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  • Werewolf 8 - The Experiment

    MageKing17 14 years ago
    Everyone ought to know the rules already, but just to be sure, let me start with a quick refresher:

    [list][*]The game alternates between day and night, starting with nighttime.[/*:m]
    [*]At nighttime, most targeted special roles get to perform their action. That means Wolves, the Seer, the Angel, the Finder, the Cupid, and the Doppelganger get to pick their targets.[/*:m]
    [*]During the day, any living character may discuss IC (In Character) who should be lynched at the end of the day. This includes voting on who you think should be lynched.[/*:m]
    [*]If nobody votes, nobody gets lynched. In the event of a tie, either the Mayor's vote becomes a tiebreaker, or (if there is no Mayor) the victim is chosen at random from among the tied votes.[/*:m]
    [*]Once the number of wolves is equal to the number of non-wolf characters, the Wolves have won.[/*:m]
    [*]If the number of wolves is zero, every non-wolf character (except the Village Idiot) has won.[/*:m][/list:u]

    [list][*]If the Village Idiot is lynched, he wins the game. If he ends the game alive, he loses (unless it's a Linked Victory).[/*:m]
    [*]If the Crazy War Veteran is lynched, they can choose another player to kill as they die. This behaves similarly to a Wolf kill, but obviously can't be protected against by the Angel since it doesn't happen at night.[/*:m]
    [*]The first time a player with a special role dies, the Aer transforms into whatever role that player was.[/*:m]
    [*]If there is more than one Wolf and they have differing targets, a victim is picked at random. Priority is given to any Wolves targeting other Wolves (e.g. if two Wolves try to kill each other and a third goes after a villager, the villager is guaranteed to be safe and one of the Wolves will die).[/*:m]
    [*]To clarify the previous rule, only one person can be killed by the Wolves each night, even if that person is a Wolf (more than one person can die in a single night if the victim is Linked (or someone commits suicide at night)).[/*:m]
    [*]The Seer can scan one target per night. This tells the seer what role they have, but any Links (resulting from the Cupid) remain unknown, as does who they targeted that night, if anyone.[/*:m]
    [*]The Angel can protect one target other than themself per night. If that target is chosen as the Wolves' victim, they are saved instead.[/*:m]
    [*]The Finder can scan one target per night, similar to the seer. Unlike the seer, however, they learn nothing about the target's role, and instead learn whether or not they targeted someone with their special ability that night, and who it was.[/*:m]
    [*]The Cupid can link two targets once, during the nighttime. After the link occurs, the Cupid becomes an ordinary Villager. These targets become Linked, which results in each being notified of this fact. If one Linked player dies, any player Linked to them dies as well. If the Linked players are spread across more than one team (e.g. one is a Villager and the other is a Wolf) then they become their own team, and can only win if all players Linked together survive until the end of the game. If one half of a Linked pair is linked to a third player (which can happen if the Doppelganger copies the Cupid and links one of the two people the original Cupid linked to a third), all three are Linked together.[/*:m]
    [*]The Doppelganger can copy a target once, during the nighttime. This transforms the Doppelganger into whatever role their target was. If they become a Wolf, an announcement is sent out to notify players that the number of Wolf players has increased. Also, the Doppelganger instantly discovers the identity of the other Wolves, and all the other Wolves discover the identity of the new Wolf (the former Doppelganger).[/*:m]
    [*]Any player can be elected to be the Mayor. The Mayor's vote serves to break ties during lynching, but also makes one a target (either for the Wolves or for suspicious villagers).[/*:m][/list:u]

    [list][*]Text almost entirely in italics is "OOC" (Out Of Character). This does not mean that slight changes in italicization changes OOC/IC status, for any literalists still out there.[/*:m]
    [*]Non-"wolf" characters cannot discuss the game during nighttime. Dead characters cannot discuss the game at all until it's over.[/*:m]
    [*]Voting requires a public statement with the subject (and type, if there is more than one type of vote active) clearly indicated, either via coloration or emphasis. Any PM'd votes or non-emphasized votes will not be counted.[/*:m]
    [*]Nighttime targeting requires you to send a PM to me indicating your target. No emphasis should be needed since you shouldn't bring up any extraneous information.[/*:m]
    [*]The most recent valid vote/target will be counted, so you can change your mind.[/*:m]
    [*]If you wish, you may commit suicide. This should be done publicly, with the word suicide clearly indicated. This removes you from the game (making you "dead", so no discussing the game anymore until it's over), and I will make public whether or not you were a wolf.[/*:m][/list:u]

    With all that junk out of the way, let's get on to the game!

