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Forum » Where did you hear about Ville or his Games?
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  • Where did you hear about Ville or his Games?

    Thaif 18 years ago
    Notrium entered my consciousness when a certain friend of mine glorified Ville and practically ordered me to download it. I played it for a while and now I play it once in a while. It is quite entertaining and complex for a freeware, so I grew fond of it.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    "Thaif" said:
    Notrium entered my consciousness when a certain friend of mine glorified Ville and practically ordered me to download it. I played it for a while and now I play it once in a while. It is quite entertaining and complex for a freeware, so I grew fond of it.

    That's a familiar story I think. That's how I got here about 2 years ago.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    And guess who the aforementioned friend was?
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Oh, i wonder... who could it possibly be? Who? Who?
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Oh, i wonder... who could it possibly be? Who? Who?
    Sephiroth, of course.

    Hey, wait a minute...
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    Extremely long and pointless version:
    I remember it as though it were yesterday... Thursday, the 8th of July, 2004 was a sunny afternoon. I had bought a NetGuide magazine from the Supermarket on the way home from school, and had crammed the disc into my computer without even reading what was on it... I saw Notrium in the Games section, downloaded it, and started playing. It was version 0.9 or summin' like that. All one big map, not a bunch of small ones, only one ending (I think, it was the repair-then-take-off-in-shuttle/capsule-thing ending), and to combine items one had to complete that son of a bitch puzzle thing with the circles and the lining them up and the press and hold down F11 to automatically complete the puzzle. Once I had figured the F11 cheat out, it was simple matter of finding the crapz, combining the crapz, and adding a "z" to the end of plurals instead of a "s", and it was all GEWD (I escaped Notrium). Yeah. Then I like got bored of the game and looked up the website and the URL had something like "kapsi" in it or summin' like that and it said that that was no longer the website address and to go here and I got redirected to "" and then I signed up to the forums and then on the Seventh Day, God did shit-all, and he saw that it was GEWD (I posted on the forums then dissapeared and reappeared numerous times, before starting anew with my account Zephyr).

    Simple version:
    I bought a mag, looked up, and yeah.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Like, wow.

    Anyone who owns that first version nowadays is a diety, because nobody kept it... not even Ville.
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Anyone who owns that first version nowadays is a diety, because nobody kept it...

    Yay, I'm diety! Whatever the hell that means... I'm anorexic?

    In other news, I'M A SAD LITTLE PATHETIC ANT-THING!! That is teh $uXX0r$.

    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "" said:
    de‧i‧ty  /ˈdiɪti/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dee-i-tee]
    –noun, plural -ties.
    1. a god or goddess.
    2. divine character or nature, esp. that of the Supreme Being; divinity.
    3. the estate or rank of a god: The king attained deity after his death.
    4. a person or thing revered as a god or goddess: a society in which money is the only deity.
    5. the Deity, God; Supreme Being.
    Alright, now that that question has been answered, I suggest we get back on topic.
    Zephyr 18 years ago
    Yeah, you meant deity, not "diety", which is why I WTFed my pants when I read that... It makes sense now.

    Sadly, I checked, and that disc is scratched-ZORRED. It also had the Avernum 3 demo on it, which is one of the best games I've ever played. *sob*
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    If it's scratched, you may be able to recover some of the data by cleaning it well. I have a disk that has a friggin crack right through it, and it works!

    ... But seriously, we should be getting on topic. You have your explanation. Enjoy. If you need more help with the disk, you can PM me so that Idiota dosen't go crazy.




    That sounded funny.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Those jokes get old after 3 years...
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I know how you feel, Crazy... :/
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I meant that it sounded funny as a synonym for wierd. Honestly, I wrote that part without even thinking before I realized what I had done and added all the dots.
    Kalkriese 18 years ago
    Came across a link while surfing quite awhile ago now.

    Great Games !!! Thank You !!
    Xiao Kotai 17 years ago
    I learned about Notrium 2 years ago while looking up freeware games on Google.
    zerocoal 17 years ago
    i found out by being bored in school so i went to google and typed in survival games. found <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> but it was blocked so i went home and found it. now i downloaded notrium at school (no clue how) so i play whenever i have free time
    haunter 17 years ago
    Well i was looking for notrium about the mods cause didn't know what they were so i searched for Notrium Mods..then came up with this web
    Rayven 17 years ago
    I first got Notrium from a Cd that came with a gaming magazine. It was an old version, i think 1.31.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    amazing that people still learn of Notrium that way, after such a long time.
    Joozey 16 years ago
    My uncle started about notrium yeeaars ago, so I just voted for friend

    EDIT: Did I just dug up a 3 months old thread?
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "Joozey" said:
    EDIT: Did I just dug up a 3 months old thread?
    Apparently, but it doesn't matter because it's a sticky.
    MegaSplosion 16 years ago
    I heard about Notrium from a now out-of-print Australian gaming magazine called Total Gamer. Pity, that was the best magazine ever!
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "MegaSplosion" said:
    I heard about Notrium from a now out-of-print Australian gaming magazine called [i]Total Gamer./i] Pity, that was the best magazine ever!
    Greetings, MegaSplosion. It's always nice to see new people here.
    MegaSplosion 16 years ago
    Yeah, I'm so new that I don't even know how to work the forums properly (LOL)
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Fixed your post.
    MindFreak 16 years ago
    Well... I was bored really. So I just typed "freeware" games into the search bar! Best thing I ever did 8D
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Hmm... I remember looking for freeware on a site called Megagames. And huzzah, recently (like 2 months ago but still) celebrated my 4-year anniversary here. I really wonder what my life would have looked like if I never became part of these forums. :p Am I the only one who is sure that these forums can change a life?
    Murska 16 years ago
    I am afraid to even think of my probable grammar and spelling skills if I would never have joined here.
    Bones 16 years ago
    A friend from school. He was crazy about it...
    I asked him about it 2 months later, and he said: "What Notrium?"
    spoons 16 years ago
    I got it from Nonags a looong while back. played it had fun, got bored of it and moved on.

    Years later i was bored and looked it up, re-installed it and found it was completely different(hermit's place)I've been attached ever seince...
    scotsky 15 years ago
    I saw Notrium on Acidplay, while mindlessly searching for some game that would entertain me. Of course back then it was 1.2 (and yes, I did get bored of it after modding to the point where it did things I never came up with ). I became interested again once I found 1.341 though.

    Is it a little late to post? The last post was half a year ago. ops:
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    It's a sticky so it doesn't matter.
    Ryuji 15 years ago
    Well, I found out about Notrium in a freeware games website. It said that the game was basically Robinsion Crusoe IN SPACE, so I gave it a try. The thing turned to be quite difficult, so I came here to look for help, and from there, I found about the other games.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    I think I've heard about that review before. Anyhow, hi! Welcome to the forums, I think.
    Forum » Where did you hear about Ville or his Games?
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