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Forum » WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!
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  • WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!

    ForceUser 20 years ago
    I'm away for a few months and this uber cool stuff gets made without *me*

    hehe... just want you to know I'm back and would like to help in some way if there is still something to do...

    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I'm actually curious about progress that has been made with this mod. I've seen a ton of ideas, alot of them are really good. I haven't seen anything indicating anything has been made to work. If you could please post your current progress Zex I think everyone would appreciate it. I'd really like to see this thread show more progress and be less of a rumor mill of what could be done This way we'll all actually get to play this awesome mod sometime in the near future and not just talk about the million and one ways it could be done
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Yes, I know what you mean Quanrian and I apologize, it's just that I've been a bit distracted lately by a certain game (Rome TW) and I haven't had that much time to work on the mod.
    Now, progress...
    Expect Build 2 sometime this week
    I've just succesfully added in the ship interior. Now you can 'leave the bridge' of the Wolf and explore the insides of the starship. I have to say its looking pretty damn good.
    A big problem I had was when I wanted the player to leave the ship, when he returned to it it was never where it had been before he left. Now, problem solved using plot objects and the -1 option of effect 21.
    Added some aniamted control panels/computers to the interior
    Added two basic weapons (Standard issue marine pistol and Rapid fire Laser rifle) and hopefully I will have a few extras by the time I release B2.
    B2 will also include several aliens to use as target practise.
    Fixed and changed the shilds systems; now the work as an overbar; the ship is only damaged when the are on 0. (BTW Quanrian, I managed this by using only one script, not two. )

    Sound good?

    (And BTW Forceuser, if you are still willing I need these ships in 3d, rendered like the other ones. The texture should be very glossy and shiny to make them look sleek and aerodynamic, but thjey should look mostly black. Also if you could it would be great if you could re-render the first alien ship (the transport) to make it look just like the others, so with shiny and glossy texture. Thanks heaps, I really appreciate it. )

    Alien Heavy Transport

    These ships are slow moving, virtually unarmed transports for carrying troops and supplies to terrestrial (planet) battlefields. Many missions will involve tracking down and destroying transports, but be beware, although they have only one low-powered weapon, they are usually defended by an escort of deadly fighters.

    Alien Light Fighter

    The Alien Light Fighter is the fastest and most manouverable of the alien ships. What it lacks in shields and high-powered weapons it makes up for in agility and speed. Light Fighters often gang up to defeat an enemy.

    Alien Heavy Fighter

    Heavy Fighters are advanced versions of light fighters, with several major differences. Although they are slower and less manouverable than the light fighter, heavy fighters boast a high powered weapon, and each carry several lethal Alien missiles. Often used as escorts for fleets of transports.

    Alien Armoured Destroyer

    The Armoured Destroyer is the supreme striking power behind the Alien invasion. They boast huge shields, several front-mounted weapons, as well numerous turrent-mounted weapons, letting the Destroyer even fire on enemies that are behind it. A small number of Alien Destroyers have been fitted out with fighter bays at the expense of other weapons, allowing them to off-load dozens of armed fighters into battle. Destroyers are far slower than fighters, but even so, they are the deadliest ship in the galaxy, able to destroy any enemy they encounter.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    Hey ZeX, I successfully got my "Reactor Fuel Level" thingie to work.

    [edit]The screenshot isn't working, I'll try to fix it.[/edit]

    It used v0.1b as a base, so it's mostly the same, but I changed the following:

    Added a script to drain fuel slowly
    Added a script to drain fuel when energy is below max and recharge it
    Added a new bar - "Reactor Fuel Level"
    Added a condition that causes energy to drain when fuel is empty
    Added a condition to drain sheilds when energy is empty ("Warning: Sheilds failing - Energy Critical")
    Tweaked power usage to balance all that out

    So this idea could definately work. It seems to all check out fine, so if you want to see the code, just ask.
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    I'll get on those pics as soon as I can and I'll put them on my site and post em here too (in addition to sending them to you) If you need some help making the pics for the weapons I could do that too if you have some definate ideas.

