"freddy" said: ... i have a problem with this mod, when it says "generating game" notrium crashs (its a good game though i tried it on my frends pc ) but it is to hard even on easy. dam wolf at start ****** F***** <---- thats directed at that wolf not you you have no weapons when you start, wich means you have to grab them while that wolf is chasing you! so... move it!
P.S. i unzipped it to the main directory, sorry if i sound threatning no offence intended. ops:  i take all this back, i was such an idiot when i wrote that... I TRIED KILLING IT WITH A KNIFE!!! i would servive but with low hp now i use the spear..
P.S. im in a good mood!
(warning if you cant handle retaded larfs do not read, its in white)duh.. me dum-dum... ahhhhhh, uhhhhhhh, buhhhhhhh, maaaaa, heh, maaaa, dat funnnkgy maaaa... HAAAAAAAAAALKFDHAGLDSGKDLJHLKJKJLK HAAAAAAAGGGGGGGG BWAAAAAAAA MAAAAAAAA HAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAAA E,JGAVBGKJFDVBBHKDVBVKJDSNVDV/.FB./,DHA.,VKAJGVERLKGIER8YYGU9843YIUREWY8741YT38U4HG UI43HGUQIRHBWHIUREFREWLIHFEWIRGIEWHGEHALIREULI MAAAAAAA HAAAAAHAAAAAA *the uncontrolable larfs continu for five years then...* HA HA HA DAT FUNNNKGY!!