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  • WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!

    Marevix 20 years ago
    "slimtim" said:
    maybe you cuold you use this as a credit system

    Piras = the basic credit
    bonoras = Piras
    centeneos = 10 bonoras
    dolleanos = 10 centeneos
    tolleanos = 10 tolleanos
    holleanos = 10 tolleanos
    gigageri = 10 holleanos = 100 tolleanos = 1000 tolleanos =10000 centeneos = 100000 bonoras = 1000000 Piras

    That kinda sounds retarded. Wouldn't fit in with the theme. I say use good ol' $ like Wazzal did.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    This is coming gearing up to be one the best mods yet.
    I noticed the tempreture bar isn't in use much. Why not rename it to something like Electronic instability? That way you can have tempreture from stars effect it but also use it for the emp weapons. Each time an EMP or similar weapon hits you it raises the bar. If the bar goes beyond, say 75, you are disabled. Your ship would be 'dead in the water' (so to speak) until the bar drops again. Say 1 second for every 1 over 75. (85 would mean 10 seconds downtime.) If opponents keep hammering you with EMP you stay offline. Perhaps some item or upgrade could speed your recovery? Like a weapon that drains energy but lowers the bar.
    You can also have regions (ion storms or high radiation areas) that constantly raise your Electrionic instability bar.
    You could even add the bar to enemy ships and make it so that you have to disable them before being able to use your tractor-beam to board them.
    No ship, even if caught by a tractor beam, is suddenly going to forget it has weapons and quitely allow you to dock with it.
    Perhaps you could also add weapons that uses this bar as ammo?
    1 - Electronic discharge. Emp but raises your own bar in order to fire.
    2 - Emergency laser. Drains energy from electronics to fire a weak laser, if all other options are dead.
    3 - A.I. hack. (My favorite, should be only obtainable if your a high rank). Your onboard A.I. attempts to hack into an enemy ship, redering it under your control. The other ships A.I fights back so your electronic instability raises as long as you maintain control. [Perhaps bigger ships puts more strain on your ship?] (This may be difficult to code though.)

    I vote for massive capital ships. But I would like to think that they are vulnerable to fighter attacks. Face it, in World War 2 the largest battleship with the most Anti Air guns was still sunk by fighter planes with torpedeos. Why would the future be any different? Physics state F=m*a. So a massive capital class ship is a slow lumbering nearly immobile target for a fast agile fighter. True it carriers a score of turrets but six fighters carrying fusion torpedeos should ensure at least four torpedeos hit the beast to bring it down, right?

    The Wolf V should be geared with experimental technology, derived from alien tech that you perhaps steal during the game, that allows it to be expanded (Changing the creature is easy enough) at certain stages and when certain items have been obtained. The Wolf V should become the only capital ship in the game to be somewhat agile but still as powerful.

    Face it, you are a lone fighter with only so big a force that has to fight of a alien invasion of a race that spans dozens of planets. Their production power is immense and they are going to come for you with multiple capital ships. Yours should have some edge. (But not all your ships should be this good.) I still say the Wolf V, once obtained, should be a smallish (compared to Capital ships) spaceship. It should, however end up to become the greatest fighting craft known to man.
    I like your ideas; and you're right; the Yamato and the Musashi were destroyed by planes even though they had more AA than any other ship in history.
    Also, I like the AI hack idea; it would be easily implemented.