    An Idea I just got but I don't know if it has been mentioned already: To be able to have the Wolf V have 2 fighter bays so you can also have cool fighters and stuff... perhaps one for the Wolf IV that you cn later sell if you want to. then also have like 2 types of good fighters like the aliens have?

    ForceUser 20 years ago
    hehe.. 15 pages of forum is ALOT... I got another Idea but don't know if it has been sugested yet.

    An automatic "tractorbeam" that uses energy when active (like the shield recharger) that grabs stuff in space (salvage, energy, whatever). I've been having some trouble flying "into" those enregy thingys.

    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "ForceUser" said:
    hehe.. 15 pages of forum is ALOT... I got another Idea but don't know if it has been sugested yet.

    An automatic "tractorbeam" that uses energy when active (like the shield recharger) that grabs stuff in space (salvage, energy, whatever). I've been having some trouble flying "into" those enregy thingys.

    A technique I find useful for grabbing them is to hold down the down arrow key (in relative mode, of course) to slow down your ship enough to manouver towards it. Also, you can use the rear thrusters, but those use up a lot of energy anyway.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    "ForceUser" said:
    hehe.. 15 pages of forum is ALOT... I got another Idea but don't know if it has been sugested yet.

    An automatic "tractorbeam" that uses energy when active (like the shield recharger) that grabs stuff in space (salvage, energy, whatever). I've been having some trouble flying "into" those enregy thingys.

    I'm not sure if that is possible; I would love to try it, so I'll have a go. I was thinknig of putting in a tractor beamjust to haul in alien fighters so you can deal with their crew in hand-to-hand fighting, but I'll try to adapt you idea.

    So this idea could definately work. It seems to all check out fine, so if you want to see the code, just ask.
    I would love to see the code. I can't garuentee I will use it, but I'm sure iot would help heaps.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    I don't have the code on this computer (this is my laptop), but as soon as I again have access to my main computer I'll post it here.

    Unless you prefer a PM?
    gold kiros 20 years ago

    Now the long awaited version .02 will be coming this week! Iv'e been checking 3 times a day to see if anything was posted.

    Now that you see how happy i am, now some questions.

    1. When you say you can leave the ship you say we can walk around it and see the interior from the top down view or 1st person?

    2. Will be able to use some ships soon like fighters, corvettes and frigates?

    This question is very unralated and probably personal and you may be offended( don't ask why people just do) but ill ask anyway.

    3. How old are you?
    Just give me a range maybe 15-25? or 30-45?

    Maybe include a system of classes.
    You must be class 2 to get a class 2 weapon or ship or soldier.
    And so on.

    Another is the battle.
    Before a battle begins you have a 20% chance of avoiding it if you have a slow engine a 30% if its medum and 40% if its fast.

    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    1. When you say you can leave the ship you say we can walk around it and see the interior from the top down view or 1st person?
    2. Will be able to use some ships soon like fighters, corvettes and frigates?
    Not in B2, but I'm pretty sure I will have flyable fighters once B3 comes out.
    3. How old are you?
    90-10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of course!! No, actually 15-25.
    Maybe include a system of classes.
    You must be class 2 to get a class 2 weapon or ship or soldier.
    And so on.

    Another is the battle.
    Before a battle begins you have a 20% chance of avoiding it if you have a slow engine a 30% if its medum and 40% if its fast.
    I've already decided to have a system of classes; you start off as a low rank, but progress as the game continues. So to buy certain weapons you would need to be 2nd Lieutenant, and to buy others you would have to be Wing Commander for example. You would earn the ranks from completing missions and destroying enemies.

    And that second idea is very good! I still haven't yet decided to keep the action on the main map or have a battle map like wazzal.
    Penta 20 years ago
    I think you should change the story:
    It's a little strange you escaped the sol system and 32 years later be the same person escaping Notrium.
    The captain from Wazzal should be the admiral of the fleet in Wazzal 2 and you would be the captain from notrium. You could work together. On the same ship or using two ships.

