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Forum » Werewolf 13 - Not so werewolf-y at all
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  • Werewolf 13 - Not so werewolf-y at all

    E_net4 10 years ago
    The Beginning

    In a calm Wednesday afternoon of the Somesworth Campus, a group of 5 teenagers had just finished their ordinary lunch at the high school cafeteria (yuck!). For some mysterious reason only understood by those of their age, they decided to skip all afternoon classes and pay a visit to the local lottery place in the city, admired by the announced first prize of nine thousand CarpCoins (9000 CC) to whoever had the winning ticket.

    "Hey, let's buy some tickets! If one of us gets the prize, we can split it among us!"

    And so, each one of the youths purchased a lottery ticket containing an 8-digit number, hoping that they would soon be heading to school with brand new bikes, branded clothes and other branded "cool" stuff (no branding irons, unfortunately).

    However, greed and suspiciousness took place a few days after, when the winning code was announced. So it happened that they didn't trust each other. There was no way to know that they would faithfully split the prize, according to their previous agreement. And indeed, there was a secret love couple among the teenagers, planning to keep the money for themselves.

    To make it worse (or better, depending on the point of view), one of the tickets in the couple just had the winning prize. Secretly, they had a plan: "I know what to do, baby. We'll split and mix our tickets. Now they can't get the prize without both of them."

    Later, after school:

    "Well, let's see them! Hand over the tickets!" one of them said.

    None of them did anything. Well, except for the teen chewing gum, who kept chewing it.

    This was not going to be easy.

    Welcome to the 13th installment of Instant Kingdom's Werewolf game! Here are the rules of the game:

    1. The game only starts once everyone sends me a PM stating the player's readiness (just say "ready", "ping", "Anigraea", or whatever). My posts will contain the current status of the game.
    2. Each player is given a unique, 8-digit lottery number.
    3. Two of the players are a teenage love couple, who know each other and their unique numbers. The remaining players form a "team" as well, but don't know who's in it.
    4. The goal of the couple is to have all of the other tickets revealed, tricking the group into thinking no one has the winning ticket. The goal of the other teenagers is to find the winning ticket (which means they need to find the teenage couple). The game ends when either one is achieved.
    5. Once started, the first round of the game begins. Rounds last approximately 4 days.
    6. In each round, active players can choose to vote on one other active player as target. The vote must be placed in this topic, highlighted in some way. Only the latest vote in the current round is effective.
    7. At the end of the round, the person with the most votes will have his/her lottery number revealed publicly (see rule 10), and a new round begins. In case of a tie, one of the most voted players is chosen randomly.
    8. Any active player can reveal his/her own ticket number in the topic (but see rule 10).
    9. If part of the couple, an active player can legitimately reveal the counterpart's number (again, see rule 10).
    10. If one of the lottery numbers is revealed in the topic, the person owning that ticket goes inactive. Only tickets authentically revealed will have any effect (as in rules 7,8,9).
    11. Inactive players must not speak or reveal anything about the game, in any way. You're out. That's it.
    12. Anything that I message to any player in private must be kept so. Do not show any message proving anything in the game.

    In this game, we have the following 5 players:

    - Amarth
    - Endymion
    - Grim Reaper
    - Narvius

    I have sent all private messages. If you have any questions, send me a message and I might update the rules accordingly.

    Edited 10 years ago
    E_net4 10 years ago
    Round 1

    It begins. The round will end next Saturday, 2015-01-24, at around 23:59:59 UTC.


    Amarth | Active |
    Endymion | Active |
    Grim Reaper | Active |
    INFERNUS | Active |
    Narvius | Active |

    Tips for the first round:
    - Enter deep discussion. Persuade, deceive, blackmail, the words are your main weapon.
    - You have one target vote each round. Use it by highlighting the name of the target with bold or colored text.
    - Keep your lottery number safe.

