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Forum » Impressions (version 30 Oct 2010) [spoilers]

Impressions (version 30 Oct 2010) [spoilers]

Amarth 14 years ago
Warning, spoiler territory. Warning. I'll try to keep it light but still.

This is mainly addressed to Ville, but others can chime in with their own impressions or make counter-points to mine or something.

First, it was fun! Short though. Did you throw away all of the maps that were in the demo or will parts of them return in some form? Those were good maps, seems like a lot of time wasted otherwise.

I like the mouse controls. It allows me to be lazy. Awesome. Not sure how well it would translate to a laptop touchpad though with the constant button-holding. Also, I think I missed a pause combat button when playing mouse-only? It doesn't say anything about pressing space in-game either I think. Don't let parts of the game lie undiscovered because your tutorial isn't complete!

A way to see your ammo when using a ranged weapon would be nice. Well, I guess you can drag the ammo to your tool bar thing... Hmm. Didn't think of that. Also didn't think of adding my health potions to the bar. Put some emphasis on that bar during the tutorial.

Why are they called Evil Berries? I hope there will be some sort of explanation for that ingame. It's a bit strange, especially when (IIRC?) the first of those you find is in some kind of dangerous tomb.

There were a couple of dialog paths where there was an unclear point of no return. I found it extremely jarring, because the game is very exploration-heavy yet blocks the player from reading potentially interesting (they're probably not essential, but still) bits of story. The points that stood out the most were with the gardener, where I transformed him before I knew it, and even worse, with the big spider near the end. Once you start examining the runes (IMO the most innocent action I could have done), there's no way out of the fight. I still wanted to pick up those potions first!

The thieves gave the impression they would attack me if I came by them again, but they didn't. I accidentally looted their building during the night. I then thought one of them would be carrying the gem I was looking for. I didn't explore the south-west because of Robert (or me? Confused there - if Robert is saying anything at all outside of modal dialog, maybe differentiate the colors?) saying 'the path continues south', which I understood as 'this leads to a whole different area' instead of a little shack. So yeah, bit confused and annoyed when all I got for that fairly hard fight was a slightly better sword and some XP.

A shield near the start would be fine. It makes the shield ram ability useful (I guess, I didn't bother to take it because no shield) and (I think?) gives you a reason to drop your torch, a nice dilemma at the start.

Also, torch and bow looks a bit silly, but it might be too hard to fix that. And the whirlwind attack animation is not very convincing. And the magical transformation of an enemy into a skeleton on dead without further effects could also use some work. Minor nitpicks, apart from those, I really like the style.

Also, the music is awesome.

It seems to me (though I haven't tried it yet in this version) that mods for this game could potentially turn out pretty awesome. We already have a few very good ones for the older version, but there is infinite potential in this. Sweet!
ZeXLR8er 14 years ago
I agree with most if not all the above. Some additional thoughts I had:
[list][*] I really don't like the purple 'enter the next area' designator. It looks tacky and out of place; perhaps even a gradual fade into the purple rather than an abrupt border would help, but otherwise some form of distinctive gate would be a better way of symbolising the exit point of an area.[/*:m]
[*] For similar reasons, I don't like the "?" help boxes that appear around the place. They look like placeholder graphics, and make the game look incomplete. I think the pop-up dialog that appears from time to time hovering above the player (not the main dialog screens, but the in-game text, like Notrium used to have) looks really nice, and fits far more seamlessly into the game[/*:m]
[*] I actually quite liked the torch + bow and arrow combination; I thought it looked good.[/*:m]
[*] The whirlwind attack however does look very clumsy and a bit silly; if you could increase its speed to about 3x and make the graphic go slightly motion-blurry, it would look a lot better.[/*:m]
[*] Ranged combat doesn't seem to work very well; I always seem to be too close to the enemy, and they run right at me. In melee combat the player character automatically runs up to the enemy when clicked, so for ranged combat could we have the player automatically run to a minimum distance away from the enemy, rather than shooting from where they currently stand? [/*:m][/list:u]

Those are just a few things for now; I'll post more as I remember them!
Venom31 14 years ago
How did you write those dots?
MageKing17 14 years ago
"Venom31" said:
How did you write those dots?
Firstly, try to avoid cluttering up topics with off-topic discussion. Secondly, if you quote his post, you can see exactly how he did it.
ville 14 years ago
Thanks for the feedback! You know I always value it greatly.