    I would start with the idea about learning the controls using an alien ship in a war long ago (idea by Gold Kiros), after that get a story slideshow about the events in Wazzal.
    Have a few missions in the Wolf IV right after the escape out of the sol system. Thus playing the captain of wazzal. After a few missions your ship gets asaulted and captured by Aliens. You're the only one who escapes and get home in an escape pod.
    Another slideshow where you see a war, the captain in wazzal promoted to admiral. The captain in Notrium is his friend and goes on a frontier mission to a planet with valuable resources needed to win, NOTRIUM!
    You see how he survives and escapes to the nearest colony.
    Here the slideshow ends and you start playing the captain of Notrium and do that for the rest of the game. Your first mission would be bringing news about ville corp to the admiral.
    After that you would get a brand new ship wich you call Wolf V.
    Later in the game you would find the planet in wich nabourhood the Wolf IV was captured. You start the mission of retrieving it. In the 30 years passed for some reason the aliens left/died. The planet now is a jungle full of high tech ruins. Under the biggest ruin you find the Wolf IV. But upgraded with alien parts. It now has far better shields and weapons (and it looks slightly more alien). This ship would be crucial to defeating the evil aliens in the rest of the story.

    This was idea, hope the lenght didn't bore you
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    ^--- Nice idea.

    Okay, here is the coding. Using v0.1b as a base, I added the following things.

    To bars.dat:
    Reactor Level;//name
    0;//bar type, 0=normal, 1=show body temperature, 2=show number of items parameter0, 3=show wielded weapon ammo, 4=show armor, 5=show carry weight, 6=show seconds from game start
    1;//visible (only applicable for player's bars)
    1;//visible on enemies
    1;//show number
    3;//anchor point (0=left top, 1=right top, 2=left bottom, 3=right bottom)
    -250;//location x, pixels from anchor point
    -65;//location y, pixels from anchor point
    bar.tga;//bar picture
    none;//background picture
    0;//background picture x offset
    0;//background picture y offset
    0;//background picture width
    0;//background picture height
    -200;//length in pixels for maximum (negative = bar increases to left)
    0.25;//red color component for minimum
    0.125;//green color component for minimum
    0;//blue color component for minimum
    0.5;//red color component for maximum
    0.125;//green color component for maximum
    0;//blue color component for maximum

    To player_races.dat:
      reactor bar;//description
    0;//difficulty level

    To plot_objects.dat (just a change to the Fuel Cell):
    4;//effect number
    5.000000;//parameter3 <----- Right there, adds to fuel instead of energy

    To scripts.dat:
    Decrease Reactor Bar;//name
    1;//run without calling (set to 0 if you use the script for example as a wield script)
    0;//call position, 0=player location, 1=mouse location
    0;//calling creature 0=player, 1=creature nearest to the mouse, 2=player controlled creature
    100;//run every n milliseconds
    0;//message type, 0=quick message, 1=journal
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met
    0;//disabled after first use, 0=no, 1=yes
    5.000000;//condition parameter0
    0.025000;//condition parameter1
    4;//effect number
    Increase Energy Bar;//name
    1;//run without calling (set to 0 if you use the script for example as a wield script)
    0;//call position, 0=player location, 1=mouse location
    0;//calling creature 0=player, 1=creature nearest to the mouse, 2=player controlled creature
    100;//run every n milliseconds
    0;//message type, 0=quick message, 1=journal
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met
    0;//disabled after first use, 0=no, 1=yes
    1.000000;//condition parameter0
    240.00000;//condition parameter1
    5.000000;//condition parameter0
    0.025000;//condition parameter1
    4;//effect number
    4;//effect number

    To weapons.dat (two changes):
    For the thrusters:

    5.000000;//condition parameter0 <----- Drains from fuel bar.
    0.06;//condition parameter1 <----- only a bit, now...
    4;//effect number
    -0.06;//parameter1 <----- See above for
    5.000000;//parameter3 <----- same information

    For the Small Laser S:

    1.000000;//condition parameter0
    1.00;//condition parameter1 <----- See below
    27;//effect number
    27;//effect number
    4;//effect number
    -1.00;//parameter1 <----- Drain more because we now have regen
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Wow, thanks Mageking!! I'll check it out.

