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  • Firefox 4 Beta

    MageKing17 14 years ago
    The Firefox 4 beta has been out, in case any of you didn't know. Thoughts?
    Narvius 14 years ago
    My sister likes it. I can't be arsed.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    The 64-bit version won't install on 64-bit Windows XP, and I need both versions installed to match or else they'll always think I just updated them when I have to switch back and forth, and I don't want to upgrade my OS because my computer is everything short of falling apart, but I haven't the means to upgrade my computer right now, and my dad builds computers under a very different ideology and we can't agree on jack when it comes to computer parts, and my laptop which could theoretically run Fx4 is severely underpowered and Fx3 takes twentyish seconds to start up as it is, rant rant rant... so I haven't even tried it.

    Am I missing out on anything?
    Amarth 14 years ago
    I haven't tried it either, but WebGL sounds fun.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    So far, it's working a lot better on the hodgepodge mishmash of parts I call a computer, since the old FireFox would basically BSOD whenever I had more than one tab open (and sometimes even then). It was the video card's fault, but FireFox would trigger it more often than any other program... and now it doesn't. So I'm happy.
    Venom31 14 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    So far, it's working a lot better on the hodgepodge mishmash of parts I call a computer, since the old FireFox would basically BSOD whenever I had more than one tab open (and sometimes even then). It was the video card's fault, but FireFox would trigger it more often than any other program... and now it doesn't. So I'm happy.

    What's your videocard? Just to remind me what NOT to do with my PC
    Crazy 14 years ago
    It seems nice for me since i usually keep somewhere between 10 and 30 tabs open, often at the expense of performance. So both the clutter and performance upgrades should be a godsend.

    Haven't tried it yet, installing now...
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    The 64-bit version won't install on 64-bit Windows XP, and I need both versions installed to match or else they'll always think I just updated them when I have to switch back and forth, and I don't want to upgrade my OS because my computer is everything short of falling apart, but I haven't the means to upgrade my computer right now, and my dad builds computers under a very different ideology and we can't agree on jack when it comes to computer parts, and my laptop which could theoretically run Fx4 is severely underpowered and Fx3 takes twentyish seconds to start up as it is, rant rant rant...
    Dude, that must've been the longest sentence you ever typed.

    Also, I'll just wait for Chrome's.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    "Venom31" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    So far, it's working a lot better on the hodgepodge mishmash of parts I call a computer, since the old FireFox would basically BSOD whenever I had more than one tab open (and sometimes even then). It was the video card's fault, but FireFox would trigger it more often than any other program... and now it doesn't. So I'm happy.

    What's your videocard? Just to remind me what NOT to do with my PC
    An ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro AGP on a motherboard from 2001. Trust me, you aren't going to repeat that mistake by accident.
    Amarth 14 years ago
    I also have the 'fortune' to have an AGP video card, an Nvidia Geforce 7600. A decent card a few years ago, but right now there's simply no update path for AGP cards, and getting a new motherboard, a new CPU and a new video card... Might as well get a new computer then.

    Oh well. I guess I will once I've finished school and started working.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    This is me...

    ... Posting...

    ... From Firefox 4.0...

    ... In 64 bits.

    The INSTALLER doesn't support Windows XP. That was it. I'm so angry/happy.

    Venom31 14 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    This is me...

    ... Posting...

    ... From Firefox 4.0...

    ... In 64 bits.

    The INSTALLER doesn't support Windows XP. That was it. I'm so angry/happy.

    Ok, now try typing it without spaces - maybe that will help
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago

    ... And now, in an attempt to stay on topic, I must say that I won't be switching to Fx4 until more of my addons are updated for Fx4 support. Particularly Toolbar Buttons, because I actually use enough of the buttons to justify it.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:

    ... And now, in an attempt to stay on topic, I must say that I won't be switching to Fx4 until more of my addons are updated for Fx4 support. Particularly Toolbar Buttons, because I actually use enough of the buttons to justify it.
    Ha Ha! You FireFox users are doomed to the need of addons! How does it feel to be poor and Irish?
    Pete 14 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:

    ... And now, in an attempt to stay on topic, I must say that I won't be switching to Fx4 until more of my addons are updated for Fx4 support. Particularly Toolbar Buttons, because I actually use enough of the buttons to justify it.
    Ha Ha! You FireFox users are doomed to the need of addons! How does it feel to be poor and Irish?
    Quite good actually?
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:

    ... And now, in an attempt to stay on topic, I must say that I won't be switching to Fx4 until more of my addons are updated for Fx4 support. Particularly Toolbar Buttons, because I actually use enough of the buttons to justify it.
    Ha Ha! You FireFox users are doomed to the need of addons! How does it feel to be poor and Irish?
    Quite good actually?
    Ha HA! You are as presumptuous as you are poor and Irish!
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Ha Ha! You FireFox users are doomed to the need of addons!
    Not just FireFox users; I don't know of any browser which natively supports script and advertisement blocking รก la NoScript and AdBlock Plus, so anyone who doesn't want to be bombarded with the metric fsckton of ads and other crap will be "doomed to the need of addons".
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    Hey, I don't care as long as AdBlock Plus is compatible, and it is. I mean, it would be nice if ColorZilla, FireFTP, and SkipScreen were compatible with Firefox 4, but I can live without 'em (especially now that I've discovered Python's FTP capabilities... mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!).
    Amarth 14 years ago
    That's the cool thing about add-ons. I haven't seen a single one in this thread that I also use, except for Adblock plus obviously. I mainly have Better Gmail, Faviconize Tab, Download Statusbar and Permatabs, but everyone can pick his own add-ons. I like that.