I'm not completely throwing away the maps from the preview, they will be in the game in some form. But they didn't fit the first parts of the game with the current plot, so I'm saving them for later - with big changes of course.

I've actually played the game through once on a touchscreen - works surprisingly well. I wanted to implement good mouse controls mostly because Anne isn't a hard core player and controlling with both the keyboard and the mouse are difficult for her - at least in the beginning. You're right about the pause, it needs to be in the tutorial at least as a mention.

There's a reason Evil Berries are Evil. I hope I'll remember to put it in.

I will add more dialogue return paths. I definitely want to allow exploring the options, but it's tough to remember to consider every option. I hope you'll notify me if you spot any of these in the future - I'm always blind to my own dialogues.

If you have any ideas about the dying animation, I'm all ears. At first I wanted to make a custom dead guy picture for all the characters in the game, then I realized it would take a month to get all the characters in the game included. But I too think it could use some sort of an animation to go from standing up to a skeleton.

ZeXLR8er: I feel the tutorials should be a bit out of place - I don't want them to appear too much ingame. I'll maybe update the question mark a bit, but I don't want to end up with Darth Vader telling me how to use my mouse.

I think the purple traveling areas look a bit too tacky, I'll have to think about it. I've spent two days making various attempts at them, so I may just end up keeping them the way they are - but maybe an idea will come at me. It would be better if it were some ingame object or something that fitted the world - but also looked exactly like a way to walk off the map.

The ranged combat is a bit tricky. If I make the player automatically walk away, it's overpowered since the player is faster than the enemies. If I make the player slower, it feels weird. Currently it works more as a support role, if you have Robert taking the blows for you. I'll have to think about what role archery will play.

Thanks again for your comments! Now I'm going to spend a few days considering them all...
Venom31 14 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
"Venom31" said:
How did you write those dots?
Firstly, try to avoid cluttering up topics with off-topic discussion. Secondly, if you quote his post, you can see exactly how he did it.
Joke went badly, I see :/

As up to the topic, the comments are such that I'm seeing same impressions (of myself towards preview) to a new preview... That is - whirlwind attack etc.
Adding to what ZeX said, does the archer still autofire?
That problem with ranged combat are that the attack should be made into extrapolated enemy's position; which judging by ZeX's words isn't so. About ranged being overpowered - a non-melee PC can be easier killed in close combat (less vitality - more dexterity) - so he/she has to have ability to avoid melee attackers. Right now it's point-and click, decreasing keyboard controls, but that means to avoid attacks you'll have to move your mouse extensively:
- click far (enemy)
- click close (dodge):
a) sideways (vs ranged - dodge missiles)
b) backwards (vs melee - break distance)
Anarion 14 years ago
First off I'd like to say that I love the look of the game. You've got some really nice textures and some good lighting and particle effects happening.

There was one minor thing I found a bit annoying, and that's the way the camera movement halts with every step. It gives the camera movement a stuttering motion that I found very distracting at times. The other thing I found slightly off was your characters uncanny ability to move and pick up things that are far out of reach. I feel that you should have to move to a more realistic distance, rather than moving/picking up things that are on the other side of the screen.

Still, minor things really. Otherwise an enjoyable way to pass the time.
JakeWedding 14 years ago
Its good, but i found a bug of somesought

on the 'Vault' Level when i played it i found the spiders up on the cliff, instead of down in the pit. really off-putting
ville 14 years ago
There's a fix for the spider bug: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
It's untested, so it might be better to wait for the next tested preview version.

I'm probably going to make the ranged combat more powerful, considering it's supposed to be you who you control - an RPG shouldn't make you feel powerless.

