I would've had the ultimate win if I had accused Grim sooner. Every single clue I got were pointed at him.

    I must say this was a good experience, but not something as good as WW. It lacks more social interactions.
    Murska 14 years ago
    It was amusing to note EVERYONE(except Grim of course) checked Grim on nights 1 and 3.
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    I'm too suspicious for my shirt, too suspicious for my shirt, so suspicious it huuuurts~...
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    well as grim was the only one who looked for clues which someone else looked, he was the most suspicious xD
    Amarth 14 years ago
    "NeoGangster" said:
    well as grim was the only one who looked for clues which someone else looked, he was the most suspicious xD
    That was exactly my reasoning.
    Zankman 14 years ago
    ...gets nothing in particular...

    Yeah, It does somehow lack more talk.

    Epic ending.
    Idiota 14 years ago
    Inded. :p I checked the murder site again the next day to confirm that he was not the murderer (Since he obviously could have swapped the motive clue), and I found a coat button, pointing towards Grim. I've been pretty absent since night 2 though...
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    funny thing was that I found a Coat Button on the first night and I was also missing a Coat Button
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    "NeoGangster" said:
    funny thing was that I found a Coat Button on the first night and I was also missing a Coat Button
    "Oh, there it is!"

    Mmmyes, the ending was epic. Ooo, I forgot to save a copy in my folder full of random text files... *Does so*
    Murska 14 years ago
    I'm glad you liked the ending.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    I have only one thing to say:


    That is all.
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