    Edited 10 years ago
    Narvius 10 years ago
    Weeeeell. *looks around nervously, chewing gum*
    No one seems eager to show off.
    Endymion 10 years ago
    *yawns* Totally.
    Grim Reaper 10 years ago
    By the looks of it, this round will probably end with people voting more-or-less at random (save for the couple, unless they decide to vote different people to hide the fact that they're the couple).
    Narvius 10 years ago
    Well, we HAVE to start somewhere. Amarth has been suspiciously silent so far.
    Grim Reaper 10 years ago
    And so has INFERNUS.
    E_net4 10 years ago
    Just to let you know that rule 7 has been updated. The round will end today in approximately 9.5 hours.
    INFERNUS 10 years ago
    But Narvius seems to be way too nervous this day..
    E_net4 10 years ago
    Vote Table:
    Target   | Voted By    (#)
    Amarth | Narvius (1)
    INFERNUS | Grim Reaper (1)
    Narvius | INFERNUS (1)

    Recess was a time for conversation and many forms of loud entertainment. However, an aura of silence surrounded the group of teens that day. They mostly kept looking at each other suspiciously, cautiously attempting to notice the slightest facial movement that could give away the one who's hiding something.

    "Hold on, I'll just check my uh...", Narvius said. But he was grabbed before he could do anything else. A swift arm movement around him was enough to take his jacket off. The ticket was in one of the pockets: 48026497

    "Well, guess you don't have it... Damn."

    Narvius had his ticket revealed, so he's out.

    Round 2

    Round 2 begins. It will last until next Wednesday, at the end of the day.

    Amarth      | Active    |
    Endymion | Active |
    Grim Reaper | Active |
    INFERNUS | Active |
    Narvius | Inactive |

    Edited 10 years ago
    Amarth 10 years ago
    Aww balls, totally didn't have time to see what was going on around here. Anyway. I don't like the look on the face of Grim Reaper.
    Grim Reaper 10 years ago
    INFERNUS managed to remove Narvius from the game, so I'll vote 'em again.
    Endymion 10 years ago
    Grim seems kind of suspicious what with him sort of making sure people will vote someone without daring to be the first one.
    Edited 10 years ago
    Grim Reaper 10 years ago
    Switching my vote to Amarth in hopes that INFERNUS isn't in the couple (which seems to consist of Amarth and Endymion, judging by their seemingly loose justifications for casting a vote on the same person).

    'Course, if he IS in the couple, I'm doomed whether I get voted out this turn or not.
    Endymion 10 years ago
    I'm not in the couple! I switch my vote to INFERNUS.
    Edited 10 years ago
    Grim Reaper 10 years ago
    Not quite convinced. You might be playing for the random roll to kill off a non-couple person.
    Edited 10 years ago
    INFERNUS 10 years ago
    This is confusing... Endymion was silent all along the first time...
    Endymion 10 years ago
    I was too sleepy to vote for anyone last time.
    Endymion 10 years ago
    I was too sleepy to vote for anyone last time.
    Well since INFERNUS is so confused I suppose I'll switch my vote to Amarth.

    Hmm should I have triple posted? Just editing my accidental double post after a while might not send email alerts and stuff but meh.

    Edited 10 years ago
    Endymion 10 years ago
    When will the day end? I kind of wanted to see the results before going to sleep. -_-
    E_net4 10 years ago
    Sorry about that. I had no Internets for a while. Let's see...
    E_net4 10 years ago
    Vote Table:
    Target      | Voted By    (#)
    Amarth | Grim Reaper, Endymion (2)
    Endymion | INFERNUS (1)
    Grim Reaper | Amarth (1)

    Amarth was tackled and tugged in the search for his ticket. They finally found it, but at first sight the result was unfortunately not what they wished for: 91273458

    "No, wait! see the last 4 numbers? They match! This can't be coincidental!"
    "It really isn't! Look at the ticket! It was split and glued to another one!"
    "So we have one half of the winning ticket, right?... Uh..."

    Amarth is out. The ticket is half his and half... whom?

    Round 3

    This round shall last until next Sunday, at the end of the day.

    Amarth      | Inactive  |
    Endymion | Active |
    Grim Reaper | Active |
    INFERNUS | Active |
    Narvius | Inactive |

    Edited 10 years ago
    Grim Reaper 10 years ago
    And now to avenge Narvius by voting INFERNUS.
    Endymion 10 years ago
    It clearly must be INFERNUS. Also yay it worked! At first I was going add a little more reasoning as to why it must be Amarth and INFERNUS when I changed my mind from Grim but then I realized it might be a bad idea.
    Edited 10 years ago
    E_net4 10 years ago
    Well, if you guys are going to be that boring this round, I might as well advance its end a little bit.
    E_net4 10 years ago
    Vote Table:
    Target   | Voted By    (#)
    INFERNUS | Grim Reaper, Endymion (2)

    "Hey, what're you hiding?"