    "Is everyone ready?" The room is dark, but the hooded figure can see the others nodding. "In that case, I'm going to throw the switch."

    The moment is tense; for the first time, the members of the Forum Block are going to explore the physics behind the strange virtual world they live in. The "datablock accelerator" took MageKing17 several weeks to complete, but now they're finally going to see what happens when two virtual representations of data collide at high speed. Various sensing equipment stands ready to record the results, and the crowd is eager to see what happens.

    "Level 5 Telekinesis!" The figure throws back his hood and points to a big, ominous lever, which hurls itself downward with a resounding CLANK!

    Steam hisses out of the massive clockwork of which the device is constructed. A grinding noise sounds as two experimental "datapults" prepare to hurl their contents at each other at incredible speed. "Here we go!"

    There is a sound of inhalation as the crowd begins to hold its collective breath. The datapults release their datablocks at each other, and time seems to stand still as the two lights on the observation panel close rapidly. Three seconds... two seconds... one second...

    Silence. At first, confusion. Then, panic as it becomes apparent that they can't hear anything. Then everyone passes out, and they cease to worry about sudden deafness.

    * * *

    "What the hell just happened?"

    "I'm not sure." MageKing17 picks himself up off the ground. "I think the datablocks hit each other, but I'm not sure. Nor do I know why everyone passed out."

    "Should it even be possible for us to pass out?"

    "Apparently so."

    "Well, where are we?"

    It is immediately apparent that this is not the laboratory in which the experiments were being conducted. Everyone who was present before is now in a hallway, with seemingly-endless rows of doors on either side. A quick check shows that all the nearby doors are locked, and panic returns.

    "What the hell are we going to do?"

    "We don't even know where we are!"

    "Calm down!" MageKing17 begins casting a scrying spell. "I'm sure we can't be too far from the lab. Level 99 Locator!"

    Nothing happens. MageKing17 blinks. "That's odd. That should have done something. Level 5 Spark?"

    Still nothing. "Hmm. It seems I can't cast any spells."

    One of the spectators lets out a moan. "Oh shit, what are we going to do now?"

    "Calm down!" MageKing17's expression is hard. "Wherever we are, panic won't help us. Let's just... walk that way and see if any of these doors open."

    After ten minutes, it becomes clear that not only is every single door locked, but the corridor loops in on itself to form a circle, despite having the illusion of being straight (no doubt some clever data manipulation trickery). A count shows 32 doors on the "inside" of the circle, and 128 on the "outside". Obviously this building was created by some kind of computer geek with a binary fetish.

    "I resent that!" comes a voice from the walls.

    "Resent what?" someone shouts back.

    "I do not have a 'binary fetish'!"

    The crowd whispers amongst itself.
    "'Binary fetish'?"
    "Who said 'binary fetish'?"
    "I think MageKing said it."
    "What? No I didn't!"
    "I heard you say it!"
    "Well, I'm quite sure I would remember that."
    "Anarion did it."
    "What?! Why would I do that?"
    "Iunno. Felt like it, maybe?"
    "I think E_net4 said it."
    "Wait, E_net4's here?"
    "Yeah, he's right over... huh. Where'd he go?"

    The crowd spins around, looking for the missing member, but he's nowhere to be found.

    "I have E_net4," booms the voice, "and will be returning him to you... shortly. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

    "Well," muttered MageKing17, "at least our 'binary fetishist' has the evil laugh down."

    "That's it!" the voice screeched, and a bolt of lightning shot down from the ceiling to vaporize MageKing17. "Not so cocky without your magical powers, are we?"

    It took a mere two seconds for panic to return full-force.
    "Oh shit! Oh shit! He can vaporize people!"
    "How the fuck does that even make sense!?"
    "What the hell is going on here?"

