"void" said:
I mean, when will I need trigonometry in real life situations? If you ever make 3d games you'll need to know trig as well as matrices and a bunch of other stuff.
How about British Literature? And why do they even bother teaching 'proper' english, when little to no people SPEAK english properly?! I don't think it's such a bad idea. The English language is at risk of being destroyed with all the rapper slang and what not.
yo, u, da, wat, snizzel fizzel u wizzel...
Which is another reason to learn math because it is a universal language to describe nature. Phht... I'm taking physics so when I get into building a game engine I can build one based on the actual laws of physics. Trigonometry is mostly useless. Matricies are easy, but I can't see where I'd use them...
And the English language should be left to the English. Americans should focus on creating their own language, one that is simple but can be used to express complex ideas. We should write our language how we speak it, not the other way around. The first method of informational exchange was verbal. Written languages came in afterwards, when people encountered others who didn't know what the heck they were saying. 
Americans teach that if it sounds right when you say it, then it is probably grammatically incorrect. I ask why, and earn the loathing of many english teachers. Only 2 (my current Brit Lit teacher, and my summerschool Survey Lit teacher) actually understood what I was saying in this sense, and I think actually agreed with me.
We should write things the way we say them. Things should be simpler. If we have rules, but five-thousand-and-one exeptions to them, then what is the point of the rules? Why not just make new rules that don't apply to the exceptions? Why do we not just have nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions? Why do we need anything else? "I am going home"... Noun, verb, adverb... am is a form of 'to be' and going is a form of 'to go'. That's all we need. A noun is a subject or a target. Either it is the actor or the acted upon. "I pushed you"... Noun, verb, noun... It's that simple...
Anyways, my cable is being frozen (seriously! it's cold enough here to freeze TV in Chicago... ;P) and glitchy so I have no background noise and am kinda irritated about that... Grrr...
In regards to C++, I kinda wish there was some way where I could just pour out my ideas, and the game I envisioned would just be easily and quickly made... Alas, 'tis not so... So I guess I'll have to learn to do decent graphics in paint... over time I might actually get pretty good at graphics...