    Experimented with differnet ways of controlling the starship, and I think I've come across a winner. It's now possible to fire forwards, strafe, and use a cannon to fire towards the aft, as well as stopping the unrealistic instant turning of the starship. So now you aim with your mouse, and as long as you keep pressing the forwards arrow, the ship slowly turns towards your cursur. I'm very interested to see what you think, so make sure you tell me your impressions once B2 comes out.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    Experimented with differnet ways of controlling the starship, and I think I've come across a winner. It's now possible to fire forwards, strafe, and use a cannon to fire towards the aft, as well as stopping the unrealistic instant turning of the starship. So now you aim with your mouse, and as long as you keep pressing the forwards arrow, the ship slowly turns towards your cursur. I'm very interested to see what you think, so make sure you tell me your impressions once B2 comes out.
    Wow, so you used that idea about the dummy weapon that fired another weapon relative to the ship? Or did you do it another way?

    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    Wow, thanks Mageking!! I'll check it out.
    Yeah, I can get carried away while coding... And I didn't even think I had coded that much.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Wow, so you used that idea about the dummy weapon that fired another weapon relative to the ship? Or did you do it another way?
    Another way. You can find out when the mod comes out.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Here's the screenshots!! Tell me what you think.

    The amazing fighter graphics are Forceuser's.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    It looks great. But I was expecting something smaller. In fact I was expecting a tiny space craft interior. If you've seen the Fitfh Element, think of Korbens arpartment, or the ship they fly off with in the end. Or a goa'uld transport vessel. You probably had ideas all along to make it big though. Anyway, whats the alien doing in there?
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    drool... twitch... I like!

    the aliens on the ship gave me an idea for a side mission. After landing on a planet with aliens on, make it so you get an infestation on the ship. She ship sensors will tell you where they are (kinda like automatic radar) so you'll just have to go and eradicate them. And perhaps make a counter, so you can know how many are left...

    *thinks about an infestation of hundreds of small blue aliens and a flamethrower*

    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    The Wolf is a big ship.

    @Forceuser: Great! I like it!
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    /me wonders what the inside of the Wolf V will look like...

    Very good so far. Are the stars in the background animated? And how will the player aquire weapons (will there be an armoury?)? And when do you intend to release v0.2b?
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    there, the 3 alien ships Zex made are finished! they look rather good even if I do say so myself Although zex did most of the hard work

    Anyways, the smaller pics are in the ships directory on my site and the big pics of the 3 are here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Zex: any idea yet about the money system? prices and stuff like that? what currency etc.?

    /me thinks mageking has spent to much time on IRC/chatrooms

    ville 20 years ago
    Great pics of the ships! I think they need some surface textures though.

    I always imagined the first craft in Wazzal pretty small, but it does make sense for it to contain a crew of a few dozen soldiers. Will you be able to interact with your fellow soldiers and give them commands?
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "ForceUser" said:
    /me thinks mageking has spent to much time on IRC/chatrooms
    Actually, the last time I was on IRC was over a year ago...
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Very good so far. Are the stars in the background animated? And how will the player aquire weapons (will there be an armoury?)? And when do you intend to release v0.2b?
    Yep, the stars are animated and it really looks like the ship is flying through space. And yes, the is an armoury, (I just put that in) at first you start off with fairly basic weapons (like pistols, rifles, both laser and projectile), then you can buy new weapons at stores down on planets.
    Build 2 will hopefully be released in a few days max a week from now..

