I have one question? will driftmoon ever be moddable when it's released next year? lol im clueless
Edit: actually i have to say, Download a game called *Stranded 2* it's a survival strategy game, what would be a nice feature in driftmoon is the abillity to gather sticks and stones and create a camp fire, thats a nice feature, or quite possible the chance to create your own structure with supplies e.g *(Stones + mud = brick?) just some ideas that poped into my head before, i understand how in notrium you have to eat which is a realistic feature, but how about thirst? or make is a multiple so that when you drink water if fills your hunger level? just some ideas
Edit: the reason why i suggested stranded 2, is because it has some building features like for example *( creating camp fires, killing animals for their hides and using their hides to create a tent,)* simple ideas, what if you could maybe cook your food? and it takes time? now thats a thought!
Edit: ville? i have a question? what other creatures are their besides cats and skeletons? why not for a idea create jungle creatures? monkeys,birds and smaller animals like rabbits and frogs? that is if their are area with jungle location and it is a large area, im asking alot of question because im excited about driftmoon, and asking question is my hobby, kind of.. 
And perhaps after killing those creatures their carcus can be cooked over a fire to supplie your hunger,
*( Monkeys = meduim sized meat. *( Birds = small meat, feathers. *( rabbits = small meat. *( frogs = tiny meat.
Now if your hunger level reach's 100% *( tiny meat = 10% hunger fill *( small meat = 15% hunger fill *( medium meat = 25% hunger fill *( larg meat = 35% hunderfill
Now items from those creatures *( hide, usable to create leather, or clothing warmth. *( feathers, usable for arrows. *( claws, usable to create spear tips ( 3 tiped spear head ). *( teeth , from large animals like panthers/cats, Teeth im not sure, quite possible could be used to be thrown from a slingshot.
Now items in mind from my own thought the be combined into creating other objects. *( small fire = 5 sticks 3 stones reduction to about 10% cold, *( medium fire = 8 sticks 5 stones reduction to about 25% cold, *( large fire = 13 sticks 8 stones reduction to about 40% cold, *( 5 animal hides + 10 sticks = medium tent ( just a thought )
Well thats my basic ideas, i have so many more, but i don't want to make this a complicated.
Edit: ugh, don't mean to continue but i have no choice. To create items. *( 1 stick + 1 iron bar ( i'll talk about matierals later ) and perhaps rope or Vines from trees = axe *( 1 stick + 2 stones + rope/vine = pickaxe *( 1 iron bar + 2 stones + 1 wooden pole + 2 rope/vine = shovel *( 1 iron bar + wooden chunk ( wooden chunk could be made from a mistake when cutting trees ) + rope/vine = blunt machete *( blunt machete + 1 stone = sharpened machete ( stones can be used to sharpen Knifes or swords depending on the rock ( i'll talk about that later )
Ight now if their is going to be Levels involved into driftmoon e.g ( if you level up you get experience points which can be used to upgrade your states) then you could have a woodcutting Status which can be leveled depending on how much experiece points you get, then if it's a low level you can make mistakes like choping accidental chunks of wood out of trees, or your axes breaking. 
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.filefront.com/15035607/Sounds%20for%20driftwood%20maybe..7z">http://www.filefront.com/15035607/Sound ... 0maybe..7z</a><!-- m -->
Up their is a link to download some sound files for driftmoon, my idea lawl