I have a plan for a fairly simple yet possibly fun and addictive strategy-type game...
I may call it <PIXEL>, and yes... The <>s are part of the name...
Partially Intelligent Xenomorphic Energy Lifeforms
See? <PIXEL>! I thought it up while contemplating what to draw on one of those sciency sheets of graphing paper... You know, the kind with the REALLY LITTLE squares? Yeah...
The game story might go like this:
"You are a bored person. Very very bored. So, what do you decide to do? You start counting the hundreds of tiny dots on your computer screen... Each and every one....
A few hours later, you fall asleep while on your 10769th dot... While doing so, you manage to imbed your skull deep into your monitor... Well! It turns out, you happen to have gone into a coma... Oh dear!
All is well though... You don't realize this! You started daydreaming around the 7th or 8th dot, and you are now experiencing what you think is some sort of crazy dream...
You find yourself in seventh-grade computer class, you remember the little dots are called pixels... Everything gets wavily all of a sudden, and you find yourself in a large black area...
All of a sudden... BAM! A large greenish block whacks you over the head... You shake your fist at the silly thing and almost have a heart attack when the block says, "Sorry! My fault!"
In what feels like around 15 minutes, these strange blocky creatures have christened you their leader... Then you see your enemy... The other blocky things...
Well... It looks like crazy-coma-dream-pixel-war time!"
Pixel-based strategy game...
What it lacks in graphics, it will make up for in gameplay...
And it should run smoothly on most systems with low requirements!
Of course, I might have the knowledge to do it by the 2nd or 3rd annual game contest...
[TO VOID] So what do you say Void? Once I get my web site up, I would be more than happy to have an "Indie Game Making Competition" section...
We could hold a competition every year... Eventually it would get bigger and better, etc. etc.
Drop me an e-mail with what ya think Void...  [/TO]