Good to hear you liked the game Anarion! The camera problem could be a problem with the game running too slow, can you tell me abit about your CPU and graphics card? Also, it would be especially helpful to send me a log: Just play a minute or two running around, then force quit using ALT-F4 (so the profiler log doesn't get overridden by the menu). You should find the log in My Documents/Driftmoon. Thanks!
Anarion 14 years ago
My computer is a 2.8ghz pentium 4, 2Gb ram and a GeForce 7600gt running XP professional SP3.

exePath: D:\Driftmoon\ 
Engine compile date: Oct 30 2010 time: 10:36:01
Game engine: Starting
Graphics: Initialize
Graphics: Start full screen
Graphics: Direct3DCreate9
Graphics: Create device
Graphics: Test render
Graphics: loading fonts
Graphics: load cursors
Graphics: Started successfully
Game engine: Start game loop
Info Handler: Load items
Info Handler: Loaded items 56ms
Info Handler: Load races
Info Handler: Loaded races
Info Handler: Load levels
Info Handler: Loaded levels
Info Handler: Load talents
Info Handler: Loaded talents
Info Handler: Load sounds
Info Handler: Loaded sounds
Info Handler: Load sound scapes
Info Handler: Loaded sound scapes
Info Handler: Load particles
Info Handler: Loaded particles
Info Handler: Load main map
Info Handler: Loaded main map
Sound engine: Initializing
Directsound initialized.
Error: Could not find sound file D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/monsters/wolf_grunt0.ogg in sound yelp_wolf : No such file or directory
Error: Could not find sound file D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/monsters/wolf_grunt1.ogg in sound yelp_wolf : No such file or directory
Error: Could not find sound file D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/monsters/wolf_grunt2.ogg in sound yelp_wolf : No such file or directory
Error: Could not find sound file D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/music/Underground Cue 1 (Faded).ogg in sound music_test : No such file or directory
Game engine: Start single player game
Game engine: Stop client / server
Game engine: Stop client / server complete
Floor Load 1 0.012000
Floor Load 2 0.003000
Floor Load took 0.015000
Map Load step 1 0.054000
Map Load Actors took 0.813000
Map Load freeLine->newPaths took 0.000000
Map pathFinder->newPaths took 0.001000
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/music/Farms Fields and Peasants Cue 2 (FINAL FADED).ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/sand0.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/sand0.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/ambient/waves0.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/ambient/wind0.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/ambient/night_crickets0.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/ambient/forest_birds1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/button/button4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/button/button4.ogg
Game engine: Start single player game
Game engine: Stop client / server
Close world.
Delete floor.
Remove particles.
World closed.
Game engine: Stop client / server complete
Floor Load 1 0.013000
Floor Load 2 0.032000
Floor Load took 0.045000
Map Load step 1 0.047000
Map Load Actors took 3.895000
Map Load freeLine->newPaths took 0.002000
Map pathFinder->newPaths took 0.003000
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/monsters/fly.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/fire1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/monsters/fly.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/ambient/cave0.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/ambient/night_crickets0.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/ambient/forest_birds1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/ambient/waves1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/hard4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/ambient/waves0.