    Yes, you will be able to give orders and such, but I am trying to do it in a way that doesn't look like I'm simply copying Casanova's radio, which I'm not.
    there, the 3 alien ships Zex made are finished! they look rather good even if I do say so myself Cool Although zex did most of the hard work Wink
    Anyways, the smaller pics are in the ships directory on my site and the big pics of the 3 are here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Zex: any idea yet about the money system? prices and stuff like that? what currency etc.?
    Spectacular. Absolutly amazing.
    Now, currency. I haven't yet decided what the name of the currency will be yet (any ideas Ville?). But yes, you can get money from completing missions and exploring maps and from receiving bounty for destroying enemy ships. And also....

    The Promotion Points bar

    This is a major breakthrough I have just worked out. It will work similiar to an experience bar and the alien's evolution, in that every kill raises the Promotion Points bar. Bigger enemies = more promotion points are added to your bar, and you can recieve points for destroying enemies on both land and space. (you can see the green promotion bar in the top-right of the screenshots)
    Once you reach a certain level (20, then 50, then 100 etc) you are 'promoted' to a higher rank (like lueitenant or ensign etc) in the Confederate Navy, and given several gifts to encourage you to keep being loyal to the Confederacy.
    Now, any ideas for the levels and what prizes you get for each one would be greatly appreciated. ATM I've got
    20: Ensign Missile racks and 10 missiles
    50: 2nd Lueitenant High powered laser rifle and two bodyguards

    Each level can have several gifts.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Rather than have a name for each rank, you could just have a number. "You are Pilot Class 1, Class 2, ... , class 45 etc) that would save you from having to think up lots of ranks.
    Maybe some of the prizes can be additions to your ship, and rather than starting out with a healing pond or whatever, you have to earn it (probably first level) You could earn bigger cargo bays for carrying more weapons and supplies. I like the body guard too. Even upgrades to the player, like optic implants etc Receiving upgrades is better than receiving a weapon, in respect to the player wanting to move up ranks, I think.
    2 questions:
    Will there be factions in this (simple scenario would be Confederacy and rebels) maybe eventually you could choose your path, being good or evil?
    Do you have a major plot planned, or is it going to be just mission based with no ultimate plot?
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    20: Ensign Missile racks and 10 missiles
    50: 2nd Lueitenant High powered laser rifle and two bodyguards
    100: 1st Lieutenant <--- correct spelling Better sheilding/reactor, VC pistol (or something equal to it) now available in armoury.
    150: Lieutenant Commander Increased max energy, player gains Optic Implant (night vision), 10 marines max
    300: Commander Gains access to more ship weapons, Rapid-fire pistol (or something = value) now available in armoury, 20 marines max.
    500: Captain Better reactor/sheilding, new missile type, 40 marines max.
    1000: Commodore medibay (auto heals marines & the captain) effeciency doubled, more weapons available in armoury.
    2000: Rear Admiral can recruit ships into fleet (for lots of cash), all weapons now available in armoury.
    5000: Vice Admiral best ship weapons, best reactor, best sheilding, player gains Build Base ability (can now construct colonies on planets), can now transport colonists (gotten from inhabitable planets, used to make colonies work).
    10000: Admiral missiles slowly respawn in your loading bay, medibay effeciency doubled, can now commence Planetary Bombardment (destroys ground facilities that could launch fighters/missiles against you).
    100000: Fleet Admiral Highest rank possible, all uber-upgrades gained here.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Wow, thankyou so much Mageking, you are on the credits. (or are you already? ) This is exactly what I wanted. But if anyone else has some ideas I want to hear them too.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    The name of the currency could be something like:

    Confederate Dollars/Credits
    Ville Corp Dollars/Credits

    And at some places you would have to trade with items instead of money, and if there are any other affiliations, just name a currency for them. And make some whatchacallem exchange courses or somthin? As in Currency A is 3 Currency B:s etc.
    michael 20 years ago
    nice screens.
    cristallion 20 years ago
    maybe you cuold you use this as a credit system