    And about the currency, I was thinking Confederate Credits even before Reaper said it.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    I find currencies, names etc that are hard to pronounce (ie Yusnviikals, Drenmguns etc) extremely frustrating. I think currency should simply be credits. (Or Confederacy Credits [CC's for short])
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    "UberWaffe" said:
    This is coming gearing up to be one the best mods yet.
    I noticed the tempreture bar isn't in use much. Why not rename it to something like Electronic instability? That way you can have tempreture from stars effect it but also use it for the emp weapons. Each time an EMP or similar weapon hits you it raises the bar. If the bar goes beyond, say 75, you are disabled. Your ship would be 'dead in the water' (so to speak) until the bar drops again. Say 1 second for every 1 over 75. (85 would mean 10 seconds downtime.) If opponents keep hammering you with EMP you stay offline. Perhaps some item or upgrade could speed your recovery? Like a weapon that drains energy but lowers the bar.
    You can also have regions (ion storms or high radiation areas) that constantly raise your Electrionic instability bar.
    You could even add the bar to enemy ships and make it so that you have to disable them before being able to use your tractor-beam to board them.
    No ship, even if caught by a tractor beam, is suddenly going to forget it has weapons and quitely allow you to dock with it.
    Perhaps you could also add weapons that uses this bar as ammo?
    1 - Electronic discharge. Emp but raises your own bar in order to fire.
    2 - Emergency laser. Drains energy from electronics to fire a weak laser, if all other options are dead.
    3 - A.I. hack. (My favorite, should be only obtainable if your a high rank). Your onboard A.I. attempts to hack into an enemy ship, redering it under your control. The other ships A.I fights back so your electronic instability raises as long as you maintain control. [Perhaps bigger ships puts more strain on your ship?] (This may be difficult to code though.)

    I vote for massive capital ships. But I would like to think that they are vulnerable to fighter attacks. Face it, in World War 2 the largest battleship with the most Anti Air guns was still sunk by fighter planes with torpedeos. Why would the future be any different? Physics state F=m*a. So a massive capital class ship is a slow lumbering nearly immobile target for a fast agile fighter. True it carriers a score of turrets but six fighters carrying fusion torpedeos should ensure at least four torpedeos hit the beast to bring it down, right?

    The Wolf V should be geared with experimental technology, derived from alien tech that you perhaps steal during the game, that allows it to be expanded (Changing the creature is easy enough) at certain stages and when certain items have been obtained. The Wolf V should become the only capital ship in the game to be somewhat agile but still as powerful.

    Face it, you are a lone fighter with only so big a force that has to fight of a alien invasion of a race that spans dozens of planets. Their production power is immense and they are going to come for you with multiple capital ships. Yours should have some edge. (But not all your ships should be this good.) I still say the Wolf V, once obtained, should be a smallish (compared to Capital ships) spaceship. It should, however end up to become the greatest fighting craft known to man.
    I like your ideas
    I was thinking the same thing. You know, I really like that a lot. I wonder why I didn't think of it, considering all the games I play that have Ion cannons...

    ZeX, I completely forgot that you must also add the following to Player_Races.dat:

      drain energy if reactor empty;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    Reactor fuel depleted! Energy dropping!;//message
    drain health if energy empty;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    Energy depleted! Shields failing!;//message
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    OOOhhh, I like Convederate Cerdits. It'll sound rather funny really;
    Shop owner: that item is 10 cc's
    Buyer: er, 10 cc's of what? Adrenalin? Morfene?
    Shop owner: you're not from around here are you?

    Anywyas, Zex, are you planning on making 2 or more playable chars? one on the convederate side and one on the pirate/rebel side? perhaps even an Alien side too.

    Perhaps make it so that the convederate player can't buy stuf with his cc's at pirate or rebel bases (If he's even allowed to go near one without getting shot at and visa versa. The rebels/pirates could have like Pesos (sounds piratish) or PC's (Some humour in a game always works

    This would allow you to diveersivy the mod so much that you could actually make 2 or 3 mods. Perhaps make the 1st one complete and then add the second and third part.

    Another Idea, Why not make it so you start as the same person, with the same ship aka Wolf IV, but then you have to choose between Rebel campaign and Convederate campaign. Like in the beginning of Wazzal you have to choose if you want to help the merchant guy or help his brother.

    and perhaps you could even add an Alien player that uses guacamoly for credits hehe.. ok so that might not work but it would be cool to fly in one of those coll alien fighters!