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/crunch1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/crunch2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/pickup/pickbasic4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/crunch0.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/drag3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/drag3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/drag3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/drag3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/A_gravel4.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/drag3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/drag3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/drag3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/stone3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass1.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default2.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass3.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/default.ogg
Play sound D:\Driftmoon\mainmod/sound/footsteps/grass2.ogg
Game engine: Stop client / server
Close world.
Delete floor.
Remove particles.
World closed.
Game engine: Stop client / server complete
Game engine: End game loop
Profiler report:
! 1 server_time: 100.000000% 5.948544ms (0.047294%) 11019
! 2 server_update_physics: 8.653333% 0.514747ms (0.497353%) 11019
3 server_update_physics_static_forces: 1.308984% 0.077866ms 11019
3 server_update_physics_particles: 0.572109% 0.034032ms (0.404290%) 11019
4 update_particles: 0.167819% 0.009983ms 11019
3 server_update_physics_newton: 3.263307% 0.194119ms 11019
3 server_update_physics_proxies: 1.408150% 0.083764ms 11019
3 ActorGridUpdate1: 0.712466% 0.000891ms 523938
3 ActorGridUpdate2: 0.890964% 0.001115ms (0.195280%) 523938
4 ActorGridaddActorTypeNormal: 0.048820% 0.005648ms 5666
5 ActorGridUpdateCover: 0.048820% 0.005751ms 5564
4 ActorGridaddActorTypeBot: 0.646864% 0.000818ms 518177
! 2 server_update_scripts: 18.887211% 1.123514ms (0.192228%) 11019
! 3 server_update_scripts_world: 14.029628% 0.834558ms (0.073230%) 11019
4 pathfinderUpdate: 0.024410% 0.001452ms 11019
! 5 pathfinder: 0.024410% 0.444444ms 36
! 4 update_actor: 6.676126% 0.397132ms (6.651716%) 11019
! 5 audio_openfile: 0.024410% 2.285714ms 7
! 6 audio_waitForDecoder: 0.024410% 2.285714ms 7
4 update_actorScripts: 3.888813% 0.231328ms (1.289151%) 11019
5 server_update_scripts_AI: 2.527957% 0.003200ms (0.826888%) 517799
6 brain_getNewActions: 0.024410% 0.000759ms 21088
6 brain_lookForEnemies: 0.096114% 0.001139ms 55290
6 brain_move: 1.150320% 0.008535ms (0.213587%) 88341
7 brain_isClearLine: 0.311227% 0.005509ms 37029
7 brain_move_rays: 0.625505% 0.018669ms (0.216638%) 21962
8 raycast: 0.408867% 0.004068ms (0.024410%) 65886
9 raycastTerrain: 0.384457% 0.003825ms 65886
6 brain_actions: 0.234946% 0.001743ms (0.189177%) 88341
7 brain_isClearLine: 0.045769% 0.001362ms 22034
6 ANT_AI: 0.195280% 0.000306ms 418646
5 actorScripts: 0.071704% 0.000916ms (0.024410%) 51311
6 run_map_scripts_actions: 0.047294% 0.080103ms 387
4 update_actor_botKeyEvent: 3.367050% 0.200290ms (2.627123%) 11019
! 5 audio_openfile: 0.402764% 0.606897ms 435
! 6 audio_waitForDecoder: 0.402764% 0.606897ms 435
5 actor_point_hands: 0.337163% 0.000427ms 517893
3 playerScripts: 1.800235% 0.107097ms 11018
! 3 server_update_audio: 2.865120% 1.392142ms (1.318138%) 1349
4 audio_submitbuffer: 0.215113% 0.057740ms 2442
! 4 audio_remove: 0.523289% 0.758850ms 452
4 audio_updatePositional: 0.808580% 0.046807ms 11323
! 2 render: 69.972694% 4.162356ms (0.190703%) 11019
! 3 client_render_scene: 67.431000% 4.011163ms (0.048820%) 11019
4 client_render_scene_clearbuffers: 0.024410% 0.001452ms 11019
! 4 client_render_scene_render_objects: 40.314583% 2.398130ms (0.839093%) 11019
! 5 LayeringSceneNodeRenderChildren: 39.475491% 2.348217ms (0.118999%) 11019
6 LayeringSceneNodeRender: 0.118999% 0.001416ms (0.045769%) 55095
7 LayeringSceneNodeUpdateZOrder: 0.073230% 0.004356ms 11019