    Piras = the basic credit
    bonoras = Piras
    centeneos = 10 bonoras
    dolleanos = 10 centeneos
    tolleanos = 10 tolleanos
    holleanos = 10 tolleanos
    gigageri = 10 holleanos = 100 tolleanos = 1000 tolleanos =10000 centeneos = 100000 bonoras = 1000000 Piras
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    For some strange reason I do not like the names you chose for the currency. I can't quite place why, but it reminds of Mexico and not a futuristic currency... I apologize if that offends anyone, that is just my opinion on the names.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Quite so, but I say those sound a bit piratish. Still, not that fitting for future, is it? Not saying my suggestions are any better...

    And no offence meant, either.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    This is coming gearing up to be one the best mods yet.
    I noticed the tempreture bar isn't in use much. Why not rename it to something like Electronic instability? That way you can have tempreture from stars effect it but also use it for the emp weapons. Each time an EMP or similar weapon hits you it raises the bar. If the bar goes beyond, say 75, you are disabled. Your ship would be 'dead in the water' (so to speak) until the bar drops again. Say 1 second for every 1 over 75. (85 would mean 10 seconds downtime.) If opponents keep hammering you with EMP you stay offline. Perhaps some item or upgrade could speed your recovery? Like a weapon that drains energy but lowers the bar.
    You can also have regions (ion storms or high radiation areas) that constantly raise your Electrionic instability bar.
    You could even add the bar to enemy ships and make it so that you have to disable them before being able to use your tractor-beam to board them.
    No ship, even if caught by a tractor beam, is suddenly going to forget it has weapons and quitely allow you to dock with it.
    Perhaps you could also add weapons that uses this bar as ammo?
    1 - Electronic discharge. Emp but raises your own bar in order to fire.
    2 - Emergency laser. Drains energy from electronics to fire a weak laser, if all other options are dead.
    3 - A.I. hack. (My favorite, should be only obtainable if your a high rank). Your onboard A.I. attempts to hack into an enemy ship, redering it under your control. The other ships A.I fights back so your electronic instability raises as long as you maintain control. [Perhaps bigger ships puts more strain on your ship?] (This may be difficult to code though.)

    I vote for massive capital ships. But I would like to think that they are vulnerable to fighter attacks. Face it, in World War 2 the largest battleship with the most Anti Air guns was still sunk by fighter planes with torpedeos. Why would the future be any different? Physics state F=m*a. So a massive capital class ship is a slow lumbering nearly immobile target for a fast agile fighter. True it carriers a score of turrets but six fighters carrying fusion torpedeos should ensure at least four torpedeos hit the beast to bring it down, right?

    The Wolf V should be geared with experimental technology, derived from alien tech that you perhaps steal during the game, that allows it to be expanded (Changing the creature is easy enough) at certain stages and when certain items have been obtained. The Wolf V should become the only capital ship in the game to be somewhat agile but still as powerful.

    Face it, you are a lone fighter with only so big a force that has to fight of a alien invasion of a race that spans dozens of planets. Their production power is immense and they are going to come for you with multiple capital ships. Yours should have some edge. (But not all your ships should be this good.) I still say the Wolf V, once obtained, should be a smallish (compared to Capital ships) spaceship. It should, however end up to become the greatest fighting craft known to man.
    gold kiros 20 years ago
    Here some names you can use for currency.


    Another idea about rank upgrades.
    Rank 5:
    Drone missles(hunt for closet target)

    EMP wave missle(disables all energy and special weapons for a certain time)

    Rank 7:
    Ability to build outposts that produce fuels and refines ore.( check that idea in post pages 3 and 4.... i think?)


    Some questions
    Will there be factions that you can ally with and be enemies with?

    How about "mission boards" that you can choose from a variety of that show pay and such.

    Will we be able to build giant death stars with turrets, tractor beams, docking bays, etc.. But without the giant death star beam.

    On a side note(says in sweetest voice possible) am i in the credits? ops: ops: ops:
    Forum » WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!
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