    Suddenly, one of the inner doors swung open and E_net4 stumbled out before passing out again.

    "Next!" the voice shouted, and Anarion disappeared.

    A few minutes later, Anarion was ejected from the interior as well, and this process repeated itself until everyone (at least, everyone still alive) was again passed out on the floor. When they came to, all the doors were again locked, and the corridor was still a closed circuit.

    "Well, what do we do now?"
    "I say we break one of these doors down."
    "What good would that do us?"
    "Iunno. Make us feel better?"
    "Yeah, great plan. Let's antagonize the crazy man with the vaporization ray. Sounds brilliant."

    "I'm not crazy!" came the angry response from the walls.

    "Well, what do you want with us, then?"

    "I want to perform a little experiment."

    Confused expressions all around. "What kind of experiment?"

    "The kind where you all die and I get to watch. Sound fun?"

    "Not really."

    "Tough. Some of you have been exposed to unusual radiation as a result of your little... experiment. The most immediate effect was the removal of any powers you may have had; you've seen the results in that pile of ash I still haven't cleaned up. The second is to cause something of a 'zombification' effect in some of you.'"

    "We'll all be able to shoot Happy Love Time Destruction Beam?"

    "What? No! What the hell is Happy Love Time Destruction Beam?"


    "No, nevermind! I don't care! Those of you who are infected will have an insatiable hunger for the flesh of your fellows. Since obviously 'zombie' doesn't mean what it used to, I'll call these infected 'wolves'. To make things interesting, I've injected the rest of you with a special virus. This virus will have generally unpredictable effects, based on your exposure to the radiation... here, I've prepared a list for you."

    A table extrudes itself from the wall:
    [list][*]Infected, codename "Wolf" - Insatiable hunger for the flesh of others. Guess who's dinner?[/*:m]
    [*]Telepath, codename "Seer" - Can detect the effects of the virus and/or radiation on an individual. Had to give you guys some handicap, after all.[/*:m]
    [*]Telekinetic, codename "Angel" - Can surround someone else with an energy shield. You're still all going to die.[/*:m]
    [*]Psychic, codename "Finder" - Can determine the focus of someone's mental energies.[/*:m]
    [*]Linker, codename "Cupid" - Can link the life energies of two individuals, but it consumes the virus in the process. I'm not really sure what the point of this one was, but hey, may as well throw the whole batch in at once.[/*:m]
    [*]Doppelganger, codename... "Doppelganger" - Okay, so I couldn't think of a better name for this one, but it's pretty self-explanatory; you'll be able to duplicate the virus and radiation level of another person, giving you exactly the same powers as them.[/*:m]
    [*]Absorber, codename "Aer" - When one of you dies, this person will absorb their virus and radiation levels. It was sort of an offshoot of the Doppelganger project.[/*:m]
    [*]Maniac, codename "Village Idiot" - This one will have an urge for suicide, but in a very specific way; being strangled to death by the rest of you. When this happens, a special toxin will be released that will kill the rest of you and restore it to life; should you refrain from doing so until after the infected "wolves" have been eliminated, this person will die from the toxin buildup.[/*:m]
    [*]Jedi, codename "Crazy War Veteran" - I've given one of you a lightsaber. I, uh, imported it from... uh... a special place that you don't need to know about. It will only work once, and only when your life is in danger, and will self-destruct after use. So, uh, good luck with that one.[/*:m][/list:u]

    The crowd takes a moment to examine the list, then says in unison: "You're a fucking idiot."

    "Shut up! I'm a genius! And just for that, I'm going to knock you all out again!"

    A collective groan is cut short by knockout gas... but not everyone is as asleep as the others.

    It is now nighttime. Targeted roles, send your targets to me before daybreak, which is at 12:00 AM GMT on September... 19th. I think I want the complete day/night cycle to take around a week, but I guess we'll experiment a little first.

    EDIT: For reference (thank you for the reminder, Grim), here is the list of players:[list][*]Amarth[/*:m]
    [*]Grim Reaper[/*:m]

    EDIT2: Added a rule to clarify that nighttime targeting is done via PM.
    EDIT3: Added a rule to clarify that you can change your vote/target (thank you, Amarth).
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    It's now daybreak. Give me a few minutes and I'll turn this post into the recap.