! 6 LayeringSceneNodeRenderChildren: 39.237492% 0.466812ms (3.571483%) 55095
7 render_particles: 3.402139% 0.202378ms 11019
7 vertex_lights: 0.071704% 0.049370ms 952
! 7 FloorSceneNode_: 23.728012% 0.705736ms (0.262407%) 22038
8 floorcalcRelease: 0.356996% 0.021236ms 11019
8 createFloor: 0.093063% 0.005536ms 11019
! 8 floorrender: 6.901917% 0.410564ms (2.335728%) 11019
9 DynamicLights: 4.566189% 0.082675ms 36202
8 floorrenderWater: 0.384457% 0.022870ms 11019
! 8 treesrender: 11.645080% 0.692713ms 11019
8 createFloor2: 2.325049% 0.138307ms 11019
! 9 floorcalcAlphamap1: 0.164767% 0.497696ms 217
! 9 floorcalcAlphamap2: 1.069462% 3.230415ms (0.854349%) 217
! 10 loadTexture: 0.215113% 35.250000ms 4
9 floorcalcAlphamap3: 0.022884% 0.069124ms 217
! 9 floorcalcAlphamap4: 1.067936% 3.225806ms (0.709415%) 217
10 loadTexture: 0.358521% 0.061712ms 3808
8 render_rocks: 1.759043% 0.104637ms 11019
7 ScenerySceneNodeRender: 1.313561% 0.017235ms (0.262407%) 49957
8 ScenerySceneNodeRenderEdge: 0.479046% 0.006285ms (0.262407%) 49957
9 DynamicLights: 0.216638% 0.024648ms 5761
8 ScenerySceneNodeRenderTop: 0.572109% 0.007506ms (0.237997%) 49957
9 DynamicLights: 0.334111% 0.041004ms 5341
7 SpriteSceneNodeRender: 3.699635% 0.004114ms 589380
7 DynamicLights: 3.450959% 0.018383ms 123051
! 4 client_render_scene_render_GUI: 6.679176% 0.397314ms (0.048820%) 11019
! 5 render_GUI_2: 6.605947% 0.392958ms (0.192228%) 11019
6 render_GUI_Text: 0.634659% 0.009221ms (0.022884%) 45112
7 view_gui_renderTextSingle: 0.611775% 0.008889ms 45112
6 render_GUI_Rect: 0.213587% 0.006008ms 23301
7 view_gui_renderRect: 0.213587% 0.006008ms 23301
6 render_GUI_Image: 5.565472% 0.019474ms (0.048820%) 187323
7 view_gui_renderImage: 5.516652% 0.019304ms 187323
5 render_GUI_EditBox: 0.024410% 0.001452ms 11019
4 client_render_misc: 0.022884% 0.001361ms 11019
4 client_render_scene_flip: 2.617969% 0.155731ms 11019
! 4 render_mipmap: 5.190169% 0.308739ms 11019
! 4 reveal_mipmap: 12.532991% 73.348213ms 112
3 client_render_scene_render_names: 0.262407% 0.015609ms 11019
3 server_update_camera: 0.596519% 0.035484ms (0.572109%) 11019
! 4 audio_openfile: 0.024410% 4.000000ms 4
! 5 audio_waitForDecoder: 0.024410% 4.000000ms 4
3 render_HUD: 1.492059% 0.088756ms 11019
4 render_inventory: 1.090820% 0.064888ms (0.852823%) 11019
5 gui_text_widthDraw: 0.047294% 0.000703ms 44076
5 gui_textDraw: 0.048820% 0.001452ms 22038
! 5 loadTexture: 0.141883% 18.600000ms 5
4 render_gui: 0.401239% 0.023868ms (0.378354%) 11019
5 gui_textDraw: 0.022884% 0.000681ms 22038
2 animate: 2.439471% 0.145113ms (0.506507%) 11019
3 server_animate_world: 1.932964% 0.114983ms 11019
4 server_animate_world_pos: 1.932964% 0.114983ms 11019
Script Action times:
createLight: 16ms
Script Condition times:
Physics frames: 11019
Graphics frames: 11020
Average FPS: 191
Game engine: Stopped
Endymion 14 years ago
Am I the only one who didn't really get Robert's explanation of situation and why the armor pieces are needed and missed completely (at first)that there is supposed to be a piece of it in the vault? (I want the option to ask him to explain it all again(and also to question this me dying stuff the moment I hear about it)) I suppose it all makes sense as long as Robert is evil and has his own reasons for wanting to gather the pieces since going on a wild goose chase after some artifacts that are god knows where doesn't sound like the first thing a sane person would do in the situation(if the enemy was a god or something it might sound reasonable). Mentioning the undead army before we plan to defeat it would be nice since as is all you know is that some guy took the item and you just need to get it back which doesn't sound like it would be too hard or even involve too much fighting if at all. Also being able to even find the heart again isn't given so somehow figuring out where Elithran is(and perhaps going there) should at least be considered as should possible other means to get the heart back. Also are the armor pieces even supposed to work without the heart?