    Also, Python's FTP abilities is what powered Hambot to upload the logs to Except I don't really bother to start Hambot anymore because my server disconnects all the time. Boo server. Boo.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    That's the cool thing about add-ons. I haven't seen a single one in this thread that I also use, except for Adblock plus obviously. I mainly have Better Gmail, Faviconize Tab, Download Statusbar and Permatabs, but everyone can pick his own add-ons. I like that.
    It's not only that. I've yet to see another browser with the same concept and scope of an addon system as Firefox's. IE has alternate browsers that use the same engine (Eye heart Steam overlay), Safari has a few addons (but was so painfully slow when I tried it out that even Apple's own site loaded half as fast), and Opera has the equivalent of an addon system but it's only ever used for in-browser minigames. And I don't know a thing about Chrome, so I won't say anything about it.
    Pete 14 years ago
    I thought Steam migrated to an open-source browsing engine a while back?
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    I thought Steam migrated to an open-source browsing engine a while back?
    Quite right.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    So Firefox 4 is out, I just installed it.

    This will take a bit to get used to.
    Crazy 13 years ago
    Ninja edit because of stupidity.

    My FF4 is now awesome, even got a little add-on that makes some of the functionality work like an earlier version of the beta (which I liked more). And I now only display the Navigation/Awesome bar and the Tabs bar so I have a display area that is frankly massive. Really awesome.
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Ninja edit...
    Why, I use it all the time ops:

    Do you recommend it? I Hate it as they change everything from one version to another. Each time a new version of FF comes up, it takes me more and more time to reverse-upgrade its interface to what I'm used to...
    Crazy 13 years ago
    "Venom31" said:
    "Crazy" said:
    Ninja edit...
    Why, I use it all the time ops:

    Do you recommend it? I Hate it as they change everything from one version to another. Each time a new version of FF comes up, it takes me more and more time to reverse-upgrade its interface to what I'm used to...

    Yeah, I ninja edit spelling mistakes and the like all of the time but this time, I the whole text.


    Yeah, I deleted it because it was me griping about this newest FF4 version adding a bar at the lower side of the screen, but then Grim called me an idiot (okay, he didn't, but he should have) and pointed out that the thing doing that was an add-on I had installed and which only activated (after a restart) along with the new FF4 update.

    And I can't say I support you on the reverse-upgrading. I reverse-upgraded to an older version of FF4 because that version had changed more. Versions after that reverted much of the new clever things they did so I wanted those back. My FF4 is quite a bit different from my FF3 and I even use it differently. But it's way better. For one, I'm using a screen resolution of 1336x768 I can see everything from the top of the page down to the "options" and "upload attachment" thingies when making a new post (in the old forum skin).
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    Firefox 4 is great, and you have nothing to lose by upgrading. I, on the other hand, cannot upgrade until the 64-bit build is released. (If the version numbers are out of sync, the two versions will think you just reinstalled the browser and all of your 32-bit plugins every time you start the other one.)
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Goddammit I keep searching around for that new tab button all the time.

    Textboxes seem to have graphical glitches with the cursor for me. Nothing mayor though.
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Goddammit I keep searching around for that new tab button all the time.
    Press Ctrl+T.

    (It REALLY turns me off when somebody tells me they'd rather use the mouse, and when I insist they must press a key, they peck it like they've never used a keyboard to control a computer before. But that's off topic.)
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "Amarth" said:
    Goddammit I keep searching around for that new tab button all the time.
    Press Ctrl+T.

    (It REALLY turns me off when somebody tells me they'd rather use the mouse, and when I insist they must press a key, they peck it like they've never used a keyboard to control a computer before. But that's off topic.)
    Oh my, it's as simple as double-clicking on free space to create a new tab. Or it was in <= v3.0, dunno about 4
    Narvius 13 years ago
    Still works. But I prefer Ctrl+T (and no, I don't h&p ), but that sometimes doesn't work when Flashes or any other plugin subforms have focus.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    I prefer ctrl+t also, but when I have my hand on the mouse already it's faster to click the button and start typing the address with the other hand, instead of hitting ctrl-t.

    Unless you can't find the goddarned button or tab bar because they moved it.

    Thinking about it, ctrl-t, ctrl-w and alt-d have to be about the only shortcuts I utilize often (well, next to ctrl-z, ctrl-c, ctrl-v, ctrl-s and :wq probably)
    Narvius 13 years ago
    Alt-D is sweet. Didn't know about it.
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    What does alt+D do? (OBTW, I recently found out about ctrl+E. Very useful, considering that I can never find the toolbar button because I use ctrl+L/R all the time.)
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