    The group awakens suddenly.

    "Whoa," says one, "did anyone else feel that?"

    "Yeah," says another. "Some kind of... telekinetic blast?"

    "It seems," comes the annoying voice from the walls, "that your telekinetic has repulsed the attack of the infected. Once. You won't be so lucky next time."

    "Oh yeah?" This one is defiant. "We'll beat your stupid test, and then we're coming after you, buddy!"

    "Good luck!" replies the voice with a chuckle.

    Nightfall is at 12:00 AM GMT on September 24th, around 120 hours from now. You have until then to cast your votes for lynching. You can also vote for mayor, if you'd like.
    Kario 14 years ago
    (ic) ah so that means an angel chose the right person to protect?
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Huh. Interesting if that indeed happened. This means the angel (oh wait, the telekinetic) knows he protected a non-wolf, so he can get in touch with him.

    A good start.
    Zankman 13 years ago
    A good start to say the least!

    Narvius 13 years ago
    Okay, let's start jumping to conclusions, then >
    Kario is an infected, because he posted first!
    Amarth is the telekinetic and talked about himself in third person!
    Zankman... uh, dunno. Just wrote something.

    And now seriously. The protection on the first night either means the target was a rather obvious choice, or it was just a coincidence.
    Just for the record, who's the first target most often?
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Well, that was quite some luck, heh?
    Accusing someone isn't as easy as promoting someone, so why don't we start thinking about the mayor? If no one else is hoping to fill in the spot, allow me to do so first. A vote for me is a vote of trust and strength against the infected. You may hardly find a better person for the task. (I'm voting for myself here.)

    Also, Narvius... that was just too particular.
    Murska 13 years ago
    I'm voting E_Net for lynch for trying to get himself elected as Mayor.
    Endymion 13 years ago
    I think I'll vote Amarth for mayor.

    No idea who to lynch yet :/
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    I'm voting E_Net for lynch for trying to get himself elected as Mayor.
    Excuse me!? Your choice of striking me down is much more awkard than me electing myself. Seriously, you are NOT helping.
    Yet, I refuse to vote on you to be lynched as of now, since we're low on proofs. In fact, you might want to get yourself lynched.
    Zankman 13 years ago
    Ah, Day Cycle 1.
    The time that we are all clueless.

    The time when someone just goes on and "nominates themself Mayor."


    Since we will all lack any real direction/info this cycle, might as well lynch you E_net4...

    But not yet.
    Kario 13 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    Okay, let's start jumping to conclusions, then >
    Kario is an infected, because he posted first!
    Amarth is the telekinetic and talked about himself in third person!
    Zankman... uh, dunno. Just wrote something.

    And now seriously. The protection on the first night either means the target was a rather obvious choice, or it was just a coincidence.
    Just for the record, who's the first target most often?
    How about you?
    you are accussing or acussing something that means blaming.
    i don't believe amarth is the telekinetic i feel that endymion is the telekinetic.
    oh yeah and i vote for zankman to be mayor cause he speaks the truth we don't know who to lynch.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Kario, put your votes in bold if you want them to be official. I don't know why (MK trying to be lazy I guess?) but it's in the rules.

    I'm obviously not the telekinetic, but if that's what you want to believe, no problem for me...

    Not trusting Zankman too much but it's a bit early to draw any conclusions as we all know. And we have to take care of the village idiot too. Would be kind of silly to end the game at the first day, wouldn't it?
    Murska 13 years ago
    Hmm. Yeah, Village Idiot lynch ends the game?

    Then No Lynch. And No Mayor before we have someone we can trust.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Well, you've got to admit everyone's acting suspicious somehow. But how is that going to work? We need to work as a team.

    "Kario" said:
    i don't believe amarth is the telekinetic i feel that endymion is the telekinetic.
    I'm not saying you're suspicious but, "feeling" isn't something exact.

    But well, I'll let the remaining people speak.
    Zankman 13 years ago
    An good player will notice a different vibe from a certain player.

    A great player will tell the difference between a wolf and a person with an important role.

    Yeah. :/

    The Village Idiot role bugs me. >.< Such a stupid role, IMO. Ruins the whole game...