    And what about missions? have anny ideas for missions yet? I've got a few!

    Convederate: Missions mainly against the aliens and a little bit against the pirates/rebels

    1. Assault on an alien transport convoy (Could be a whole series of them, each one getting more difficult)

    2. Defend a colony agains an alien assaylt (Again, could be a lot of these getting more difficult)

    3. Raid a Pirate/Rebel Base for supplies to fight the aliens.

    Pirates/rebels: Missions mostly against the conveds and a little bit against the aliens.

    1. Infiltrate and steal some Convederate hardware (Wolf V perhaps?)

    2. Raid a Conved Medical vacility for Medicine

    3. Ivestigate what happened to a Rebel/Pirate colony near Alien Space.

    Aliens: Missions against all oxigen breathing human scum!

    1. Kill Confederates

    2. Kill Pirates/Rebels

    3. Kill Humans

    Well, I'm done!

    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    I like your ideas;

    Wow. That went better than I hoped.
    I like the idea of being able to take vehicles such as tanks, etc. to the planet surface. Perhaps you could add assualt mechs that work on their own? AI controlled help, in other words. I made a battledroid for Notrium (new graphics included) that fires a laser (the wazzal red-laser graphics ) as a primary weapon and launches missiles, somewhat randomly, whenever enemies approach. (I haven't seen any mod that has a creature follow you and use a special secondary weapon only when enemies are nearby. But I assume that others have also made similar scripts. I was thinking that you could use the script to allow your enemy AI to fire both lasers and the occational missile. That would make them more realistic fighters.)
    I am pretty impressed the way it came out, since I'm not very talented with graphics ops: . In fact I made both my droid and bazooka from mixing and matching existing Notrium graphics.

    I have the scripts and animation for them both, if you are interested in either.

    I would like to show them here but have no idea how. (I see it wants a web adress from me. Only problem is I have no website. I have already scaled them down to around 2.5KB 64 x 64 each, for posting purposes. But I can E-mail them to you. Or anyone interested for that matter.)

    I can give you the script for the battledroid missile launch sequence. Just give the word.

    Oh, yes! Has anyone inverted the colours for the normal notrium missiles? You get a really funky white missile with a blue explosion! It is the easiest way to get something that resembles a plasma explosion.

    EDIT: I just found the modding library thread. I'm adding the battledroid script there.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    I like your ideas;

    Wow. That went better than I hoped.
    I like the idea of being able to take vehicles such as tanks, etc. to the planet surface. Perhaps you could add assualt mechs that work on their own? AI controlled help, in other words. I made a battledroid for Notrium (new graphics included) that fires a laser (the wazzal red-laser graphics ) as a primary weapon and launches missiles, somewhat randomly, whenever enemies approach. (I haven't seen any mod that has a creature follow you and use a special secondary weapon only when enemies are nearby. But I assume that others have also made similar scripts. I was thinking that you could use the script to allow your enemy AI to fire both lasers and the occational missile. That would make them more realistic fighters.)
    I am pretty impressed the way it came out, since I'm not very talented with graphics ops: . In fact I made both my droid and bazooka from mixing and matching existing Notrium graphics.

    I have the scripts and animation for them both, if you are interested in either.

    I would like to show them here but have no idea how. (I see it wants a web adress from me. Only problem is I have no website. I have already scaled them down to around 2.5KB 64 x 64 each, for posting purposes. But I can E-mail them to you. Or anyone interested for that matter.)

    I can give you the script for the battledroid missile launch sequence. Just give the word.

    I would love to see the graphics; and here's how you can get them to me:
    Go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ,
    Click 'upload' and select your iamge (It need to be a .png graphic, is it?)
    Simply follow the quotes and paste the correct code into your message here.

