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  • - Forsaken II -

    Marevix 20 years ago
    Odd. The message for drinking water out of a coconut bucket is 'yum' in the beta. Maybye this was intended?
    Casanova 20 years ago
    It will be victorian then. I guess this mean I could add pirates, flintlock rifles and cannibals like in the novel.

    And the coconut says 'yum' because you are also eating the meat.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Yes; try to base it as much as you can on the book. Have you got the book?
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    what book, I don't read very much (or at all)
    Eric 20 years ago
    I vote for Victorian.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    The book is called Robinson Crusoe, a very memorable novel I read years ago. Maybe I will read it again to refresh my memory.
    ville 20 years ago
    I wonder why nobody has actually made a game of Robinson Crusoe, there's tons of material. You could even have the shipwreck on the beach, and you would have to build a boat to harvest some of the stuff in there.
    SkullAK 20 years ago
    Robinsons Reqieum thats a game made (not certain about the spelling) its quite old, about 7 years i think, just look it up in underdogs
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I know I should have done this a long time ago, so here is an updated version that works with the current version of Notrium (and ads a few other things):

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    To those who care, I havent abandoned this mod, its just on hold while I work on my other mod.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    version that works

    I was so annoyed when I found out version 8 wasn't compatable with 1.33, because I wanted to see some of the stuff I've heard about in effect.

    [off-topic]200th post! Wow, I've been active lately...[/off-topic]
    Murska 20 years ago
    Thanks from me too!
    I love this mod!
    I remember when I first found machine gun...
    ville 20 years ago
    I'm glad to hear you haven't abandoned it. The original Forsaken was my favourite Notrium mod, I have such big hopes for this one...
    Casanova 20 years ago
    The new options that have become availible since then will make work on it much easier. That is, if I can make sence out of the mess I have done so far
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Retribution is here- Casanova didn't forget about Forsaken. Will this mod ever be finished?
    Casanova 20 years ago
    It will definitively be finished, scout's promise. When? That I am not sure. Or maybe someone want to pick it up as it is and make additions of their own in the mean time...
    eug1404 20 years ago
    Great mod, i really hope you finish this one day, although there's no rush on your part, im sure we can all wait .
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    What can I say? The crop growing is brilliant. And the construction idea is awesome. I really hope the final mod is as great as I think it will be.

    Btw. I noticed that you don't need a bridge to cross the river. Currently (on the version I have) you can walk to the beach where the river runs into the ocean and then walk PAST the river THROUGH the water. (While leaving footsteps on the waves.) Are you aware of these problems? (The footsteps on water and river bypass thing.)
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Im gonna put some stones to block the beach path on the next version. I didnt know the player left visible footsteps on the waves, at least I could'nt see them last time i checked...
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Should be easy to fix.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    Should be easy to fix.
    I beleive they do the same thing on the VC ship and bunker.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    That is an easy fix, you simply find that terrain and remove the footprint for it in the terrain_types.dat file.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Or just set the footprint dissapear time to -1.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I dont think it will be possible to remove the footsteps on the water, since they will still show on the area where the sand and the water blend.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    Sorry, Casanova. I was blabbering incoherently before. The footsteps DO NOT show up in the water, they do on the LAKE. I only remembered water footsteps. But it seems you have a lot of help in fixing this problem.

    Another bug: When you walk next to the river just below the river mouth and exit south you end up on the other side. (River plot_objects mis-aligned.) Just shift either of the two ends a little bit.
    (This one has been mentioned before, but I am only concurring that it does indeed happen to more than one person.)

    Another Bug: The meat can't cook. The condition checks for a plot object but I see your fire is a creature.
    Unc1354m 20 years ago
    This is a great mod. i cant wait till its finnished.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Looks like people are more interested in this mod than in OP

    So I guess I will release beta 4 for OP, and then resume work on this one and so I can get it up to a playable demo.
    Unc1354m 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    Looks like people are more interested in this mod than in OP

    So I guess I will release beta 4 for OP, and resume work on this one and get it to a playable demo.

    Yeah. Forsaken Rules. i like it because of the survival part. its liek a realistic survival simulation.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Well you also got to take into account that Forsaken, the original at least has been around since version 1.2 on Notrium. Casanova was one of the few people to release mods on that version, pretty much everyone else waited till after 1.3 was released. So for that reason it'd had alot of time to become familiar with forum members while Opposing Forces is more or less fresh.

    Much in the same way the Wazzal mod is so popular Just about everyone who has played Notrium knew about Ville through Wazzal first. A large part is due to feedback and want to feedback. Forsaken has always had lots of source for feedback due to being so closely based on the original Notrium game, so things that people were saying they wanted in the main game were usually easy enough to transfer to Forsaken. I'm kind of stuck between the two personally as Forsaken was always a bit slow and over complicated for me and Opposing Forces is a bit too insane and fast paced for someone with my lack of dexterity.

    That was quite possible the most frivelous thing I've ever posted, but hey at least it's on topic lol
    clogmonkey 20 years ago
    ... i have a problem with this mod, when it says "generating game"
    notrium crashs (its a good game though i tried it on my frends pc )
    but it is to hard even on easy.
    dam wolf at start ****** F***** <---- thats directed at that wolf not you
    you have no weapons when you start, wich means you have to grab them while that wolf is chasing you! so... move it!

    P.S. i unzipped it to the main directory, sorry if i sound threatning no offence intended. ops:
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Its only the beta stage, so the wolf and all the weapons are on that start screen so you can see and do everything within the mods capabilities on that first screen.
    Industriebrot 20 years ago
    The account seems to be suspended, so no download seems possible.
    Is there another link to get it?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    He should send the mod to Ville for upload. That way it can be listed in the mods section on the main Notrium page.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Im currently trying to swith to a new host, so the downloads will be down for a few days. Ill post an updated link soon.
    clogmonkey 20 years ago
    "freddy" said:
    ... i have a problem with this mod, when it says "generating game"
    notrium crashs (its a good game though i tried it on my frends pc )
    but it is to hard even on easy.
    dam wolf at start ****** F***** <---- thats directed at that wolf not you
    you have no weapons when you start, wich means you have to grab them while that wolf is chasing you! so... move it!

    P.S. i unzipped it to the main directory, sorry if i sound threatning no offence intended. ops:

    i take all this back, i was such an idiot when i wrote that...
    I TRIED KILLING IT WITH A KNIFE!!! i would servive but with low hp now i use the spear..

    P.S. im in a good mood!

    (warning if you cant handle retaded larfs do not read, its in white)duh.. me dum-dum... ahhhhhh, uhhhhhhh, buhhhhhhh, maaaaa, heh, maaaa, dat funnnkgy maaaa... HAAAAAAAAAALKFDHAGLDSGKDLJHLKJKJLK HAAAAAAAGGGGGGGG BWAAAAAAAA MAAAAAAAA HAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAAA E,JGAVBGKJFDVBBHKDVBVKJDSNVDV/.FB./,DHA.,VKAJGVERLKGIER8YYGU9843YIUREWY8741YT38U4HG
    Casanova 20 years ago
    uhhh, ok. Good to see you got it now.
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