    But k.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Zankman" said:
    The Village Idiot role bugs me. >.< Such a stupid role, IMO. Ruins the whole game...

    But k.
    Shouldn't this be in italics?

    Anyway, if you don't like it, host the next game yourself.
    Anarion 13 years ago
    I'm going to vote for Myself for mayor....because I can.

    ...and I'm voting to lynch no-one, as I have no desire to just randomly accuse someone so early in the game.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    This is not good. No one has chosen to lynch anyone. Mostly because of the Villager Idiot, I would bet.

    So we have Me, Amarth and Anarion... you are making this a random guess, and out of 3 players, chances are that one or two of them are infected. Just think about it.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    I was obviously joking.
    You're all right, No Mayor and No Lynch until further evidence is revealed (frankly, this is stupid... because there are already a few votes cast... I hope to change this before nightfall.)

    (also, to everyone voting; remember that there are TWO things for voting. Don't just bold "myself" or "[name]", you should probably also bold what you are voting them for.)

    When does the day end? Ie. how much time do we have to find out stuff?
    Vacuus 13 years ago
    At this stage I'm also going for no vote for mayor and no vote for lynching. There just isn't enough evidence and I don't think condemning anyone at this stage would be intelligent.

    I do, however, have an announcement to make: I am the Crazy War Veteran, the Jedi. There is one amongst you who can verify this, the Telepath told me in private that they had used their powers to divine my identity on the previous night. I will not reveal their name, as my life depends on it as much as their own, but I do have a word of warning or two.

    Naturally, until someone else learns of the Telepath's identity it cannot be verified but if you decide to lynch me because you feel I am lying, I will kill the Telepath. Is that really a risk you can afford to take? The chances of your survival will be significantly reduced without being able to discover the nature of the radiation each was exposed to. To risk it so early in the experiment is stupid in the extreme.

    That being said, I am not your enemy. I will happily work with anyone to seek out the infected - I just had an opportunity to secure a position and I did so; hopefully the telepath isn't offended by my being so public, either.

    Infected, hear me out. You may be thinking that I've just painted a target on my back, but I'm no threat to you. This lightsaber is useless during the night and as such I am no more dangerous than an ordinary member. Besides, I'm now a known quantity. What do you possibly have to gain by killing me when there are other, more dangerous, targets? You have the run of this place, wherever the hell it is, and as such it would be folly for you to waste your nights hunting someone who can do no harm to you. Besides, if I am ever lynched I will kill the telepath without any work on your part.

    For that very reason I cannot reveal the identity of the telepath, as soon as their identity is known my worth is nil and I will be either lynched for being 'untrustworthy' or killed by an idiotic member of the infected.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    ...Oh. I'm ALMOST wordless. Bluffing or not, attacking you wouldn't be wise at this time.

    Still, all this is worrying me, because lynching is the most important means of removing the infected. And we know one of our friends will die during the next night, most probably... unless we're lucky again.
    Anarion 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    because lynching is the most important means of removing the infected.
    Unless you lynch the wrong person, which is the more likely outcome at the moment.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    because lynching is the most important means of removing the infected.
    Unless you lynch the wrong person, which is the more likely outcome at the moment.
    Yeah, we may choose to lynch later. The infected:player rate would rise a bit. But by then we might lose precious members of our team. Time to choose.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Oh god, Vacuus, that's genius. And if it's indeed true what you say, we are at a huge advantage. The CWV and the Seer have teamed up, and presumable also the angel and the first victim. If we can find the village idiot, we can lynch almost for free: what is left is the finder (not an important role I think, though prove me wrong), the small possibility that the doppleganger cloned the village idiot (which would probably leave us fucked anyway), and the cupid pair which is more endgame anyway.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    So basically, a probably good guy threatens the good guys not to kill him or he would (allegedly) nerf the good guy's chances? Epic.

    How many infected are there, actually? 3? (seems sensible, with eleven of us there.)
    Murska 13 years ago
    Right. We got a good bunch of villager-siders already joined up. No lynch lets the Telepath attempt to find more, while he now has a proxy to tell the results in the open if necessary. Meanwhile the infected can either attempt to kill the known quantities to lessen the amount of people in the villager network at the risk of running into protection or attempt to kill the unknowns, hoping to kill the Telepath. (And, again, at the risk of running into protection, in fact.)