    And forceuser, I'm still working out whether to have more than one race. Your ideas for missions are great, and i like how the three sets of missions are related (Like how the rebels need to investigate a destroyed base, and the Confederacy are the ones who destroyed it).
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    How about we go beyond AI mechs? Why not have a whole load of mechs, and let the player hop in? They could have machineguns for a main weapon and have a point-defense system whenever enemies are near (not missiles, that would be cheap unless it was only the AI that could do it).
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    THANKS ZeXLR8er!! !!!!

    Here are the two pics. Larger version available on demand. (Including the complete animation for battledroid.)

    The Bazooka:

    The Battledroid:

    Hope they are of some use to somebody.

    P.S. - I had to decrease the colours to 256 and the sizes to 64 x 64 to keep them small. (Don't want to lag the forum.) So they may look a bit rough.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    The Battledroid:
    ACK!!! It's a horrible flashlight-robot mutant-thing! Get it away, get it away!

    By the way, welcome to the forums. The thing on the bottom said you're the newest member. It's rare we get a new member that actually posts (let alone knows how to script, good job).

    I think we should have the marines have something similar to the battledroid thing, except be you can choose what weapons marines use. Some could use a specific gun (pistol, laser pistol, rapid-fire pistol, rocket launcher, etc.), while others could use multiple guns (secondary = grenades, wimpy pistol, etc.), and still others could switch weapons with the player. I remember a glitch that did something like that in v1.2, way back when. If another "captain" was spawned and you changed weapons, all the other "captains" changed weapons with you. So you could have 10 guys running around with warp guns, or 10 guys running around with pulse lasers. It was fun.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "UberWaffe" said:
    The Battledroid:
    ACK!!! It's a horrible flashlight-robot mutant-thing! Get it away, get it away!

    A flashlight? What a great idea!... Just kidding. I see you read the thread before I saw I messed up the names. I know it looks silly, because I used the De/Magnitizer, tilted it, slapped part of the light diode at the back. Sucked out the blue from it and the blurred the detail on both so that it looked somewhat like something of my own, horrible mutant, making. The thick part at the back is in fact the funnel that all rocket launchers have to relieve kickback.
    But yes, my graphical talents are lacking.

    About the missiles. The missiles don't have to be able to fly for 20 seconds. In fact it could be scaled down to say 10? In any account. I have used them in my game and found out a simple truth. They are highly inaccurate when it comes to small fast targets. They tend to miss the opponent if you don't aim properly. I multiplied their turn speed by 4 and still they didn't hit if you aimed badly. I don't think it would unbalance the game. Especially if rockets are expensive or hard to come by. Mainly they should be there to take out big enemy tanks, turrets, mechs, etc. Things that are slow and strong.

    By hey, its not my mod.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    By hey, its not my mod.
    That's not entirely true. Anyone who suggests something good enough gets their idea into the mod and their name into the credits.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    That is cool! I often see people taking credit for stuff they haven't done. The Notrium modding community has been amazingly nice in that aspect, especially if their adding your name to the credits of their mods.

    I already said that I uploaded the scripts for the battledroid in the Notrium Modding Library thread but I also added links to my recently uploaded animation and picture files of the battledroid and bazooka. It is there to be used, so go on ahead and use them if they look usable.

    Just remember to keep the Notrium 'your stuff is in my mod so so are you!' spirit alive!
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    I have those screenshots that weren't working last time I tried posting them. Here they are.

    Picture 1

    Picture 2
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Nice graphics, Uberwaffle, I'l see what I can do with them.
    And thanks for the screenies Mageking.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    How long is it going to take till ye have finished the 0.2?
    Idiota 20 years ago
    I have an idea. I've been inspired by all the capital ship ideas. How about you owning one, but you have the Wolf V in the ship docks? You command your fleet from the capital ship (capital ship gets bigger as you get promoted) and can join the battle any time. Enemy fighters can be dispatched from enemy capital ships every now and then to attack you. Maybe you can make your own ships and such and you can dispatch them from the bridge. I don't know, but most of iy seems possible.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I have an idea. I've been inspired by all the capital ship ideas. How about you owning one, but you have the Wolf V in the ship docks? You command your fleet from the capital ship (capital ship gets bigger as you get promoted) and can join the battle any time. Enemy fighters can be dispatched from enemy capital ships every now and then to attack you. Maybe you can make your own ships and such and you can dispatch them from the bridge. I don't know, but most of iy seems possible.
    Maybe if you were a bit more specific, we could know if it could be done exactly as you wanted. But I think something along those lines could be added.