The "I won't kill you..." line from Elithran made me expect being captured or something and made me assume that the heart can't be taken away so easily. Also I think the encounter would have been better at smithy or on some random location while traveling to smithy.(introducing world map so late felt weird)

I really don't like the way food just disappears, makes it feel meaningless. Being able to just click the plate to see a list of foods you have could do wonders.

Some other stuff:
At the beginning some info on the artifact like that it's in the last chamber or something could be nice.
Roof reappearing after you enter is a bit weird.
Dragging sound looping while reading notes/talking is annoying.
Asking the cook for food could be neat. (getting it only if you have none)
Webs are pretty strong.
You can't close the last door in tomb after opening it.
Mixing talk and description in the same line can be a bit distracting.
I can't see the turtle statue!
Why was the guy doing the digging in my cellar out of all the possible places (Was it some nefarious plan of roberts to use him to get materials)?! Also chat with him felt awfully brief.
More options with Bertie would be awesome(sneaking during the night, doing something with the letter, paying him off and something after getting the other gems first come to mind)

I can't see options.ini anywhere so how do I change the mod that is loaded?
Also I suppose I should mention that I liked the new version.
ville 14 years ago
"Anarion" said:
My computer is a 2.8ghz pentium 4, 2Gb ram and a GeForce 7600gt running XP professional SP3.

It looks most definitely a performance problem with the game, the reveal_mipmap function should take about 0.01%, but it's taking over 12%, and it's doing that every second or so. Fixing that should take care of any camera halt problems. I'm on it already, so it should be working in the next version. Thanks for the help!
ville 14 years ago
Thanks for the input! I'll take it to heart, took lots of good notes from you.

I removed the ini file and put the options in the registry. Look for Driftmoon/modPath under the registry. In the future there will be a launcher in the game that allows people to download mods and choose which ones to play, but in the meanwhile changing the registry by hand is the only way.
Amarth 14 years ago
I'll update the mod selection tool asap
Endymion 14 years ago
Couple of things I noticed while playing the newer version(in addition to improved dialogue and that I had missed some nicely hidden feathers ) were that killing the king didn't open the case or do anything else.(he disengaged at one point but didn't say anything different when I talked to him again so I promptly made him attack again)

And if you push the spider outside the vault she'll keep switching between attacking and trying to go back at least when I kept shooting him with a bow.

Editor related stuff: Was the draw distance or something reduced? Being able to see the distance it takes for an object to "disappear" would be nice. Also is there any chance of some sort of area wide scripts that are checked regardless of how far away player is from them?
And it seems that you can now pull switches and all regardless of how far they are from you. Is there any easy way to get the previous behavior of walking up to object before activation?

PS. It seems that you removed black.png from graphics/terrain and made entry in terrain.ini mandatory... It took me forever to figure that out.
figalot 14 years ago
Just bougth the game and finished, let me just say i loved it. I was dissapointed about the length but i understand its only in ( my guess ) alpha stages.

My big problem with the game was at the end with robert talking to you from the past. I took me a while to relize what was happening. One second he was standing next to me fighting a giant spider the next he was a ghost from the past.

I do have one question though, will there be any main towns or citys ( like castles ) were you can spend your gold for weapons and armour? Will there even be armour?
ville 14 years ago
Endymion: Thanks for the bugfindings! The draw distance in the editor hasn't been changed. Scripts should always run, no matter how far the player is from an object.
As far as I know, I haven't even changed how clicking on switches works - the player will walk to them, but not that close. I hadn't really thought about that - it could easily be a setting in the script.
Sorry about the terrain. If you find that your mod stops working when a new version comes, please tell me about it. I can probably help, and I'll also make the game give you some error message so you won't get stuck again.

Figalot: It's always a good sign that a player finds the game short.
I'll have to think about the Robert from the past thing. You're the first to tell me about it, so I'm keeping my ears open. It's an important part of the plot of course, but maybe I can improve that part in some way.
There will be at least one town, and there will be shops. I've got some shops planned for the current levels, and all the rest. I haven't got the shop interface complete, so I've been holding it back.
TheSlider 13 years ago
Do you think you can let the engine draw less blurry textures (terrain mostly) ?
I tried changing some of them by increasing their resolution by ² or picking highter resolution ones but they get blurry once ingame or in the editor. Any ideas ?
I just wish i could make this game look better than it is.
ville 13 years ago
The terrain texture is made by the engine from pieces, you're right, it's pretty low quality. I'll see about increasing the texture resolution.
ville 13 years ago
Done! It'll be in the next beta.
TheSlider 13 years ago
Awesome !
I just feel bad for making you lose time on that even though the result is great.
Thanks !
Forum » Impressions (version 30 Oct 2010) [spoilers]

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