    I might as well go into the open right now, in fact. I'm the Doppleganger, and haven't cloned anyone yet. I'm, therefore, neutral. If someone wishes to risk PMing me proposals as for who to clone, feel free.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    The doppelganger can copy wolves?! oO Actually makes senses, but I never considered the possiblity...
    Zankman 13 years ago
    Absolutely astounding! So much no-lynchers... Great. Now we have to deduce who among them jumped on it and is free of not lynching a possible wolf. I understand that we are trying to evade the village idiot, but come on... 1 random lynch on day 1 is more or less a must... It can only tell us more...

    Also: Vacuus is the wolf.
    Why? 'Cuz most of the stuff you wrote is simply bullshit friend...
    You put yourself in a great position, you did.

    "Don't lynch me, the telepath will die. You don't want that, right?"

    Even better:
    "Wolves, don't lynch me, whats the point? Go test your luck, you might get someone better, like the telepath."

    Wow, anyone seeing what I'm seeing here? In essence, logic that makes sense, but thats still retarded.

    You used a "clever" way of protecting yourself in the very beginning of the game.
    You put yourself in front of team, establishing yourself as a trust figure and as a valid civilian.
    You put your worth ahead of the worth of the civilian goal, our victory and our survival against the Infected. Most unethical.

    You made an open suggestion to the Infected team that they should kill someone else, not you... Which again, makes no sense. First of all, your death would be perfect, since it leaves no trails behind, no connection. Based on what you said, you won't be lynched on the day; You ain't dying. Why should they risk against an Angels energy shield when they can take out you? Thats 1 more non-infected down; It helps them achieve their victory.
    Second, if they do listen to you (hence, for example, if they knew with certainty who the Angel is) and killed someone else, you openly made a suggestion to them to do so. If you sir, are worthless and irrelevant to them, than you would want to die, right? You would want to protect the civilian goal, you would want to sacrifice yourself for our victory... Right?

    Right. The fact that you DON'T want to do that, the fact that you have shown traits of self-preservation, disregard for our victory goal, and open suggestions of HELP to the Infected, points to me 2 conclusions:

    a) You are a Wolf who made a big mistake in overwriting, and hence doomed yourself.


    b) A smart Village Idiot who just WANTS to get lynched, and thats why you posted such stupidity.

    I will ponder on which of these two it is, and I leave the rest of the civilians to do the same.

    Whichever you are fella, you ain't gonna do much this game.

    No good player would just go on and reveal their identity, at least not so early. Sure, you aren't the Angel or Telepath, but still...
    E_net4 13 years ago
    You know, no one needs to read everything you said (which could use a tl;dr) to understand that you're wrong. If he wasn't the Jedi, then the real Jedi would've already stepped forward. It makes me think that you are behind the infected, and that you're trying to persuade the rest of the group with strong words that would moreless counter Vacuus's.

    Go ahead, kill Vacuus. Who knows, you might be right. At least you're right about one thing: not lynching because of the village idiot isn't right. Hence, you have my vote to get lynched, Zankman. You have accused me before, in fact.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    Did you consider that Zankman might be the Maniac (ie. Village Idiot)? I mean, if your first thought is "omg ure rong die in a frie"... it could very well be the intended reaction.
    "Zankman" said:
    b) A smart Village Idiot who just WANTS to get lynched, and thats why you posted such stupidity.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    It's also what I'm thinking. Both E_net4 or Zankman are very aggressively trying to be different than everyone else in public. One of them might be the village idiot. The other simply an idiot.

    Of course, when one person votes for a lynch, we can't keep the no-lynch truce standing, so we'll all have to vote... Hmm. Chances are low we hit the village idiot (though 1/11 isn't really low - and chances are worse for people who know the roles of some others) but we can't rule it out.