    As soon as v0.2b I'll see if I can mod it...
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Well, think about it; the longer build 2 takes, the more stuff's going to be in it. But I'm still aiming for with 2-3 days.
    gold kiros 20 years ago

    What if you could choose a class or specialty before you start the game.

    Wouldm't mean your weaker in something but mean you have a bonus. Like this.

    Marine: 20% health, 10% carrying capacity, faster movement and when you become a Captain bonuses pass on to your troops.

    Navigator: 20% more shield and resistance to damage of ships, 8 xtra slots for capital ships, 6 for frigates, 4 for corvettes and 2 for fighters,Faster movement and quicker energy\shield recharge.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "gold kiros" said:
    Marine: 20% health, 10% carrying capacity, faster movement and when you become a Captain bonuses pass on to your troops.

    Navigator: 20% more shield and resistance to damage of ships, 8 xtra slots for capital ships, 6 for frigates, 4 for corvettes and 2 for fighters,Faster movement and quicker energy\shield recharge.
    How about this?

    Soldier: Health and weapon bonuses (for player only) occur faster, marines receive upgrades with you as you level up.

    Pilot: Ship upgrades (including weapons) occur faster, ship has faster turning rate.

    Leader: Player levels faster (requires 1/4 less exp for every level)
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    I like the specialities idea. It will add replayability to the mod.
    Correct me if I am wrong but the Level/Rank gain happens by completing missions? Why then not add a second xp system dependant on freelancing. (Killing enemy ships, like the random ones flying around. Making a certain amount of cash. Etc.) That would encourage the player to divert from the missions, and thus extend the mod's play time.

    But the rewards should be small, since they can be gained early on if you work hard. Something like:

    500 Xp -> Choice between credits or weapon.

    2500 Xp -> Choice between an item that gives 1 hp / 5 sec healing. Or an item that gives 1 hp / 5 sec energy. (Both items should apply to spaceship and yourself.)

    7500 Xp -> Merchant skill. (Better trade prices for buy/sell.) Or Banker skill. (Say 2 credits / sec.)

    Etc. The skills you do not choose you can never take again, so it would also increase replayability because people would want to try different skills. But Xp required for level ups should increase exponentially.

    Other skills to consider: -Survivalist (Trade energy for health + shields.)
    -Berserker. (Trade health / shields to fire a powerful weapon.)
    -Sleeper. (Did something similar in my mod. Deactivate weapons, slow movement, for a time but regain health/shields/energy during that period.)
    -Tech. Wizard. (Faster recovery of your Electronic Instability bar.)
    (I only suggested things I know I could mod, so I am sure that these would be easy cruising for you.)

    Off topic Note: I am hoping to get Thaimodz to host my mod soon.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    I like the specialities idea. It will add replayability to the mod.
    Correct me if I am wrong but the Level/Rank gain happens by completing missions?
    I was under the impression that it was that EXP is earned by killing enemies AND missions.
    UberWaffe 20 years ago
    Sorry, it seems I had misunderstood. I thought you gained ranks after completing certain missions. But perhaps some of the level up rewards I mentioned can still be used. Is there going to be the opportunity to do freelancing? Such as buy and sell stuff? That would also be nice. That way you can fund your own war with trading.