    INFERNUS couldn't stop facing away from Grim Reaper and Endymion, let alone keep an indifferent face.
    "Grab him!"

    Before they could grasp him, INFERNUS started running across the street. Luckily, with no cars passing by, the other teens kept a similar running pace. It wasn't long before INFERNUS failed his attempt of running away with his bike.
    The ticket was forcefully taken away from him: 34094253

    By joining the two winning halves, they got the right number: 34093458
    "YES! We got it!"
    "Yeah! And f*** you two, you guys get nothing!"

    Just before the end of recess, the two boys paid a visit to the lottery place in order to claim the prize. Unfortunately, no matter how much they persuaded the vendor to accept the split parts of the ticket, he simply refused.

    "That's what you get when stupid people hide something, I guess."

    And so they went back to school to tell the news to their friends, and promised to never buy lottery tickets again... in their dreams, of course.

    INFERNUS had his ticket revealed, and the game ends here! Victory to the normal teens! ... or sort of.

     The tickets:
    Amarth : 91274253 (couple)
    Grim Reaper : 89517233
    INFERNUS (1) : 34093458 (winning ticket, couple)
    Narvius : 48026497
    Endymion : 58594604


    Hope you guys enjoyed the twist, even if only a little. It seems to be hard to create an enjoyable WW-like experience with such a low number of players, but I believe there is still room for some new stuff.

    My initial thoughts on adding a secret code to each player was just to introduce some pointless entropy to the equation, leaving the players to speculate what their number was about. With a bit more polishing, it turned into a small, but significant part of the game, as it became a requirement to keeping the player alive. We could try taking this one step further, so I first thought of getting rid of teams and made all players battle each other for an ultimate goal. But then I failed to introduce actions and goals that made sense without exceeding complexity.

    But hey, we can always play something different. It's your call, and I'd like to be an actual player in the next game.

    Edited 10 years ago
    Endymion 10 years ago
    Yay! That was fun even if it was pretty quick.
    And I'm all for pointless entropy or something to get people to do stuff.
    Not having a mayor or any other tie breaking thing(vote age, mayorhood lasting only day or two) was the only thing I felt was missing.
    For some reason I keep thinking we should need to decide what to eat each day or something and have it matter slightly but I have no idea how.

    Hmm I could try hosting the next one or the one after that.
    Narvius 10 years ago
    The thing is, everyone has private communication channels with everyone.
    What might be interesting would be two players trying to transmit a message to each other using pointless entropy available in the game, and everyone else trying to also get a hold of said message, or SOMEthing like that, but obviously you can just directly tell someone else.

    I don't really have any ideas what you can do in such an environment at the time.
    Endymion 10 years ago
    Well if they for some reason don't know who exactly they're sending the message to they can't easily do it privately.
    Amarth 10 years ago
    What if everyone *needs* to send messages to each other? Like, people each have a part of a deciphering key and the werewolves want to get the parts from the humans but the humans just need to get the key together, so they just need to identify and trust each other.
    Narvius 9 years ago
    That sounds workable! Especially since no-one really dies, so no-one gets randomed out in the first round. We would have to provide some alternative for the public gameplay part, since lynching won't be a thing anymore, but that certainly feels like the right direction.
    Narvius 9 years ago
    It would have to be something that keeps the game propelling forward, there has to be some kind of clock. But I'm not sure what it could be.
    E_net4 9 years ago
    Off the top of my head, I can only think of a "vote to force revelation" of some information that only that character holds. By making werewolf information more valuable (or at least too valuable for them to expose), they could persuade into voting someone else. But then we'd need a counter-argument for the werewolves: something that would prevent a villager from just giving his information away.
    Amarth 9 years ago
    Werewolf information is twice as valuable as villager information: werewolves win with their info + half villagers info (cfr parity rules in normal werewolf), villagers win with all their info combined.

    Just a train of thought, this is definitely not balanced and maybe not the right spirit.
    E_net4 9 years ago
    Ok, let's see... Is anyone up for another game of Werewolf? Just say 'Aye'.
    Forum » Werewolf 13 - Not so werewolf-y at all
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