    Okay. Here's an idea: since Murska is the self-proclaimed Doppleganger (and why would he say so if he's the village idiot), he's the most neutral of all to lynch - he hasn't even chosen a side yet. Yeah, he might dopple the angel, but if he picks someone randomly, chances are higher he'll pick a wolf. I know, overall chances are higher to pick a village-aligned role though, but the payoff is not as big in general. And since he has no real information (since he asked for people to tell him who to dopple), he can't pick non-randomly - everyone who tells him something might be deceiving him.

    So there. I'm not voting yet, I want to see how this plays out. Of course, if E_net4 retracts his vote, we can drop this idea.
    Zankman 13 years ago
    TL;DR? Have some respect! If you can't read everyone posts, no matter how long, pls do suicide... I don't spam, I try to say all that has to be said without spamming to much.

    Aggressive play is what I practice; Smart aggressive play is what gets the game won, smart aggressive play is what I am doing right now.

    I'm not a good player, but I am just loling at you guys right now. Some of you act so noobish.

    Why would he step in when I explecetly said that players shouldn't do that?
    If you posted, right now, that you were the Jedi, it would only make things worse. Even though I am pretty sure about Vacuus (LOL I wrote Vacuum xD), I wouldn't just lynch him in a situation like that.
    Also, not all players have posted yet, or at least seen Vacuus's post.

    Another thing: If I was an Infected, I would most surely use Vacuus's weak post and automatically lynch him. I haven't, no point in being hasty.
    You, on the other hand have used my long text and in general aggressive post to lynch me... As a weak excuse.

    I will wait for the posts of other players, and of course, Vacuus himself.

    Nice to see we have an open mind here.
    That wasn't the intended reaction; While E_net4 makes some sense with the Counter Jedi thesis, his general reply surprised me. I already replied on that, but to be honest, I expected support, or more thinking, not a lynch on me. :S

    Or one of us might be a candidate for Mayor. The other simply a wanna-be mayor.
    I don't find my self so good in a leading role if elected, I am better at it with occasional inputs. ATM, I am trying to save this day from a no-lynch, hopefully, by finding a Infected.

    Now we wait. We need everyone else to post, at least twice.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Zankman" said:
    TL;DR? Have some respect! If you can't read everyone posts, no matter how long, pls do suicide...
    Chill. This is just a game

    "Zankman" said:
    I'm not a good player, but I am just loling at you guys right now. Some of you act so noobish.
    It may also be called "strategies", and you don't understand that because you most probably don't have as much experience as we do.
    "Zankman" said:
    Why would he step in when I explecetly said that players shouldn't do that?
    Like, excuse me? They can do that as they wish. It may turn out bad, I agree, but it's not that it spoils everything. Again, strategies.
    "Zankman" said:
    If you posted, right now, that you were the Jedi, it would only make things worse. Even though I am pretty sure about Vacuus (LOL I wrote Vacuum xD), I wouldn't just lynch him in a situation like that.
    Also, not all players have posted yet, or at least seen Vacuus's post.
    However, you must admit that choosing such a role to "pretend to be" and find no one against it after most people heard Vacuus is improbable. Also, admiting that the real Jedi would step up before the end of the day, then his death would become inevitable. And that would only be his plan if he was the village idiot... So he either wins or kills the telepath, and we don't want that.

    "Zankman" said:
    Another thing: If I was an Infected, I would most surely use Vacuus's weak post and automatically lynch him. I haven't, no point in being hasty.
    Au contraire, mister. That's what they want you to think. The infected could simply choose the better target after everyone else. It would look like an ordinary bandwagon, so there is no one to blame.

    "Zankman" said:
    You, on the other hand have used my long text and in general aggressive post to lynch me... As a weak excuse.
    A weak excuse pretty much sounds better than no excuse at all. In addition, you refused to trust me when I volunteered myself for Mayor. How is that a threat, anyway?
    Not to mention that I refuse to end the day with no lynch votes. I might still lift this one, according to the situation, but let's see how this goes. Grim? Shingo?
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Hence, you have my vote to get lynched, Zankman.
    While this is perfectly within the rules, I would request that nobody ever vote solely with the color red in the future. I have a form of colorlbindness that makes it harder for me to detect the color red, so I didn't notice this was actually colored until I stared at it closely. I'd rather not have anybody's vote skipped over because I couldn't tell they were emphasizing it.
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