    Admiral: Captain, you have to save mankind!
    Captain: Okay! Where is the fleet I get to command?
    Admiral: Fleet? Ha! You have to build it up from scratch! We might be desperate to survive but we are still greedy!
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    Admiral: Captain, you have to save mankind!
    Captain: Okay! Where is the fleet I get to command?
    Admiral: Fleet? Ha! You have to build it up from scratch! We might be desperate to survive but we are still greedy!

    Admiral: Fleet? Ha! The fleet was destroyed along with Sol system. You have to build it up from scratch!
    gold kiros 20 years ago
    A few things for Zex.

    1. Will there be hyperdrive or "jumping" from place to place.
    I would really like it.

    I haven't heard once about there being factions or groups you become ally with or enemies with.

    Say you are attacked by an enemy faction but your allys can substitue for your regular ships if you want to.
    You get free fuel and marines every so often and missions from them that get you better benefits. Somewhat like this.

    1st level: Basic protection, like a sentry to help you and you get to use a healing pool within thier base.

    2nd: Same as above but with ability to have your own guards around with thiers with limited access to fuel.

    3rd: Same but Advanced base protection in and out of it, docking bays to store unused fighters. Access to small arms armory.

    4th: Same but with access to main armory and able to recieve full support with every defense.

    5th: Same but with access to specialty armory, borrow ships for money ranging from fighters to Capital ships, able to control everyone within the base.


    How about placing planet cannons and if you fight one with it it fires every so often at you. Maybe?

    Somw random events would be nice. Base infiltrations, wormholes, mercenaries for hire, bar fights, ship hijackers.


    Zex. Will we be able to dock somewhere but walk around the dock and to the repair\weapon shops. As in walk everywhere and bases too. Maybe build bases?

    MageKing17 20 years ago
    Howabout these "friendly" bases are where you can recruit lost marines (or get new ones once your maximum allowed increases after a level up), and they have ships on patrol nearby? That way, you can retreat to them after a fight. And you can have a ship spawner on the planet graphic that only activates after a certain amount of time and there aren't enough ships around.

    Also, see my post about levels. I listed a "planetary bombardment," which is effective against ground-based defenses. Get my drift?
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Yes, I really like the Planetary bombardment, but I think it would work more like the airstrike in OP. I can't think of how it would work otherwise.

    How about placing planet cannons and if you fight one with it it fires every so often at you. Maybe?

    Somw random events would be nice. Base infiltrations, wormholes, mercenaries for hire, bar fights, ship hijackers.


    Zex. Will we be able to dock somewhere but walk around the dock and to the repair\weapon shops. As in walk everywhere and bases too. Maybe build bases?
    Wow, very nice ideas. I like the random events, and yes, I'm planning on having a lot. I'm thinking of undefined wormholes which appear on the map for short amounts of time before dissappearing, as well as random mutinees etc.
    And you'll definetly be able to dock and go to various shops, bars etc.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er!!" said:
    Yes, I really like the Planetary bombardment, but I think it would work more like the airstrike in OP. I can't think of how it would work otherwise.
    It would just be a weapon that has a really low fire rate and travels really slow. Once it hits the planetary defenses (a creature which is overlapping the image of the planet), it deals it's damage and the defenses stop (die).
    gold kiros 20 years ago
    I have an idea how the panetary bombardment would look like.
    A ship would tilt to the side and shoot missles out from the side.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "gold kiros" said:
    I have an idea how the panetary bombardment would look like.
    A ship would tilt to the side and shoot missles out from the side.
    That might be a bit hard, considering you only get four frames of animation...
    Casanova 20 years ago
    if the ship is made to stand still, it could be made invisible and the extra animation frames be done with a plot object.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    if the ship is made to stand still, it could be made invisible and the extra animation frames be done with a plot object.
    Seems like a lot of work, though.

    Can someone test this to see if it could be done?

    No, not you ZeX, we want v0.2b before you do anything else.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Yes, please someone try it out.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I used this method for the player death animation in my mod. But in this case the grapic should loop back to the original creature stance, so its just a few more entries in the object definitions.
    Forum » WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!
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